
He recalled the covenants, so he kept awake the twitching eyelid,

ذكر العهود فأسهر الطرف القذي

1. He recalled the covenants, so he kept awake the twitching eyelid,
My morning draught is not sweetened without your talk.

١. ذَكَرَ العُهودَ فَأَسهَرَ الطَرفَ القَذَيَّ
صَبٌّ بِغَيرِ حَديثِكُم لا يَغتَذي

2. He tasted estranged love so it made his heart upset,
He pondered soberness and the intoxication of fermented drinks,

٢. ذاقَ الهَوى صِرفاً فَأَعقَبَ قَلبَهُ
فِكرَ الصُحاةِ وَسَكرَةَ المُتَنَبِّذِ

3. He blamed love when he remembered his intimates,
With both mosques, but his rope was not pulled.

٣. ذَمَّ الهَوى لَمّا تَذَكَّرَ إِلفَهُ
بِالجامِعَينِ وَحَبلَهُ لَم يُجذَذِ

4. The breeze blew its edges upon him,
It spread fragrance so the delicate branch split him.

٤. ذَرَّ النَسيمُ عَلَيهِ مِن أَكنافِهِ
نَشرَ العَبيرِ فَشاقَهُ العَرفُ الشَذي

5. My innermost being melted with you, O people of Babylon,
So my living became distasteful after relishing.

٥. ذابَت بِكُم يا أَهلَ بابِلَ مُهجَتي
فَتَنَغَّصَت بِالعَيشِ بَعدَ تَلَذُّذِ

6. Loyalty disappeared after cordiality, and nothing remains
And you promised me union, so what happened?

٦. ذَهَبَ الوَفا بَعدَ الصَفاءِ فَما عَدا
وَوَعَدتُموني بِالوِصالِ فَما الَّذي

7. The branches of love between us faded,
And what I used to seek refuge from occurred.

٧. ذَبُلَت غُصونُ الوُدِّ فيما بَينَنا
وَجَرى الَّذي قَد كانَ مِنهُ تَعَوُّذي

8. Regret melted from my eyes due to your separation,
And for you my eyes shine with your light, my delicate ones.

٨. ذابَ الكَرى عَن ناظِري بِفُراقِكُم
وَلَكُم جَلَوتُ بِنورِكُم طَرفي القَذي

9. My soul weakened due to you, and I used to be immune
In the prime of life whose honor did not wear out.

٩. ذَلَّت بِكُم روحي وَكُنتُ مُمَنَّعاً
في صَفوِ عَيشٍ عِزَّهُ لَم يُفلَذِ

10. My humiliation is open and the enemies are strong
If it were not for the generosity of the son of Artat, my savior.

١٠. ذُلٌّ عَلاني وَالعُداةُ عَزيزَةٌ
لَو لَم يَكُن جودُ اِبنِ أَرتَقَ مُنقِذي

11. That's the One the Omnipotent extended His palm,
And said to the life of this world take it.

١١. ذاكَ الَّذي بَسَطَ المُهَيمِنُ كَفَّهُ
في أَنعُمِ الدُنيا وَقالَ لَها خُذي

12. The one with two comforts, which are death and the death place,
With that he takes and gives away boons.

١٢. ذو راحَتَينِ هُما المَنِيَّةُ وَالمُنى
يَسطو بِتِلكَ وَيَبذُلُ النُعمى بِذي

13. The one with strong determination in the garments of piety,
Vigilant, and suckling from the breast of virtues.

١٣. ذاكي العَزائِمِ في جَلابيبِ التُقى
ناشٍ وَمِن ثَديِ الفَضائِلِ يَغتَذي

14. His treasures are prepared so he said to them spend,
And his determination is aroused so he said to them execute.

١٤. ذَخَرَت خَزائِنُهُ فَقالَ لَها اِنفِدي
وَذَكَت عَزائِمُهُ فَقالَ لَها اِنفُذي

15. Spreading of virtues is the superiority of piety,
Pouring of benefaction on eloquence has been fed.

١٥. ذَلِقُ الفَضائِلِ هَكَذا فَضلُ التُقى
غَدِقُ البِنانِ عَلى الفَصاحَةِ قَد غُذي

16. The reigns of time are protected with his justice,
So its reigns from other than him have not been taken.

١٦. ذِمَمُ الزَمانِ بِعَدلِهِ مَحفوظَةٌ
فَذِمامُهُ مِن غَيرِهِ لَم يُؤخَذِ

17. The secrets of his virtues spread among mankind,
And people smelled his overpowering generosity.

١٧. ذاعَت سَرائِرُ فَضلِهِ بَينَ الوَرى
وَسَما الأَنامُ بِجودِهِ المُستَحوَذِ

18. Inaccessible glories of glory, and an ambition
That almost reached the stars desiring them.

١٨. ذُرَواتُ مَجدٍ لا تُنالُ وَهِمَّةٌ
طالَت فَكادَت لِلكَواكِبِ تَحتَذي

19. He is a reserve for us in tribulations and a refuge
Whoever does not take refuge in his side cannot penetrate.

١٩. ذُخرٌ لَنا في النائِباتِ وَمَلجَأٌ
مَن لَم يَلُذ بِجَنابِهِ لَم يَنفُذِ

20. My mention of him repelled the calamities of fate,
Because, other than him, I have never sought refuge.

٢٠. ذِكري لَهُ راعَ الخُطوبَ لِأَنَّني
مِن كَيدِها بِسِواهُ لَم أَتَعَوَّذِ

21. The turns of fate were confused by him, so they could not find
A way to me for its arrows, an outlet.

٢١. ذَهَلَت صُروفُ الدَهرِ مِنهُ فَلَم تَجِد
نَحوي لِأَسهُمِ كَيدِها مِن مَنفَذِ

22. Time was scared and said, "Is there a protector
From it that I can seek refuge with?" So I said, "Take refuge!"

٢٢. ذُعِرَ الزَمانُ وَقالَ هَل مِن عاصِمٍ
مِنهُ أَلوذُ بِهِ فَقُلتُ لَهُ لُذِ

23. You repelled the phantoms of enemies from the star of religion,
And overpower their innermost hearts.

٢٣. ذَرعَنكَ نَجمَ الدينِ أَشباحَ العِدى
وَعَلى صَميمِ قُلوبِهِم فَاِستَحوِذِ

24. Remind the arrow of destiny, for it
Does not penetrate except what you choose.

٢٤. ذَكِّر بِهِم سَهمَ القَضاءِ فَإِنَّهُ
بِسِوى الَّذي تَختارُهُ لَم يَنفُذِ

25. You subjugated the necks of tyrants with a sword
Whose edge, other than heads, has not been sharpened.

٢٥. ذَلَّلتَ أَعناقَ الطُغاةِ بِصارِمٍ
بِسِوى الجَماجِمِ حَدُّهُ لَم يُشحَذِ

26. When its blade complains of being blunt, remind it
That it has not been whetted except in their blood.

٢٦. ذَكِّر إِذا شَكَتِ الظِما شَفَراتُهُ
في غَيرِ يَمِّ دِمائِهِم لَم يُنبَذِ

27. His endeavor has pleased the eyes of all people,
So the kingdom is luminous with the splendor of one who relishes.

٢٧. ذا السَعيُ قَد قَرَّت بِهِ عَينُ الوَرى
فَالمُلكُ يَزهو زِهوَةَ المُتَلَذِّذِ

28. You spread time upon the tyrants while it was excessive
And you stared at the horizon of favors while it was delicate.

٢٨. ذُرتَ الزَمانَ عَلى الطُغاةِ وَقَد طَغى
وَجَلَوتَ طَرفَ المَكرُماتِ وَقَد قَذي

29. Your enemies spent the night while you did not cease to bestow favor
Upon the students of dew, your rope was not pulled.

٢٩. ذَوِيَت عِداكَ وَلا بَرِحتَ مُنعِماً
عَن رِفدِ طُلّابِ النَدى لَم تُجذَذِ