1. Without your love I'm not content
And without your nearness, I've no hope
١. بِغَيرِ وِدادِكَ لَم أَقنَعِ
وَفي غَيرِ قُربِكَ لَم أَطمَعِ
2. You are the one whose merit none can claim
And whose praise the pretenders falsify
٢. وَأَنتَ الَّذي ما اِدَّعى فَضلَهُ
وَكَذَّبَ في وَصفِهِ المُدَّعي
3. How often has your silence pained me
That I've shut my hearing from your words
٣. وَكَم قَد هَفَوتَ بِهُجرِ الكَلامِ
فَأَعرَضتُ عَن سَمعِهِ مِسمَعي
4. So you become as though you'd never spoken
And I as though I'd never heard
٤. فَكُنتَ كَأَنَّكَ ما قُلتَهُ
وَكُنتُ كَأَنِّيَ لَم أَسمَعِ