1. In the embrace of acceptance, I am at a loss with you
My expectation and heart in you were not content with patience
١. وَعَصرِ الرِضا إِنّي لَدَيكَ لَفي خُسرِ
بِمَطلي وَقَلبي فيكَ لَم يَرضَ بِالصَبرِ
2. And your promise is needful of the respite of my term
And your Lord knows best what remains of my life
٢. وَوَعدُكَ مُحتَاجٌ إِلى فَسحِ مُدَّتي
وَرَبُّكَ أَدرى ما تَخَلَّفَ مِن عُمري
3. And the excess of my request makes people think
That I attacked and extracted that by force
٣. وَفُرطُ التَقاضي يوهِمُ الناسَ أَنَّني
هَجَمتُ وَاِستَنزَعتُ ذَلِكَ بِالقَسرِ
4. So if prevention barred its fulfillment, pardon me
For an excuse is better than betrayal
٤. فَإِن صَدَّ عَن إِنجازِهِ المَنعُ فَاِنعِموا
بَعُذرٍ فَإِنَّ العُذرَ أَسوى مِنَ الغَدرِ