
Had you tasted the sweetness of innocent love,

أما والهوى لو ذقت طعم الهوى العذري

1. Had you tasted the sweetness of innocent love,
You would have stayed with whom I love, O innocent one.

١. أَما وَالهَوى لَو ذُقتَ طَعمَ الهَوى العُذري
أَقَمتَ بِمَن أَهواهُ يا عُذري

2. If your eyes saw the face of my tormentor
Who visited me after estrangement and separation,

٢. وَلَو شاهَدَت عَيناكَ وَجهُ مُعَذِّبي
وَقَد زارَني بَعدَ القَطيعَةِ وَالهَجرِ

3. You would have seen how my heart welcomes him,
While Ali's sword is in Abu Bakr's sheath.

٣. رَأَيتَ بِقَلبي مَن تَلَقّيهِ مَرحَباً
وَسَيفُ عَليٍّ في لِحاظِ أَبي بَكرِ

4. Graceful he is, his branch and forehead are shown to us
Like darkness's tent with the moon's halo beneath.

٤. مَليحٌ يُرينا فَرعُهُ وَجَبينُهُ
سُدولَ ظَلامٍ تَحتَها هالَةُ البَدرِ

5. Tan as calligraphy, blue are his eyes,
Like the blueness of lances over tan.

٥. وَأَسمَرُ كَالخَطِّيِّ زُرقاً عُيونُهُ
كَذاكَ رِماحُ الخَطِّ زُرقاً عَلى سُمرُ

6. I mixed the softness of love's complaint with his reproach,
So it was as if I mixed water with wine.

٦. مَزَجتُ بِشَكوى الحُبِّ رِقَّةَ عَتبِهِ
فَكُنتُ كَأَنّي أَمزُجُ الماءَ بِالخَمرِ

7. I enjoyed the shade of confession, even if
It brought the danger of aloofness when I offered my excuse.

٧. وَلُذتُ بِظِلِّ الأَعتِرافِ وَإِن جَنى
مَحافَةَ إِعراضٍ إِذا جِئتُ بِالعُذرِ