
If you had sent in the breeze's gentle stir

لو بعثتم في طي نشر النسيم

1. If you had sent in the breeze's gentle stir
A tender greeting to my serene heart,

١. لَو بَعَثتُم في طَيِّ نَشرِ النَسيمِ
بِسَلامٍ راقٍ لِقَلبي السَليمِ

2. We would have met it with acceptance,
And been healed, even were it poison.

٢. لَاِلتَقَينا قَبولَها بِقَبولٍ
وَشُفينا مِنها وَلَو بِالسُمومِ

3. And if the messenger had brought a single ember
To a lover among you in hellfire,

٣. وَلَوَ اَنَّ الرَسولَ جاءَ بِطِرسٍ
لِمُحِبٍّ مِن بَينِكُم في جَحيمِ

4. I would have said, on his return, "O fire, be cool
And safe for Abraham's sake."

٤. قُلتُ عِندَ الإِيابِ يا نارُ بَرداً
وَسَلاماً كوني لِإِبراهيمِ

5. A hoopoe guided my strength when there did not come
To the servant from a generous Scripture.

٥. هُدهُدٌ هَدَّ قَوَّتي حينَ لَم يُل
قِ إِلى العَبدِ مِن كِتابٍ كَريمِ

6. It came hastening with every firm covenant,
Came from its words with a well-ordered full moon,

٦. جاءَ يَسعى بِكُلِّ طِرسٍ نَضيدٍ
جاءَ مِن لَفظِهِ بِدُرٍّ نَظيمِ

7. With meanings of solidity like marble
And words of softness like the breeze.

٧. بِمَعانٍ مِنَ الجَزالَةِ كَالصَخ
رِ وَلَفظٍ مِن رِقَّةٍ كَالنَسيمِ

8. So I took good omens from it, and its meanings were
Pollination for every barren thought.

٨. فَتَوَسَّمتُهُ فَكانَت مَعاني
هِ لِقاحاً لِكُّلِ فِكرٍ عَقيمِ

9. My master - but no! I heard talk of you
That in my mind resembles wounds.

٩. سَيِّدي بَل سَمِعتُ عَنكَ كَلاماً
هُوَ في مُهجَتي شَبيهُ الكُلومِ

10. For my patron has falsely supposed ignorance
After the fall of twigs in the valley of el-Sarim.

١٠. إِنَّ مَولايَ قَد تَوَلَّعَ جَهلاً
بَعدَ سِقطِ اللَوى بِوادي الصَريمِ

11. And they reported of him that that was a lasting marriage
Demanding binding conditions.

١١. وَرَوَوا عَنهُ أَنَّ ذاكَ زَواجٌ
ثابِتٌ يَقتَضي شُروطَ اللُزومِ

12. Then it was said he was guided - would that he had
Remained in that ancient error!

١٢. ثُمَّ قيلَ اِهتَدى فَيالَيتَهُ دا
مَ عَلى ذَلِكَ الضَلالِ القَديمِ

13. So I sighed in sorrow and sought refuge
From evil with the All-hearing, All-knowing,

١٣. فَتَنَفَّستُ حَسرَةً وَتَعَوَّذ
تُ مِنَ الشَرِّ بِالسَميعِ العَليمِ

14. Lord of right guidance surnamed as error,
And misery surnamed as bliss.

١٤. رَبُّ رُشدٍ مُلَقَّبٍ بِضَلالٍ
وَشَقاءٍ مُلَقَّبٍ بِنَعيمِ