1. With pillows sweet as sugar, he arrived
Bearing strange and delicate beauty
١. وَمُستَحلى المَراشِفِ سُكَّرِيَّ
أَتى بِغَرائِبِ الحُسنِ الظَريفِ
2. His hips contested with his rear until
The rule of the strong over the weak was clear
٢. تَنازَعَ خَصرُهُ وَالرِدفُ حَتّى
بَدا حُكمُ القَوِيِّ عَلى الضَعيفِ
3. When I saw his ample rear swaying
At the motions of his slender waist, I said:
٣. فَقُلتُ وَقَد رَأَيتُ كَثيفَ رَدفٍ
يَموجُ لِهَزَّةِ القَدِّ اللَطيفِ
4. Thus sweetness within him is instinctive
For one moderate, yet thickly endowed
٤. لِذا غَدَتِ الحَلاوَةُ فيهِ طَبعاً
لِمُعتَدِلٍ يُؤَثِّرُ في كَثيفِ