1. They blamed you and were wrong
When you called, they delayed
١. قَلّوا لَدَيكَ فَأَخطَأوا
لَمّا دَعَوتَ فَأَبطَأوا
2. And pretended until you were reconciled
But when you made amends, they shunned you
٢. وَتَبَرَّعوا حَتّى تَصولَ
فَحينَ صُلتَ تَبَرَّأوا
3. They feared punishment, so they strengthened
And prepared themselves to flee
٣. خافوا النَكالَ فَوَطَّدوا
وَلِلفِرارِ تَهَيَّأوا
4. Leave them be, for not all the firm
Are firm in the face of calamities
٤. دَعهُم فَما كُلُّ الأَشِد
دَةِ لِلشَدائِدِ تُخبَأُ
5. You will soon hear what will befall
Those who envy your glory
٥. فَلَسَوفَ تَسمَعُ ما يَحِلُّ
بِمَن لِمَجدِكَ يَشنَأُ
6. So face the enemies with a rising
At which sights will turn bleary
٦. فَاِلقَ العُداةَ بِطَلعَةٍ
عَنها النَواظِرُ تَخسَأُ
7. For you, we have youths
Who do not neglect their vengeance
٧. فَلَدَيكَ مِنّا فِتيَةٌ
عَن ثارِها لا تَفتَأُ
8. They sought refuge with you, altogether
And the like of your shade is sought
٨. لَجَأوا إِلَيكَ بِجَمعِهِم
وَلِمِثلِ ظِلِّكَ يُلجَأُ
9. They expected your approval
And shunned all else
٩. وَتَوَقَّعوا مِنكَ الرِضى
وَلِما سِواهُ تَوَقَّأُوا
10. And were alert as if
They prophesied your warning
١٠. وَتَنَبَّهوا فَكَأَنَّهُم
بِالزِجرِ فيكَ تَنَبَّأُوا
11. O Douha, the whole world
Seeks shade under its shadows
١١. يا دَوحَةً كُلُّ الوَرى
بِظِلالِها يَتَفَيَّأُ
12. You are but a group
From which the generous are divided
١٢. ما أَنتَ إِلّا جُملَةٌ
مِنها الكِرامُ تَجَزَّأوا
13. If you reconcile, the enemies will abandon us
Shattered open from every crevice
١٣. إِن صُلتَ غادَرنا العُدا
ةَ بِكُلِّ فَجٍّ تُفجَأُ
14. And they will taste the bitterness of death
For daring what they did
١٤. وَتَجَرَّعوا غُصَصَ المَنونِ
بِما عَليهِ تَجَرَّأوا
15. So protect us from the enemy's throats
For by relatives is protection found
١٥. فَاِدرَأ بِنا نَحرَ العَدُو
وِ فَبِالأَقارِبِ يُدرَأُ
16. Verily roots, even if
Their covenant is remote, do not err
١٦. إِنَّ الأُصولَ وَإِن تَبا
عَدَ عَهدُها لا تَخطَأُ
17. And enjoy the bounty of mention, for it
Is the most blissful of spoils
١٧. وَاِغنَم جَميلَ الذِكرِ فَه
وَ مِنَ الغَنائِمِ أَهنَأُ
18. A man is provided what he wills
From time, and deprivation
١٨. فَالمَرءُ يُرزَقُ ما يَشا
ءُ مِنَ الزَمانِ وَيُرزَأُ