1. The tears have uncovered what was once concealed
And if you wish to know of his state, you will see
١. قَد هَتَكَ الدَمعُ مِنهُ ما سَتَرا
وَإِن تُرِد خُبرَ حالِهِ سَتَرى
2. Love has taken him captive and keeps him hidden
So when his tears overflowed, it became apparent
٢. صَبٌّ أَسَرَّ الهَوى وَكَتَّمَهُ
فَعِندَما فاضَ دَمعُهُ ظَهَرا
3. Be not surprised if his tears flow
Rather, be amazed that separation caused this
٣. لا تَعجَبوا إِن جَرَت مَدامِعُهُ
بَلِ اِعجَبوا لِلفِراقِ كَيفَ جَرى
4. Damascus's lightning flashed before his eyes
So his tear clouds sent down rain
٤. شامَ بُروقَ الشامِ ناظِرُهُ
فَأَرسَلَت سُحبُ دَمعِهِ مَطَرا
5. When the flames of his burning anguish
Ignited a fire in his heart that blazed
٥. لَمّا تَراقى مِن حَرِّ لَوعَتِهِ
لَهيبُ نارٍ بِقَلبِهِ اِستَعَرا
6. His tears gathered in his eyelids
And if his fire melted them, they dripped as drops
٦. تَكاتَفَ الدَمعُ في مَحاجِرِهِ
فَإِن أَذابَتهُ نارُهُ قَطَرا