
O bearer of the sharp polished sword

صاحب السيف الصقيل المحلا

1. O bearer of the sharp polished sword
Draw it and cast away the scabbard

١. صاحِبَ السَيفِ الصَقيلِ المُحَلّا
جَرِّدِ اللَحظَ وَأَلقِ السِلاحا

2. You, Lord of the strong warriors
It did not suffice to carry the sword in vain and withered

٢. لَكَ يا رَبَّ العُيو
نِ القَواتِل

3. Eyes that appear in which the fighter
Nothing has flowed except steadfastness

٣. ما كَفى عَن حَملِ سَي
فٍ وَذابِل

4. They have bound our hearts with wounds
More firmly than a wounded gazelle from the children of Tork

٤. أَعيُنٌ تَبدو لَدَيها

5. Whose cheek is wounded with words, not with glances
So the army of night has collapsed without pain

٥. ما سَرى في جَفنِها الغَنجُ إِلّا
أَوثَقَت مِنّا القُلوبَ جِراحا

6. Its cheeks have dawned and the winds are clearing
So I imagined that my binding was a morning

٦. وَغَزالٍ مِن بَني ال
تُركِ أَلمى

7. He visited me while night had dragged its tail
So he showed us that his face was sun at night

٧. خَدُّهُ بِاللَفظِ لا ال
لَحظِ يَدمى

8. Whenever the wind leaned with it
His face appeared and shone

٨. فَلَّ جَيشَ اللَيلِ لَم
ما أَلَمّا

9. He made the ignorant night a morning
And a chiding beloved who had spent the night

٩. أَشرَقَت خَدّاهُ وَالراحُ تُجلى
فَتَوَهَّمتُ اِغتِباقي اِصطِباحا

10. Keeping him from harm in words
I said, say that I am risking my soul

١٠. زارَني وَاللَيلُ قَد
مَدَّ ذَيلا

11. He said, Refrain, I said No
I do not fear disgrace along with his love

١١. فَأَرانا وَجهُهُ ال
شَمسَ لَيلا

12. How many nights he spent conversing with me
While the blackness of night is inseparable from dawn

١٢. كُلَّما مالَت بِهِ ال
راحُ مَيلا

13. So he quenched my thirst, and the cup brought us together
He said, "Is the cup not full with comfort?"

١٣. وَتَبَدّى وَجهُهُ وَتَجَلّى
صَيَّرَ اللَيلَ البَهيمَ صَباحا

14. I said, "Your sweet saliva is enough comfort for me."
He said to me in reproach, and night was our guide

١٤. وَعُذولٍ باتَ لي
عَنهُ زاجِر

15. With my hand bringing him close to my pillow
You came between me and my sleep

١٥. إِذ رَآني مِن أَذى ال
قَولِ حاذِر

16. Making your right side a pillow for my leg
And the left hand on my waist an embrace

١٦. قُلتُ قُل إِنّي بِرو
حي مُخاطِر

17. And a girl who met with him and leaned
Seeking to kiss him when she leaned away

١٧. قالَ مَه لا تَعصِني قُلتُ مَهلا
لَستُ أَخشى مَع هَواهُ اِفتِضاحا

18. So he recoiled from her disgusted and said
“Do not forbid the kiss of a night when you allow it"

١٨. رُبَّ لَيلٍ باتَ في
هِ مُواصِل

19. We do not lack your graciousness

١٩. وَخِضابُ اللَيلِ بِال
صُبحِ ناصِل

٢٠. فَسَقاني الريقَ وَال
كَأسُ واصِل

٢١. قالَ أَملا الكَأسَ بِالراحِ أَم لا
قُلتُ حَسبي ريقُكَ العَذبُ راحا

٢٢. قالَ لي في العَتبِ وَال
لَيلُ هادي

٢٣. وَيَدي تُدنيهِ نَح
وَ وِسادي

٢٤. حُلتَ ما بَيني وَبَي
نَ رُقادي

٢٥. جاعِلاً يُمناكَ لِلساقِ حِجلا
وَاليَدَ اليُسرى لِخَصري وِشاحا

٢٦. وَفَتاةٍ واصَلَت
هُ وَمالَت

٢٧. تَبتَغي تَقبيلَهُ
حينَ زالَت

٢٨. فَاِنثَنى عَنها نِفا
راً فَقالَت

٢٩. عَن مَبيتِ لَيلَةٍ ما تَسمَح بِقُبلَه
لا عَدِمنا مِنكَ هَذي السَماحَه