1. True to character, his haughty frown wrinkled his face,
And the pride he rode crashed down bending his frame.
١. وافى وَقَد شَفَعَ التَقَطُّبُ وَجهَهُ
وَطَحا بِها مَرَحُ التَكَبُّرِ فَاِنثَنى
2. Burdensome he seems, so souls thrust him away,
Further he is, though neared, the nearer he came.
٢. يَبدو فَتَقذِفُهُ النُفوسُ لِثِقلِهِ
فَتَراهُ أَبعَدَ ما يَكونُ إِذا دَنا
3. On seeing his foolishness, verses came to recite,
Making the hemistich carry his image inlaid:
٣. فَطَفِقتُ أُنشِدُ إِذ بَصُرتُ بِحُمقِهِ
بَيتاً جَعَلتُ الشَطرَ مِنهُ مُضَمَّنا
4. "Oh weightiness of his form and lightness of mind!
Why not move that from here to over here instead?"
٤. يا ثِقلَ صورَتِهِ وَخِفَّةَ رَأسِهِ
هَلّا نَقَلتِ إِلى هُنا مِن هاهُنا