1. The full moon's beauty is such that it is said to be peerless,
Yet we say that, by this, its peer is belittled.
١. كَفى البَدرَ حُسناً أَن يُقالَ نَظيرُها
فَيُزهى وَلَكِنّا بِذاكَ نَضيرُها
2. And the branches of the wild plum are content that their stature
Be measured by it, as well as its like and its peer.
٢. وَحَسبُ غُصونِ البانِ أَنَّ قَوامَها
يُقاسُ بِهِ مَيّادُها وَنَضيرُها
3. She walked freely, a captive of love, her gaze averted.
Her beauty decreed that her captor not be freed.
٣. أَسيرَةُ حِجلٍ مُطلَقاتٌ لِحاظُها
قَضى حُسنُها أَن لا يُفَكَّ أَسيرُها
4. The passionate pine for her behind her veil.
How much more so if her face were revealed?
٤. تَهيمُ بِها العُشّاقُ خَلفَ حِجابِها
فَكَيفَ إِذا ما آنَ مِنها سُفورُها
5. It is no wonder that I was fooled by a glimpse of her.
The nature of moons is that they beguile.
٥. وَلَيسَ عَجيباً أَن غُرِرتُ بِنَظرَةٍ
إِلَيها فَمِن شَأنِ البُدورِ غُرورُها
6. How many a glance has led the heart to sigh
With breath of life fragmented by her gaze.
٦. وَكَم نَظرَةٍ قادَت إِلى القَلبِ حَسرَةً
يُقَطَّعُ أَنفاسَ الحَياةِ زَفيرُها
7. Strange that we rob the lion in battle
While our eyes are robbed by the maidens' glances.
٧. فَواعَجَبا كَم نَسلُبُ الأُسدَ في الوَغى
وَتَسلُبُنا مِن أَعيُنِ الحورِ حورُها
8. Our vigor wanes when the war drums beat
Yet only their beating awakens our fervor.
٨. فُتورُ الظُبى عِندَ القِراعِ يُشيبُنا
وَما يُرهِفُ الأَجفانَ إِلّا فُتورُها
9. The charms of a beauty in her prime are flames
That scorch externally, yet internally ignite.
٩. وَجُذوَةُ حُسنٍ في الحُدودِ لَهيبُها
يَشُبُّ وَلَكِن في القُلوبِ سَعيرُها
10. When my eyes draw her image, it strikes like lightning,
Ravaging my soul, which cries "No refuge but you!"
١٠. إِذا آنَسَتها مُقلَتي خَرَّ صاعِقاً
جَناني وَقالَ القَلبُ لا دُكَّ طورُها
11. A flock of radiant suns over a garden
With constellations equal to its fruits.
١١. وَسِربِ ظِباءٍ مُشرِقاتٍ شُموسُهُ
عَلى جَنَّةٍ عَدُّ النُجومِ بُدورُها
12. They refuse what the nests conceal
And guard what the palaces contain.
١٢. تُمانِعُ عَمّا في الكِناسِ أُسودُها
وَتَحرُسُ ما تَحوي القُصورُ صُقورُها
13. Her companions are jealous of the passing breeze
And the gentle wind angers her jealous mate.
١٣. تَغارُ مِنَ الطَيفِ المُلِمَّ حُماتُها
وَيَغضَبُ مِن مَرِّ النَسيمِ غَيورُها
14. If he sees her in a dream visited by a specter,
By day he suspects she is visited by a suitor.
١٤. إِذا ما رَأى في النَومِ طَيفاً يَزورُها
تَوَهَّمَهُ في اليَومِ ضَيفاً يَزورُها
15. We looked, so their eyes made us lovesick,
And listened, so their voices wasted us.
١٥. نَظَرنا فَأَعدَتنا السَقامَ عُيونُها
وَلُذنا فَأَولَتنا النُحولَ خُصورُها
16. We visited, so the lions were roused,
Their manes bristling and roar heard amidst the spears.
١٦. وَزُرنا فَأُسدُ الحَيِّ تُذكي لِحاظَها
وَيُسمَعُ في غابِ الرِماحِ زَئيرُها
17. God help the lover! For he sees the shrouds of death
Yet visits nonetheless when stealthily she beckons.
١٧. فَيا ساعِدَ اللَهُ المُحِبَّ لِأَنَّهُ
يَرَى غَمَراتِ المَوتِ ثُمَّ يَزورُها
18. The hem of her cloak dragged as she snuck out at night,
The informed sleuths fast asleep, their minds secure.
١٨. وَلَمّا أَلَمَّت لِلزِيارَةِ خِلسَةً
وَسَجفُ الدَياجي مُسبَلاتٌ سُتورُها
19. With us the tattooed women swaggered,
And the foes gloated over us.
١٩. سَعَت بِنا الواشونَ حَتّى حُجولُها
وَنَمَّت بِنا الأَعداءُ حَتّى عَبيرُها
20. They almost exposed us, if not for her braided hair
Blocking the steps of dawn - but her separation pained.
٢٠. وَهَمَّت بِنا لَولا غَدائِرُ شِعرِها
خُطى الصُبحِ لَكِن قَيَّدَتهُ ظُفورُها
21. My days wear me down with enmity
Though their hearts brim with hatred.
٢١. لَيالِيَ يُعديني زَماني عَلى العِدى
وَإِن مُلِئَت حِقداً عَلَيَّ صُدورُها
22. Yet I delight in the first fruits of youth and riches
When she experiences dearth and poverty.
٢٢. وَيُسعِدُني شَرخُ الشَبيبَةِ وَالغِنى
إِذا شانَها إِقتارُها وَقَتيرُها
23. Since fate flipped the cup, I've been patient
With my lot, however meager its portion.
٢٣. وَمُذ قَلَبَ الدَهرُ المِجَنَّ أَصابَني
صَبوراً عَلى حالٍ قَليلٍ صَبورُها
24. If days bore what I bear they would scarce
Erase the night's cloak before the coming dawn.
٢٤. فَلو تَحمِلُ الأَيّامُ ما أَنا حامِلٌ
لَما كادَ يَمحو صِبغَةَ اللَيلِ نورُها
25. I will endure - either fortune will turn
Or my affairs will prosper.
٢٥. سَأَصبِرُ إِمّا أَن تَدورَ صُروفُها
عَلَيَّ وَإِمّا تَستَقيمُ أُمورُها
26. For though Khansa I be, my love is everlasting,
And if Zubba, my desire remains unrequited.
٢٦. فَإِن تَكُنِ الخَنساءُ إِنِّيَ صَخرُها
وَإِن تَكُنِ الزَبّاءُ إِنّي قَصيرُها
27. I don night's garb in melancholy, cloaked
By the chambers' partitions from her fervent zeal.
٢٧. وَقَد أَرتَدي ثَوبَ الظَلامِ بِحَسرَةٍ
عَلَيها مِنَ الشوسِ الحُماةِ جُسورُها
28. It's as if my soul wanders the abdomen's depths,
Only to emerge frustrated, finding no path to her heart.
٢٨. كَأَنّي بِأَحشاءِ السَباسِبِ خاطِرٌ
فَما وُجِدَت إِلّا وَشَخصي ضَميرُها
29. The grouse mourns her amidst the rain-smoothed stones
When the pebbles and boulders part from one another.
٢٩. وِصادِيَةِ الأَحشاءِ غَضّي بِآلِها
يَعُزُّ عَلى الشِعرى العَبورِ عُبورُها
30. When the sun kisses her sands, it makes them weep,
When the wind blows through her hills, it moans.
٣٠. يَنوحُ بِها الخِرَّيتُ نَدباً لِنَفسِهِ
إِذا اِختَلَفَت حَصباؤُها وَصُخورُها
31. When war visits, she makes her hair a pillow,
Her eyes shedding tears heard amidst the wailing.
٣١. إِذا وَطِئَتها الشَمسُ سالَ لُعابُها
وَإِن سَلَكَتها الريحُ طالَ هَديرُها
32. The southern winds avoid her, cautious,
And the northern gales evade her trail.
٣٢. وَإِن قامَتِ الحَربا تُوَسِّدُ شَعرَها
أَصيلاً أَذابَ الطَرفَ مِنها هَجيرُها
33. I learned the ways of her land and destroyed her sons.
Only the learned can vanquish lands.
٣٣. تَجَنَّبُ عَنها لِلحِذارِ جَنوبُها
وَتَدبِرُ عَنها في الهُبوبِ دَبورُها
34. With steps neither rash nor mistaken, frequent
Are her slips, yet more often she hits the mark.
٣٤. خَبَرتُ مَرامي أَرضِها فَقَتَلتُها
وَما يَقتُلُ الأَرضينَ إِلّا خَبيرُها
35. Sweeter than melodies are the notes of her camels,
More beautiful than rhymed prose the roar of her winds.
٣٥. بِخُطوَةِ مِرقالٍ أَمونٍ عِثارُها
كَثيرٍ عَلى وَفقِ الصَوابِ عِثورُها
36. Her arches forgot half of life's settlement,
So engrossed were they in merriment.
٣٦. أَلَذُّ مِنَ الأَنغامِ رَجعُ بَغامِها
وَأَطيَبُ مِن سَجعِ الهَديلِ هَديرُها
37. Like pages her ruins are inscribed
With lines that creep across the sands.
٣٧. نُساهِمُ شِطرَ العَيشِ عيساً سَواهِماً
لِفَرطِ السُرى لَم يَبقَ إِلّا شُطورُها
38. Adorned as necklaces on the dunes and meadows
Whose greenery creeps up her breasts.
٣٨. حُروفاً كَنَوناتِ الصَحائِفِ أَصبَحَت
تُخَطُّ عَلى طِرسِ الفَيافي سُطورُها
39. Clothed and well-fed, her belly grew wide,
Her loose robe revealing what's underneath.
٣٩. إِذا نُظِمَت نَظمَ القَلائِدِ في البُرى
تَقَلَّدُها خُضرُ الرُبى وَنُحورُها
40. Her moan expresses her burning longing,
Her withering reveals the heart's secret.
٤٠. طَواها طَواها فَاِغتَدَت وَبُطونُها
تَجولُ عَليها كَالوِشاحِ ظُفورُها
41. She journeys towards Mecca, escorted
By the frolicsome throngs of Babylon and its palaces.
٤١. يُعَبِّرُ عَن فَرطِ الحَنينِ أَنينُها
وَيُعرِبُ عَمّا في الضَميرِ ضُمورُها
42. When the mountain of Zarud was behind her,
The banners of solemn Najd appeared.
٤٢. تَسيرُ بِها نَحوَ الحِجازِ وَقَصدُها
مَلاعِبُ شِعبَي بابِلٍ وَقُصورُها
43. She veered right, avoiding Shumayt, and passed
The meadows of Qatan as dawn's light shone through.
٤٣. فَلَمّا تَرامَت عَن زَرودَ وَرَملِها
وَلاحَت لَها أَعلامُ نَجدٍ وُقورُها
44. Her guide stopped at the sand dunes of Aj
So she would recognize the intended destination.
٤٤. وَصَدَّت يَميناً عَن شُمَيطٍ وَجاوَزَت
رُبى قَطَنٍ وَالشُهبُ قَد شَفَّ نورُها
45. Our camels pleaded with us to move on,
For towards the best of messengers was their course.
٤٥. وَعاجَ بِها عَن رَملِ عاجٍ دَليلُها
فَقامَت لِعِرفانِ المُرادِ صُدورُها
46. Stones along the way cried in yearning
For one who saluted them and his she-camel.
٤٦. غَدَت تَتَقاضانا المَسيرَ لِأَنَّها
إِلى نَحوِ خَيرِ المُرسَلينَ مَسيرُها
47. Towards the finest prophetic envoy sent to the finest nation,
To the finest object of worship brought by its herald.
٤٧. تَرُضُّ الحَصى شَوقاً لِمَن سَبَّحَ الحَصى
لَدَيهِ وَحَيّا بِالسَلامِ بَعيرُها
48. He whose advent extinguished Persia's fires
And shook its throne and palace.
٤٨. إِلى خَيرِ مَبعوثٍ إِلى خَيرِ أُمَّةٍ
إِلى خَيرِ مَعبودٍ دَعاها بَشيرُها
49. The Torah of Moses spoke of his superiority
As did the Bible and Psalms.
٤٩. وَمَن أُخمِدَت مَع وَضعِهِ نارُ فارِسٍ
وَزُلزِلَ مِنها عَرشُها وَسَريرُها
50. God sent him as a bearer of good news
And as a warner to mankind.
٥٠. وَمَن نَطَقَت تَوراةُ موسى بِفَضلِهِ
وَجاءَ بِهِ إِنجيلُها وَزَبورُها
51. Muhammad is the finest of prophets
First in merit, though last to be sent.
٥١. وَمَن بَشَّرَ اللَهُ الأَنامَ بِأَنَّهُ
مُبَشِّرُها عَن إِذنِهِ وَنَذيرُها
52. O sign of God that since its rising
Has hid misguidance from people.
٥٢. مُحَمَّدُ خَيرُ المُرسَلينَ بِأَسرِها
وَأَوَّلُها في الفَضلِ وَهوَ أَخيرُها
53. Peace be upon you, O finest messenger
To a nation that without you persists in error!
٥٣. أَيا آيَةَ اللَهِ الَّتي مُذ تَبَلَّجَت
عَلى خَلقِهِ أَخفى الضَلالَ ظُهورُها
54. Peace be upon you, O finest intercessor
When Hellfire surrounds the disbelievers!
٥٤. عَلَيكَ سَلامُ اللَهِ يا خَيرَ مُرسَلٍ
إِلى أُمَّةٍ لَولاهُ دامَ غُرورُها
55. Peace be upon you, by whom humanity was ennobled
And their joy perfected.
٥٥. عَلَيكَ سَلامُ اللَهِ يا خَيرَ شافِعٍ
إِذا النارُ ضَمَّ الكافِرينَ حَصيرُها
56. Peace be upon you, whom jinn and men worshipped
And all their affairs obeyed!
٥٦. عَلَيكَ سَلامُ اللَهِ يامَن تَشَرَّفَت
بِهِ الإِنسُ طُرّاً وَاِستَتَمَّ سُرورُها
57. Our feet were ennobled when ceaselessly
They tread towards you time and again.
٥٧. عَلَيكَ سَلامُ اللَهِ يا مَن تَعَبَّدَت
لَهُ الجِنُّ وَاِنقادَت إِلَيهِ أُمورُها
58. Our mouths vied in pride when they kissed
The dust of your tomb, though it vanished.
٥٨. تَشَرَّفَتِ الأَقدامُ لَمّا تَتابَعَت
إِلَيكَ خُطاها وَاِستَمَرَّ مَريرُها
59. Merits aspired yet fell short,
Note their forelocks cropped short!
٥٩. وَفاخَرَتِ الأَفواهُ نورَ عُيونِنا
بِتُربِكَ لَمّا قَبَّلَتهُ ثُغورُها
60. Had elegists grasped your worth fully
Their lifelong quest would be to reach you.
٦٠. فَضائِلُ رامَتها الرُؤوسُ فَقَصَّرَت
أَلَم تَرَ لِلتَقصيرِ جُزَّت شُعورُها
61. For you are God's secret revealed
That clarified the darkness of doubts.
٦١. وَلَو وَفَتِ الوُفّادُ قَدرَكَ حَقَّهُ
لَكانَ عَلى الأَحداقِ مِنها مَسيرُها
62. The city of knowledge whose gate
Is your cousin - none enter but through him.
٦٢. لِأَنَّكَ سِرُّ اللَهِ الأَيَّدِ الَّتي
تَجَلَّت فَجَلّى ظُلمَةَ الشَكِّ نورُها
63. Suns reversed for you in the west
And constellations clove for you in the east.
٦٣. مَدينَةُ عِلمٍ وَاِبنُ عَمِّكَ بِابُهاَ
فَمِن غَيرِ ذاكَ البابِ لَم يُؤتَ سورُها
64. Mountains crumbled before your determination
And oceans drained before your creed.
٦٤. شَموسٌ لَكُم في الغَربِ رُدَّت شَموسُها
بِدورٌ لَكُم في الشَرقِ شُقَّت بِدَورُها
65. Your family is the finest family, your kin
Whose love, though little, is most grateful.
٦٥. جِبالٌ إِذا ما الهَضبُ دُكَّت جِبالُها
بِحارٌ إِذا ما الأَرضُ غارَت بُحورُها
66. When they sit to give, observers feel humbled,
And when included in merit, none can rival them.
٦٦. فَآلُكَ خَيرُ الآلِ وَالعِترَةُ الَّتي
مَحَبَّتُها نُعمى قَليلٌ شَكورُها
67. Your companions are the finest companions, the choice ones
Who defended all lands when war peaked.
٦٧. إِذا جولِسَت لِلبَذلِ ذُلَّ نِظارُها
وَإِن سوجِلَت في الفَضلِ عَزَّ نَظيرُها
68. Defenders, protectors amidst wars and towns
Who subdued the rebellious and arrogant.
٦٨. وَصَحبُكَ خَيرُ الصَحبِ وَالغُرَرُ الَّتي
بِها أَمِنَت مِن كُلِّ أَرضٍ ثُغورُها
69. O you true to your promise, you promised me tidings,
So I do not fear with you as its bearer.
٦٩. كُماةٌ حُماةٌ في القِراعِ وَفي القِرى
إِذا شَطَّ قاريها وَطاشَ وَقورُها
70. I sent out wishes aimlessly seeking
Your presence; they returned crestfallen.
٧٠. أَيا صادِقَ الوَعدِ الأَمينِ وَعَدتَني
بِبُشرى فَلا أَخشى وَأَنتَ بَشيرُها
71. I dispatched thin hopes that flocked
To you and returned heavily laden.
٧١. بَعَثتُ الأَماني عاطِلاتٍ لِتَبتَغي
نَداكَ فَجاءَت حالِياتٍ نُحورُها
72. To you, Messenger of God, I complain of crimes
Whose small ones rival mountains in mass.
٧٢. وَأَرسَلتُ آمالاً خِماصاً بُطونُها
إِلَيكَ فَعادَت مُثقَلاتٍ ظُهورُها
73. Grave ones that if mountains bore their load
They would crumble, crying "Calamity!"
٧٣. إِلَيكَ رَسولَ اللَهِ أَشكو جَرائِماً
يُوازي الجِبالَ الراسِياتِ صَغيرُها
74. Yet I'm certain, or rather my certainty is
That they will be erased, with you pleading my case.
٧٤. كَبائِرُ لَو تُبلى الجِبالُ بِحَملِها
لِدُكَّت وَنادى بِالثُبورِ ثَبيرُها
75. For I saw the Arabs boastful with staffs,
Yet seeking refuge when befallen by woes.
٧٥. وَغالِبُ ظَنّي بَل يَقينِيَ أَنَّها
سُتُمحى وَإِن جَلَّت وَأَنتَ سَفيرُها
76. How then, for one whose staff leaves brought life,
Before whom hopes cower, by whom perils expire?
٧٦. لِأَنّي رَأَيتُ العُربَ تَخفُرُ بِالعَصا
وَتَحمي إِذا ما أَمَّها مُستَجيرُها
77. I prefaced my whisperings with praise
As my heart deemed nothing else would suit.
٧٧. فَكَيفَ بِمَن في كَفِّهِ أَورَقَ العَصا
تُضامُ بِيَ الآمالُ وَهوَ خَفيرُها
78. The listeners are quenched by its streams
And the viewers delighted by its downpour.
٧٨. وَبَينَ يَدَي نَجوايَ قَدَّمتُ مَدحَةً
قَضى خاطِري أَلّا نُجيبَ خَطيرُها
79. It is pleasure, though hearing it is fleeting -
For it fades, yet its joy remains.
٧٩. يُرَوّي غَليلَ السامِعينَ قُطارُها
وَيَجلو عُيونَ الناظِرينَ قَطورُها
80. I adorned it with lengthy consistency,
Though brief inconsistent praise suits you best.
٨٠. هِيَ الراحُ لَكِن بِالمَسامِعِ رَشفُها
عَلى أَنَّهُ تَفنى وَيَبقى سُرورُها
81. When rhymes fall short of your merits
Equal are their collection and paucity.
٨١. وَأَحسَنُ شَيءٍ أَنَّني قَد جَلَوتُها
عَليكَ وَأَملاكُ السَماءِ حُضورُها
82. Praising you completes my aim - it is my plea
Against a horde whose immorality oppresses me.
٨٢. تَرومُ بِها نَفسي الجَزاءَ فَكُن لَها
مُجيزاً بِأَن تُمسي وَأَنتَ مُجيرُها
83. With my poetry, your superior merits I recount
When people's forelocks are cropped short.
٨٣. فَلِاِبنِ زُهَيرٍ قَد أَجَزتَ بِبُردَةٍ
عَلَيكَ فَأَثرى مِن ذَويهِ فَقيرُها
84. And I stay up versifying, my friend, is there
A while for me to rest that you can lend?
٨٤. أَجِرني أَجِزني وَاِجزِني أَجرَ مِدحَتي
بِبَردٍ إِذا ما النارُ شَبَّ سَعيرُها
85. For Ibn Zuhayr, your mantle sufficed
As reward for his ode - enriching his deprived clan.
٨٥. فَقابِل ثَناها بِالقُبولِ فَإِنَّها
عَرائِسُ فِكرٍ وَالقَبولُ مُهورُها
86. Reward me, recompense me, requite my praise
With a mantle, when fires flame and blaze.
٨٦. وَإِن زانَها تَطويلُها وَاِطِّرادُها
فَقَد شانَها تَقصيرُها وَقُصورُها
87. So welcome it, for acceptance is
Its wedding gift - your approval, its dower.
٨٧. إِذا ما القَوافي لَم تُحِط بِصِفاتِكُم
فَسِيّانِ مِنها جَمُّها وَيَسيرُها
88. If its length and consistency adorn it,
Brevity and concision equally suit it.
٨٨. بِمَدحِكَ تَمَّت حِجَّتي وَهيَ حُجَّتي
عَلى عُصبَةٍ يَطغى عَلَيَّ فُجورُها
89. When rhymes cannot encompass your attributes,
Equal are their collection and scarcity.
٨٩. أَقُصُّ بِشِعري إِثرَ فَضلِكَ واصِفاً
عُلاكَ إِذا ما النَاسُ قُصَّت شُعورُها
90. Praising you completes my aim, which is my argument
Against a horde whose immorality oppresses me.
٩٠. وَأَسهَرُ في نَظمِ القَوافي وَلَم أَقُل
خَليلَيَّ هَل مِن رَقدَةٍ أَستَعيرُها