1. Don't you see the clouds and mist
Whose tears have become stars
١. أَما تَرى الأَنواءَ وَالسَحائِبا
قَد أَصبَحَت دُموعُها سَواكِبا
2. The earth has worn robes
Revealing wonders of flowers
٢. فَاِكتَسَتِ الأَرضُ بِها جَلابِبا
فَأَظهَرَت أَزهارَها عَجائِبا
3. Becoming strange marvels for us
These hills are crowned with barrenness
٣. غَرائِباً أَضحَت لَنا رَغائِبا
هَذي الرَوابي بِالكَلا قَد تُوِّجَت
4. And the autumn breeze has become fragrant
Its waters have calmed and flowed
٤. وَنَسمَةُ الخَريفِ قَد تَأَرَّجَت
وَقَد صَفَت مِياهُهُ وَرَجَّجَت
5. And the earth is adorned with flowers
Dew pouring upon it
٥. وَالأَرضُ بِالأَزهارِ قَد تَدَبَّجَت
وَأَصبَحَ الطَلُّ عَليها ساكِبا
6. So arise, for our joy is complete
And time has favored us with wishes
٦. فَقُم فَقَد تَمَّ لَنا طيبُ الهَنا
وَالدَهرُ قَد مَنَّ عَلينا بِالمُنى
7. Life's edges have softened for us
And my bliss is the prime of youth and riches
٧. وَالعَيشُ قَد رَقَّت حَواشيهِ لَنا
وَمُسعِدي شَرخُ الشَبابِ وَالغِنى
8. The two that have flooded my side
O happiness, wake early, for the rational rises early
٨. هُما اللَذانِ غَمَرا لي جانِبا
يا سَعدُ باكِر فَاللَبيبُ مَن بَكَر
9. And set out with us, for seeing is not like hearing
So seize the sword with us before bitterness comes
٩. وَاِبرِز بِنا لَيسَ العِيانُ كَالخَبَر
فَاِغتَنِم الصَفوَ بِنا قَبلَ الكَدَر
10. For time has apologized for its stumbling
And come to us repentant of sins
١٠. فَالدَهرُ مِن زَلّاتِهِ قَد اِعتَذَر
وَجاءَنا مِنَ الذُنوبِ تائِبا
11. Do not shed tears over a life passed
Nor say there was a time, now gone
١١. لا تَسكُبِ الدَمعَ عَلى عَيشٍ مَضى
وَلا تَقُل كانَ زَمانٌ وَاِنقَضى
12. Make use of the unmindfulness of destiny's turning
For death, whenever it is drawn,
١٢. وَاِغتَنِمِ الغَفلَةَ مِن صَرفِ القَضا
فَالمَوتُ كَالسَيفِ مَتى ما يُنتَضى
13. Makes our lives its tithes
Leave talk of the old days
١٣. تُضحي لَهُ أَعمارُنا ضَرائِبا
فَدَع حَديثَ الزَمَنِ القَديمِ
14. And remembering ruins and artifacts
For if you aid me against worries
١٤. وَالذِكرَ لِلأَطلالِ وَالرُسومِ
فَإِن تَكُن عَوني عَلى الهُمومِ
15. Speak of the old and the companion
And recall for me a lover or friend
١٥. حَدِّث عَنِ القَديمِ وَالنَديمِ
وَاِذكُر لَدَيَّ رامِياً أَو سارِيا
16. As long as the days are advising me
And glory has pitched its tent in my domain
١٦. ما دامَتِ الأَيّامُ في نَصاحَتي
وَالعِزُّ مُلقٍ رَحلَهُ بِساحَتي
17. I will give whatever my ease contains
I harmonize what is in my ease, in my ease
١٧. لَأَبذُلَنَّ ما حَوَتهُ راحَتَي
أُتلِفَ ما في راحَتي في راحَتي
18. And seek pleasures and play
So arise with me early, my friend
١٨. وَأَقصِدُ اللَذّاتِ وَالمَلاعِبا
فَقُم بِنا مُبتَكِراً يا صاحِبي
19. To spend the days of youth on pleasures
And do not think of consequences
١٩. نَقضي بِأَيّامِ الصِبى مَآرِبي
وَلا تَكُن تَفكُرُ في العَواقِبِ
20. Leave my associates and kin
And intend with me ties and relations
٢٠. وَخَلِّ خِلّاني وَدَع أَقارِبي
وَاِقصِد بِنا الأَحلافَ وَالقَرائِبا
21. And consider Paradise on the path
And choose a companion for hardship
٢١. وَاِعتَبِرِ الجَنَّةَ في الطَريقِ
وَاِنتَخِبِ الرَفيقَ لِلمَضيقِ
22. Do not accompany anyone but the true
For the incomplete cannot fly high
٢٢. وَلا تُصاحِب غَيرَ ذي التَحقيقِ
فَالتَمُّ لايَطيرُ بَينَ الشيقِ
23. And the unhealthy will not accept a companion
Don't you see the honored birds have come
٢٣. وَالكَيُّ لا يَرضى الوَريدَ صاحِبا
أَما تَرى الطَيرَ الجَليلَ قَد أَتى
24. Rejoicing, frolicking in winter
So rise with us, for youth aids the young man
٢٤. مُستَبشِراً يَمرَحُ في فَصلِ الشِتا
فَقُم بِنا إِنَّ الصِبى عَونُ الفَتى
25. And do not say how and when and where
For hopes have never ceased to lie
٢٥. وَلا تَقُل كَيفَ وَأَنّى وَمَتى
إِنَّ الأَماني لَم تَزَل كَواذِبا
26. With decorated scabbards made beautiful by their embellishing
Bent swords made handsome by their bending
٢٦. بِمُدمَجاتٍ زانَها إِدماجُها
مُعَوَّجاتٍ حُسنُها اِعوِجاجُها
27. Sheaths emptied, though their stars remain
Pregnant, when their offspring draw near
٢٧. أَهِلَّةٍ أَكُفُّها أَبراجُها
حَوامِلٍ إِذا دَنا نِتاجُها
28. They cast stars from their livers
Their efforts have never disappointed a day
٢٨. تَقذِفُ مِن أَكبادِها كَواكِبا
ما خَيَبَت يَوماً لَنا مَساعِيا
29. Were almost beautiful enough to answer the caller
Singing to the honored and pastures
٢٩. لَكادَ حُسناً أَن تُجيبَ الداعِيا
تُغني بِها الجَليلَ وَالمَراعِيا
30. Though when they approached I thought them snakes
Or strung them up believing them scorpions
٣٠. إِن كَم دَنَت ظَنَنتَها أَفاعِيا
أَو أَوتَرَت حَسبَتَها عَقارِبا
31. And a decorated sword like a noon in its sheath
More desirable to the lover than his beloved
٣١. وَمُدمَجٍ كَالنونِ في تَعريقِهِ
أَشهى إِلى العاشِقِ مِن مَعشوقِهِ
32. Like a polished sword in its flash
If only it would dampen its beating
٣٢. كَالصارِمِ المَصقولِ في بَريقِهِ
لَو أَنَّهُ يُسكِنُ مِن خُفوقِهِ
33. It would veil the eye of time like an eyebrow
A resumption completed in its sections
٣٣. أَضحى عَلى عَينِ الزَمانِ حاجِباً
مُستَأنِفٍ قَد تَمَّ في أَقسامِهِ
34. But the bird's defect is in its perfection
The bough has sprouted on its cheekbone
٣٤. لَكِنَّ نَقصَ الطَيرِ في تَمامِهِ
قَد نَبَتَ العودُ عَلى لِحامِهِ
35. Whoever snatched at opportunity in its place
A piercing star followed him from it
٣٥. مَن خَطِفَ الخَطفَةَ في مَقامِهِ
أَتبَعَهُ مِنهُ شِهاباً ثاقِبا
36. Echoing, pleasing you in its echo
Its reputation suffices you from specifying it
٣٦. مُرَدَّدٍ يُرضيكَ في تَرديدِهِ
شُهرَتُهُ تُغنيكَ عَن تَحديدِهِ
37. No difference between its branch and rod
It ascertains the hazelnut in its ascent
٣٧. لا فَرقَ بَينَ شاخِهِ وُعودِهِ
يُحَقِّقُ البُندُقَ في صُعودِهِ
38. And ensures the fallen and the rising
A righteous one repaired it when it was forged
٣٨. وَيَضمَنُ المَصروعَ وَالصَوائِبا
أَصلَحَهُ صالِحٌ عِندَ جَسِّهِ
39. And balanced it and chose it for himself
Its view suffices the youth from touching it
٣٩. وَزانَهُ وَاِختارَهُ لِنَفسِهِ
مَنظَرُهُ يُغني الفَتى عَن لَمسِهِ
40. So after the arrival of its imprint
It gives praise and shows virtues
٤٠. فَهوَ لَهُ بَعدَ حُلولِ رَمسِهِ
يُهدي الثَنا وَيُظهِرُ المَناقِبا
41. A well-proportioned hazelnut
As if it had been divided precisely
٤١. وَبُندُقٍ مُعتَدِلِ المِقدارِ
كَأَنَّما قُسِّمَ بِالعِيارِ
42. Bearing hatred for the birds
So when it is loosed from the bowstrings
٤٢. قَد حَمَلَ الحِقدَ عَلى الأَطيارِ
فَهوَ إِذا اِنقَضَّ مِنَ الأَوتارِ
43. It sees the extinction of birds as obligatory
It shows you a flame in the morning
٤٣. يَرى فَناءَ الطَيرِ فَرضاً واجِبا
يُريكَ في وَقتِ الصَباحِ لَهَبا
44. As if it were lightning that illuminated and went out
Cutting through the wind without branches
٤٤. كَأَنَّهُ بَرقٌ أَضاءَ وَخَبا
يَقطَعُ مَتنَ الريحِ مِن غيرِ شَبا
45. Awake, neither inclining to the winds of youth
Nor softening a side for the southern winds
٤٥. يَقظانَ لا يَصبو إِلى خَفقِ الصَبا
وَلا يَلينُ لِلجَنوبِ جانِبا
46. Arrows refined in their measure
Singing to the birds without their dens
٤٦. وَخَيشَةٍ لُطِّفتُ في مِقدارِها
تَغنى بِها الأَطيارُ عَن أَوكارِها
47. Their feathers do not stop their shining
And blood poured on their compass points
٤٧. لا يَبرَحُ الريشُ عَلى نُوّارِها
وَالدَمُ مَسفوكاً عَلى أَقطارِها
48. As their color was appropriate
As if from frequent deaths
٤٨. إِذ كانَ في اللَونِ لَها مُناسِباً
كَأَنَّها مِن كَثرَةِ الصُروعِ
49. They were dyed with pure blood
Never missing in appearing and disappearing
٤٩. قَد خَضِبَت بِخالِصِ النَجيعِ
لَم تَخلُ في البُروزِ وَالرُجوعِ
50. Bearing a fallen one or one made to fall
Carrying a coming or leaving rider
٥٠. مِن صارِعٍ يُحمَلُ أَو مَصروعِ
تَحمِلُ آتٍ أَو تُقِلُّ ذاهِبا
51. Raiment coarse as iron
Delicate in sitting and leaning
٥١. وَحُلَّةٍ جِفتِيَّةٍ كَالعَندَمِ
لَطيفَةِ التَجليسِ وَالتَهَندُمِ
52. Its latter beauty like its former
The birds think it their blood's nectar
٥٢. مُؤَخَرُها في الحُسنِ مِثلُ المُقدَمِ
يَظُنُّها الطَيرُ لَهُ نَطعَ الدَمِ
53. And it was no liar in what they thought
Had you witnessed our birds in their shooting
٥٣. وَلَم يَكُن فيما يَظُنُّ كاذِبا
فَلَو شَهِدتَ طَيرَنا فيمَن رَمى
54. And their army from our group made to flee
And the rifles of the companions rising to them
٥٤. وَجَيشَهُ مِن جَمعِنا قَد هُزِما
وَبُندَقَ الصُحبِ إِلَيهِ قَد سَما
55. I would wonder at a spy soaring to the sky's expanse
The earth sent a barrage over him
٥٥. عَجِبتُ مِن راقٍ إِلى جَوِّ السَما
أَرسَلَتِ الأَرضُ عَليهِ حاصِبا
56. Of every valiant hero like a warrior
And every saying speaker and doer
٥٦. مِن كُلِّ شَهمٍ كَالهِزَبرِ الباسِلِ
وَكُلِّ قيلٍ قائِلٍ وَفاعِلِ
57. The friend's provisions, the extractor's supplies
And between them, a carrying without burden
٥٧. ذَخرِ الزَميلِ عِدَّةُ المُقاوِلِ
وَبَينَهُم حِملٌ بِلا تَحامُلِ
58. In order, after they lined up ranks for it
Around an old sword like one drawn
٥٨. مِن بَعدِ ما اِصطَفّوا لَهُ مَراتِبا
حَولَ قَديمٍ كَالحُسامِ الماضي
59. Empty of purposes and rejections
Curing the disease of imperfect words
٥٩. خالٍ مِنَ الأَغراضِ وَالأَعراضِ
يَطُبُّ داءَ الكَلِمِ المِراضِ
60. Content that the group is pleased with them
Not watching for precedents and gifts
٦٠. يَرضى بِأَنَّ الجَمعَ عَنها راضِ
لا يَرقُبُ الأَسباقَ وَالمَواهِبا
61. In a stand where deaths are scattered
Pastures and the honored are borne
٦١. في مَوقِفٍ بِهِ الصُروعُ تُنثَلُ
تُلقى المَراعي وَالجَليلُ تَحمِلُ
62. Its types counted, not unknown
As they number seven and seven and complete
٦٢. مَعدودَةٌ أَصنافُهُ لا تُجهَلُ
إِذ هِيَ في سَبعٍ وَسَبعٍ تَكمُلُ
63. Known to those desiring them
And a friend I consider mine
٦٣. يَعرِفُها مَن كانَ فيها راغِبا
وَصاحِبٍ أُعُدُّهُ لي مالِكا
64. Burdened me in composition, counting that
And said summarize that in your rhythm
٦٤. كَلَّفَني في النَظمِ عَدَّ ذَلِكا
وَقالَ لَخِّص ذاكَ في نِظامِكا
65. I said the loftiness of your making is your reverence
If you have been deciphering symbols for me without cease
٦٥. قُلتُ عُلُوُّ صُنعِكَ اِحتِشامُكا
إِن كُنتَ لي حَلَّ الرُموزِ دائِبا
66. I have not forgotten among a loose garment I was distinguished
Between thickets from the shooters of the battalion
٦٦. لَم أَنسَ في ثَوبٍ شَليلٍ بَرزَتي
بَينَ ثِقافٍ مِن رُماةِ الحِلَّةِ
67. And he brought me burning beyond my coolness
Twice over from the double reins that
٦٧. وَقَد أَتاني مُحرِقاً عَن جَفَّتي
مُزدَوِجٌ مِنَ العَنانينِ الَّتي
68. Among the shooters have become marvels
I steadied myself for the pair and he brought me
٦٨. بَينَ الرُماةِ أَصبَحَت غَرائِبا
ثَبَّتُّ لِلزَوجِ وَقَد أَتاني
69. Prancing, frolicking in safety
I confronted him before he could see me
٦٩. مُصَعصَعاً يَمرَحُ في أَمانِ
عاجَلتُهُ مِن قَبلِ أَن يَراني
70. I felled his limit and poured the second
He slipped the straps and fled away
٧٠. صَرَعتُ حَدّاهُ وَصِبتُ الثاني
دَلّى البَراثِمَ وَوَلّى هارِبا
71. He fell like a star when a star descends
Neither straying from his companion nor lost
٧١. فَخَرَّ كَالنَجمِ إِذا النَجمُ هَوى
ما ضَلَّ عَن صاحِبِهِ وَما غَوى
72. He met him while declaring passion
The horses stumbled beyond strength
٧٢. وافاهُ وَهوَ ناطِقٌ عَنِ الهَوى
قَد هُدَّ مِنهُ الخَيلُ مِن بَعدِ القُوى
73. And the second mourned over him
Oh what a missed opportunity had it been completed
٧٣. وَأَصبَحَ الثاني عَليهِ نادِبا
فَيا لَها مِن فُرصَةٍ لَو تَمَّتِ
74. I would have gifted my effort to the old
And he would not have had a step like my step
٧٤. كُنتُ وَهَبتُ لِلقَديمِ مُهجَتي
وَلَم يَكُن ذو قَدمَةٍ كَقَدمَتي
75. Rather the second escaped me, though my desire
Was to see the open sky emptied of him
٧٥. بَل فاتَني الثاني وَكانَت هِمَّتي
تَرى خَلاءَ الجَوِّ مِنهُ واجِبا