1. The night's bosom was ripped open by the dawn's throat,
O you who are walking!
١. شُقَّ جَيبُ اللَيلِ عَن نَحرِ الصَباح
أَيُّها الساقون
2. And for the rising sun, pearls appeared on the forehead of the horizon,
Hidden pearls.
٢. وَبَدا لِلطَلِّ في جيدِ الأَقاح
لُؤلُؤٌ مَكنون
3. And a fortunate bird called us to the pleasures of the morning,
To dye the resting place with the blood of the pitcher plants,
٣. وَدَعانا لِلَذيذِ الإِصطِباح
طائِرٌ مَيمون
4. The maidens of Paradise receive its blood in bowls,
So serve me that coffee which adorns cups,
٤. فَاِخضِبِ المِبزَلَ مِن نَحرِ الدِنان
بِدَمِ الزَرجون
5. With the brilliance of lights,
And kills reason when it brings life to souls,
٥. تَتَلَقّى دَمَها حورُ الجِنان
في صِحافٍ جون
6. The comfort of secrets.
A daughter of a vine freed by the Magi,
٦. فَاِسقِنيها قَهوَةً تَكسو الكُؤوس
بِسَنا الأَنوار
7. In the houses of fire,
Plato planted her vine between the goblets,
٧. وَتُميتُ العَقلَ إِذ تُحيي النُفوس
راحَةُ الأَسرار
8. And with the water of the bowl it was moistened,
The stored one.
٨. بِنتُ كَرمٍ عُتِّقَت عِندَ المَجوس
في بُيوتِ النار
9. She told us about the people of ancient times,
A recurring story,
٩. غَرَسَت كَرمَتَها بَينَ القِيان
يَدُ أَفلاطون
10. And narrated how the Friend spoke on the day,
When the Mount shook,
١٠. وَبِماءِ الصَرحِ قَد كانَ يُطان
دَنُّها المَخزون
11. And why the people of sin took the cave,
As their mentioned refuge.
١١. أَخبَرَتنا عَن بَني العَصرِ القَديم
خَبَراً مَأثور
12. And Jonah called at the time of tribulation,
With the upright nun,
١٢. وَرَوَت يَومَ مُناجاةِ الكَليم
كَيفَ دُكَّ الطور
13. And Noah built after the flood,
His laden ship.
١٣. وَلِماذا اِتَّخَذَت أَهلُ الرَقيم
كَهفَها المَذكور
14. Since the sun of dawn rose as the full moon,
In the black nights,
١٤. وَنَدا يونُسُ عِندَ الإِمتِحان
بِاِلتِقامِ النون
15. And it started dyeing the fringes of darkness,
With the blood of grapes.
١٥. وَبَنى نوحُ غَداةَ الطَوَفان
فُلكَهُ المَشحون
16. I said, O you who bring good news, this is a boy,
And a rosy-cheeked girl,
١٦. مُذ جَلا شَمسَ الضُحى بَدرُ التَمام
في اللَيالي السود
17. They mixed the cup and went on to serve,
In the sanctuary of Jeron,
١٧. وَغَدا يَصبُغُ أَذيالَ الظَلام
بِدَمِ العُنقود
18. So we poured in the goblets and cups,
What Qarun possessed.
١٨. قُلتُ يا بُشراكُمُ هَذا غُلام
وَفَتاةٌ رود
19. The act of wine had an effect from the essence of the vessels,
When the comfort was drunk,
١٩. مَزَجا الكَأسَ وَراحا يَسقِيان
في حِمى جيرون
20. So it started covering because of extreme intoxication,
Her radiant face.
٢٠. فَبَذَلنا في القَناني وَالقِيان
ماحَوى قارون
21. I found her when she did not leave any cover,
Except a brilliant wrap,
٢١. نالَ فِعلُ الخَمرِ مِن ذاتِ الخِمار
عِندَ شُربِ الراح
22. A moon completed for seven and eight,
In the plump nights,
٢٢. فَغَدَت تَستُرُ مِن فَرطِ الخُمار
وَجهَها الوَضّاح
23. The sun destined it during the time of conjunction,
So it is like the little finger.
٢٣. خِلتُها إِذ لَم تَدَع بِالإِختِمار
غَيرَ صَلتٍ لاح
24. Did the flutist blow his decorated flute,
So it became for the dead drunkards,
٢٤. قَمَراً تَمَّ لِسَبعٍ وَثَمان
في اللَيالي الجون
25. Like the blowing of the trumpet?
Or as the land lived after destruction,
٢٥. قَدَّرَتهُ الشَمسُ في حالِ القِران
فَهوَ كَالعُرجون
26. With the dew of the victorious one,
A king who refined the morals of time,
٢٦. أَفعَمَ الزامرُ بِالنَفخِ المُدار
نايَهُ المَخصور
27. His promised justice,
And he returned the people in the shade of security,
٢٧. فَغَدا وَهوَ لِأَمواتِ الخُمار
مِثلَ نَفخِ الصور
28. His guaranteed wrath.
A king who helped the seekers of dew,
٢٨. أَو كَما عاشَ الوَرى بَعدَ البَوار
بِنَدى المَنصور
29. To the utmost help,
Reconciling if the times of enmity lasted,
٢٩. مَلِكٌ هَذَّبَ أَخلاقَ الزَمان
عَدلُهُ المَسنون
30. And the flirting if he was generous,
From the sons who climbed the flags of guidance,
٣٠. وَأَعادَ الناسَ في ظِلِّ الأَمان
عَضبُهُ المَسنون
31. Noble helpers.
He paved the lands with justice so security,
٣١. مَلِكٌ أَنجَدَ طُلّابَ النَدى
غايَةَ الإِنجاد
32. Became guaranteed,
Its wolf and sheep grazing in a place,
٣٢. مُتلِفٌ إِن جالَ آجالَ العِدى
وَاللُهى إِن جاد
33. Its betrayal guaranteed.
The spender of wealth before asking,
٣٣. مِن بَني أُرتُقَ أَعلامِ الهُدى
سادَةٍ أَنجاد
34. With generous palms,
Whoever hoped for something attains,
٣٤. مَهَّدَ الأَرضينَ بِالعَدلِ فَكان
أَمنُها مَضمون
35. The sought purpose.
So if a hopeful asked him,
٣٥. ذيبُها وَالشاةُ تَرعى في مَكان
غَدرُهُ مَأمون
36. He would give generously.
He grants boys and beautiful maidens,
٣٦. باذِلُ الأَموالِ مِن قَبلِ السُؤال
بِأَكُّفِّ الجود
37. Willingly and generously,
And anything else if asked by an eloquent tongue,
٣٧. ما رَجاهُ آمِلٌ إِلّا يَنال
غايَةَ المَقصود
38. He does not prevent sustenance.
O king of the people of time, you are a king,
٣٨. فَإِذا ما أَمَّهُ راجي النَوال
جادَ بِالمَوجود
39. So you bought the free ones,
You are a great king or an angel,
٣٩. يَهَبُ الوِلدانَ وَالحورَ الحِسان
بِكرَها وَالعون
40. The shining lights.
Whatever the orbit chose for you,
٤٠. وَسِواهُ إِن دَعاهُ ذو لِسان
يَمنَعُ الماعون
41. And the course of fate ran.
Since the sultan of eras saw your might,
٤١. يا مَليكاً لِبَني الدَهرِ مَلَك
فَشَرى الأَحرار
42. While he was saddened,
He sought victory like Moses, so he sought help,
٤٢. مَلِكٌ أَنتَ عَظيمٌ أَم مَلَك
ساطِعُ الأَنوار
43. From you, O Aaron!
٤٣. بِالَّذي تَختارُهُ دارَ الفَلَك
وَجَرى المِقدار
٤٤. مُذ رَأى بَأسَكَ سُلطانُ الأَوان
وَهوَ كَالمَحزون
٤٥. حاولَ النَصرَ كَموسى فَاِستَعان
بِكَ يا هارون