1. Your shadow remains a refuge for the weak,
And the spring of your glory remains a rest for the weary.
١. لا زالَ ظِلِّكَ لِلعُفاةِ ظَليلا
وَرَبيعُ مَجدِكَ لِلمُقِلِّ مَقيلا
2. O King whose views
Have drawn their trains upon the clouds' ridge,
٢. يا أَيُّها المَلِكُ الَّذي آراؤُهُ
سَحَبَت عَلى هامِ السِحابِ ذُيولا
3. You are supported by your God with that which
You have used to extend protection over people and gain eminence.
٣. أَنتَ المُؤَيَّدُ مِن إِلَهِكَ بِالَّذي
طُلتَ الأَنامَ بِهِ وَنِلتَ السولا
4. With magnanimity that leaves the weak esteemed
And zeal that leaves the mighty abased.
٤. بِسَماحَةٍ تَذَرُ العُفاةَ أَعِزَّةً
وَحَماسَةٍ تَذرُ العَزيزَ ذَليلا
5. And qualities that if they clasped the hand of dawn
Would leave the left hand empty of purity.
٥. وَشَمائِلٍ لَو صافَحَت عِطفَ الصَبا
خِلتَ الشَمالَ مِنَ الصَفاءِ شَمولا
6. And blades that protected the frontiers of the land
And showed you at the limit of time as glorious.
٦. وَصَوارِمٍ حَمَتِ البِلادَ حُدودُها
وَأَرَتكَ في حَدِّ الزَمانِ فُلولا
7. You have set them above necks as shackles
And left them in breasts festering.
٧. فَنَظَمتَها فَوقَ الرِقابِ غَلاغِلاً
وَتَخالُها بَينَ الضُلوعِ غَليلا
8. The eyes of the world have aspired to your supremacy
And the glance of fate has turned away from you diminished.
٨. طَمَحَت إِلى عَلياكَ أَحداقُ الوَرى
وَاِرتَدَّ طَرفُ الدَهرِ عَنكَ كَليلا
9. The exalted ones have granted you the right of their dowry
Until you were content to have them as lovers.
٩. وَهَبَت لَكَ العَلياءُ حَقَّ صَداقِها
حَتّى رَضيتَ بِأَن تَراكَ خَليلا
10. If the leaders of your tribes are heading toward you
The houses of wealth have become empty of you.
١٠. إِن أَمَّ رَبعَكَ مِن وُفودِكَ قاصِدٌ
أَمسَت بُيوتُ المالِ مِنكَ طُلولا
11. You give and ask your petitioners for excuse along with the gift
Thus you have become the questioned giver.
١١. تُعطي وَتَسأَلُ سائِليكَ مَعَ العَطا
عُذراً فَكُنتَ السائِلَ المَسؤُولا
12. You find the few praises excessive
And see the much giving as too little.
١٢. تَجِدُ اليَسيرَ مِنَ المَدائِحِ مُفرِطاً
وَتَرى الكَثيرَ مِنَ العَطاءِ قَليلا
13. O you who when you promise good to your delegation
Time itself becomes guarantor of what you say.
١٣. يا مَن إِذا وَعَدَ الجَميلَ لِوَفدِهِ
أَضحى الزَمانُ بِما يَقولُ كَفيلا
14. My master, much weighs upon you
When my assumption of your eminence is good.
١٤. مَولايَ تَثقيلي عَليكَ كَثيرٌ
إِذ كانَ ظَنّي في عُلاكَ جَميلا
15. And in your countryside I have a dear one whom I have not found
Anyone but you to turn to for justice.
١٥. وَبِريفِ مِصرِكَ لي عَزيزٌ لَم أَجِد
بِسِواكَ لِلإِنصافِ مِنهُ سَبيلا
16. When I presented to your eminence a glance to mention him
And met acceptance from your benevolence,
١٦. لَمّا عَرَضتُ عَلى عُلاكَ لِذِكرِهِ
طَرفاً وَصادَفَ مِن نَداكَ قَبولا
17. I congratulated myself and then said to it rejoice
And trust for that is the promise of Ismael.
١٧. هَنَّأتُ نَفسي ثُمَّ قُلتُ لَها ابشِري
وَثِقي فَذَلِكَ وَعدُ إِسماعيلا
18. He is the truthful in promise for whose faithfulness
We seek evidence in texts and revelation.
١٨. هُوَ صادِقُ الوَعدِ الَّذي لِوَفائِهِ
نَستَشهِدُ الآياتِ وَالتَنزيلا
19. The Quraysh have continued boasting that I
Made him for a time your messenger.
١٩. قَد ظَلَّ يَفتَخِرُ القَريضُ بأَنَّني
صَيَّرتُهُ طَوراً إِلَيكَ رَسولا
20. And this servant well known for loving you is vocal
In speaking well of you morning and evening.
٢٠. وَالعَبدُ مُشتَهِرٌ بِحُبِّكَ ناطِقٌ
بِجَميلِ ذِكرِكَ بُكرَةً وَأَصيلا
21. So make the reward for his poetry from his wealth
Since his way is not to see any burden.
٢١. فَاِجعَل إِجازَةَ شِعرِهِ مِن مالِهِ
إِذ شَأنُهُ أَن لا يَرى التَثقيلا