
You have bestowed upon me the beautiful, though had I not

أنت أوليتني الجميل ولولا

1. You have bestowed upon me the beautiful, though had I not
Been of frail fortune, I would have been more worthy of striving.

١. أَنتَ أَولَيتَني الجَميلَ وَلَولا
ضُعفُ حَظّي لَكُنتُ بِالسَعيِ أَولى

2. You never cease to surpass people in kindness,
As you care for worshipers with gentleness and endurance.

٢. لَم تَزَل تَسبُقُ الأَنامِ بِحُسنا
كَ وَتولي العِبادَ لُطفاً وَطولا

3. You have been charitable in visiting this slave,
Thus proving true my hopes and words about you.

٣. قَد تَصَدَّقتَ بِالزِيارَةِ لِلعَب
دِ فَصَدَّقتَ فيكَ ظَنّاً وَقولا

4. When you visit, you visit a slave, tender,
And when you repel, you repel a treasure and master.

٤. فَإِذا زُرتَ زُرتَ عَبداً وَرِقاً
وَإِذا ذُدتَ ذُدتَ ذُخراً وَمَولى