
Your branches stirred with estrangement in their twittering,

أشجتك بالتغريب في تغريدها

1. Your branches stirred with estrangement in their twittering,
So you thought an idol's temple was one of her servants.

١. أَشجَتكَ بِالتَغريبِ في تَغريدِها
فَظَنَنتَ مَعبَدَ كانَ بَعضَ عَبيدِها

2. She pulled the strings and woke the sleepers with her melody,
And lent the waking the fragrance of her slumber.

٢. وَشَدَت فَأَيقَظَتِ الرُقودَ بِشَدوِها
وَأَعارَتِ الأَيقاظَ طيبَ رُقودِها

3. A cheek she struck with her tongue and her teeth
Until her rhythms and her songs grew indistinguishable,

٣. خَودٌ شَدَت بِلِسانِها وَبَنانِها
حَتّى تَشابَهَ ضَربُها وَنَشيدِها

4. As though the tune of her lute was in her voice
And the softness of her voice was in her lute.

٤. فَكَأَنَّ نَغمَةَ عودِها في صَوتِها
وَكَأَنَّ رِقَّةَ صَوتِها في عودِها

5. She sensed the distances of melody and matched them
With justice between that which was near and far from her.

٥. فَطَنَت لِأَبعادِ الشَدودِ فَناسَبَت
بِالعَدلِ بَينَ قَريبِها وَبَعيدِها

6. The skills of composition were perfected in her, as though
She had inherited the fundamentals of knowledge from David.

٦. كَمُلَت صَنائِعُ وَضعِها فَكَأَنَّما
وَرِثَت أُصولَ العِلمِ عَن داودِها

7. She captivates minds, in the morn and eve,
And leaves them confused between her subtlety and her repetition.

٧. تَسبي العُقولَ فَصاحَةً وَصَباحَةً
فَتَحارُ بَينَ طَريفِها وَتَليدِها

8. With an acquired enunciation or innate eloquence
That tastes sweet to the eye of her envier.

٨. مِن لَهجَةٍ مَكسوبَةٍ أَو بَهجَةٍ
مَنسوبَةٍ تَحلو لِعَينِ حَسودِها

9. And I do envy her lute if she embraces
Its neck or holds it between her breasts.

٩. وَإِنّي لَأَحسُدُ عودَها إِن عانَقَت
عِطفَيهِ أَو ضَمَّتهُ بَينَ نُهودِها

10. And I am jealous of the kissing of cups by her lips
And melt at the touching of jewelry by her cheek.

١٠. وَأَغارُ مِن لَثمِ الكُؤوسِ لِثَغرِها
وَأَذوبُ مِن لَمسِ الحُلِيِّ لِجيدِها