
I have not wearied of the covenant, far be it from me, faithful one!

ما ملت عن العهد وحاشاي أمين

1. I have not wearied of the covenant, far be it from me, faithful one!
Rather was I, in separation, strong and faithful.

١. ما مِلتُ عَنِ العَهدِ وَحاشايَ أَمين
بَل كُنتُ عَلى البُعدِ قَوِيّاً وَأَمين

2. Think not that when estrangement was hard I became soft,
Nay, had the veil been lifted, my certainty would not have increased.

٢. لا تَحسَبَني إِذ قَسا الهَجرُ أَلين
بَل لَو كُشِفَ الغَطا لَما اِزدَدتُ يَقين