
Her veil has lifted and naught remains concealed

بدت فلم يبق ستر غير منهتك

1. Her veil has lifted and naught remains concealed
Of me nor secret left unveiled

١. بَدَت فَلَم يَبقَ سِترٌ غَيرَ مُنهَتِكِ
مِنّا وَلَم يَبقَ سِرٌّ غَيرَ مُنهَتِكِ

2. She came, and night's shirt trails
Its hem, while morn's cloak has not been sewn

٢. وَأَقبَلَت وَقَميصُ اللَيلِ قَد نَحَلَت
أَسمالُهُ وَرِداءُ الصُبحِ لَم يُحَكِ

3. She smiled at seeing my tears, confused
My eyes' pearls with laughter's corals interwoven

٣. تَبَسَّمَت إِذ رَأَت مَبكايَ فَاِشتَبَهَت
مَدامِعي بِلَآلي الثَغرِ في الضَحِكِ

4. So I wavered midst the pearls of my tears and her smile
Perplexed amidst the entangled and the intertwined

٤. فَحِرتُ مِن دُرِّ عَبراتي وَمَبسِمِها
ما بَينَ مُشتَبِهٍ مِنها وَمُشتَبِكِ

5. My heart and body are in your hands, surrendered to passion
Ravish or rupture as you will

٥. مَلَكتِ قَلبي وَجِسمي في يَديكِ هَوىً
إِن شِئتِ فَاِنتَهِبي أَو شِئتِ فَاِنتَهِكي

6. Your glances undo lovers, yet you've naught to fear
Among the slain of love no bloodguilt rests on you

٦. أفنَت لِحاظُكِ أَربابَ الغَرامِ وَما
عَلَيكَ في قَتلَةِ العُشّاقِ مِن دَرَكِ

7. All the proud are humbled by passion for you
As the abased are exalted in a king's sanctuary

٧. يَذِلُّ كُلَّ عَزيزٍ في هَواكِ كَما
يَعِزُّ كُلَّ ذَليلِ في حِمى المَلِكِ

8. A king whom, if Fate's hand were to treat justly,
It would set nowhere but at the sky's pinnacle

٨. مَلكٌ لَوَ اَنَّ يَدَ الأَقدارِ تُنصِفُهُ
لَما أَحَلَّتهُ إِلّا ذُروَةَ الفَلَكِ

9. Folks marvel at what we recount of him, so if
They sought refuge in him, he would free what was bound

٩. يَستَعظِمُ الناسُ ما نَحكيهِ عَنهُ فَإِن
لاذوا بِهِ اِستَقلَلوا ما كانَ عَنهُ حُكي

10. People shared in the bounty of his comfort
Yet his glory in the wilds was peerless

١٠. تَشارَكَ الناسُ في إِنعامِ راحَتِهِ
وَمَجدُهُ في البَرايا غَيرُ مُشتَرَكِ

11. An ocean he was, yet his ports were wholesome
Though the sea gathers sweet and bitter both

١١. بَحرٌ وَلَكِنَّهُ طابَت مَشارِعُهُ
وَالبَحرُ يَجمَعُ مِن طيبٍ وَمِن سَهَكِ

12. In his palm, a pen whose claws
Bring benefit in frays or truces

١٢. في كَفِّهِ قَلَمٌ تَهمي مَشافِرُهُ
في نَفعِ مُعتَكَرٍ أَو وَقعِ مُعتَرَكِ

13. Say to one who shuns him, how to gain riches:
"You tread a path no foot before has trodden"

١٣. قُل لِلمُنَكِّبِ عَنُ كَي يَنالَ غِنىً
لَقَد سَلَكتَ طَريقاً غَيرَ مُنسَلِكِ

14. O you who'd sail the sea, I dwell now in a king's household
A neighbor to both sea and glorious king

١٤. يا قاصِدي البَحرَ إِنّي في ذَرى مَلِكٍ
لَديهِ أَصبَحتُ جارَ البَحرِ وَالمَلِكِ

15. O defender of the faith, whose will's meteors
Light the sky of glory and love

١٥. يا ناصِرَ الدينِ يا مَن شُهبُ عَزمَتِهِ
مُنيرَةٌ في سَماءِ المَجدِ وَالحُبُكِ

16. Fate brings no day when it would tilt
Against a servant clinging to your bond

١٦. لا يُقدِمُ الدَهرُ يَوماً أَن يَميلَ عَلى
عَبدٍ بِحَبلِ وَلاءٍ مِنكَ مُمتَسِكِ

17. No sooner have I pitched tent in your lands
Than you become as water to the fish

١٧. ما إِن حَطَطتُ رِحالي في رُبوعِكُمُ
إِلّا وَكُنتُم لَنا كَالماءِ لِلسَمَكِ

18. You've never ceased granting me affection and raising me high
Till I fancied myself at the sky's pinnacle

١٨. ما زِلتَ تَمنَحُني وُدّاً وَتَرفَعُني
حَتّى ظَنَنتُ مَحَلّي ذُروَةَ الفَلَكِ

19. I bid farewell to your glory, feet stumbling backwards,
As if barefoot I walked on jagged glass

١٩. وَدَّعتُ مَجدَكَ وَالأَقدامُ تَنكُصُ بي
كَأَنَّني حافِياً أَمشي عَلى حَسَكِ

20. How could any foot lead me from your shade?
By your grace it has the strongest fetters

٢٠. وَكَيفَ تَدرُجُ بي عَن ظِلِّكُم قَدَمٌ
أَمسى لَها جودُكُم مِن أَوثَقِ الشَرَكِ

21. So climb the heights, rising high,
Honored, while your detractor is in the pit's lowest abyss

٢١. فَاِسلَم عَلى قُلَلِ العَلياءِ مُرتَفِعاً
عِزّاً وَشانِئُكُم في أَسفَلِ الدَرَكِ