1. The souls of prey are the prices of glories,
When their cloaks are shaken by calamities.
١. نُفوسُ الصيدِ أَثمانُ المَعالي
إِذا هَزَّت مَعاطِفَها العَوالي
2. And the faces of the swords smile,
Prolonging the weeping of men's lives.
٢. وَأَبدَت أَوجُهُ البيضِ اِبتِساماً
يُطيلُ بُكاءَ آجالِ الرِجالِ
3. He who loved glory and feared death,
Became, when disaster struck, downcast.
٣. وَمَن عَشِقَ العَلاءَ وَخافَ حَتفاً
غَدا عِندَ الكَريهَةِ وَهوَ سالي
4. None won glory but the intrepid,
Broad of chest in narrow straits.
٤. وَلَم يَحُزِ العُلى إِلّا كَمِيٌّ
رَحيبُ الصَدرِ في ضيقِ المَجالِ
5. He who was sure good repute endures,
While all rule's pleasures pass away.
٥. تَيَقَّنَ أَنَّ طيبَ الذِكرِ يَبقى
وَكُلَّ نَعيمِ مُلكٍ في زَوالِ
6. Therefore a soul aspired to religion's pillar,
Having learned from its Lord to seek perfection.
٦. لِذاكَ سَمَت بِرُكنِ الدينِ نَفسٌ
تَعَلَّمَ رَبُّها طَلَبَ الكَمالِ
7. It aspired and found Him coolness for passions,
And fever's anguish like pure drink.
٧. سَمَت فَأَرَتهُ حَرَّ الكَرَّ بَرداً
وَيَحمومَ المَنِيَّةِ كَالزَلالِ
8. He clothed its honor in sturdy mail,
And made its body arrows' target.
٨. فَأَلبَسَ عِرضَهُ دِرعاً حَصيناً
وَصَيَّرَ جِسمَهُ غَرَضَ النِبالِ
9. It won Paradise for an abode,
And settled on its couches in its shades.
٩. تَبَوَّأَ جَنَّةَ الفِردوسِ داراً
وَحَلَّ عَلى الأَرائِكِ في ظِلالِ
10. Leaving every heart preoccupied,
Every ardent breast aflame.
١٠. وَخَلَّفَ كُلَّ قَلبٍ في اِشتِغالٍ
وَكُلَّ لَهيبِ صَدرٍ في اِشتِعالِ
11. My soul, who melted my soul away,
And whose loss cost me wealth and means!
١١. بِروحي مَن أَذابَ نَواهُ روحي
وَأَفقَدَ فَقدُهُ عِزّي وَمالي
12. Before the day I regained it I did not know
That rapture is the new moon's sign.
١٢. وَلَم أَكُ قَبلَ يَومِ رَداهُ أَدري
بِأَنَّ الطُربَ بُرجٌ لِلهِلالِ
13. They said, "You are smitten," but I said, "No!
Arrows do not fall upon mountains."
١٣. وَقالَوا قَد أُصِبتَ فَقُلتُ كَلّا
وَما وَقَعُ النِبالِ عَلى الجِبالِ
14. I did not know the firm spears turn to water
In battle's surge, made from pearl shells.
١٤. وَلَم أَعلَم بِأَنَّ الرَمسَ يُمسي
بِمَوجِ الحَربِ مِن صَدَفِ اللَآلي
15. O rock of the groves, you prolonged my lament.
In you my sorrows and tears opened,
١٥. أَيا صَخرَ الجَنانِ أَدَمتَ نَوحي
فَها أَنا فيكَ خَنساءُ الرِجالِ
16. In you my patience and endurance failed.
You sacrificed your soul in seeking glories,
١٦. وَفَت لي فيكَ أَحزاني وَدَمعي
وَخانَ عَلَيكَ صَبري وَاِحتِمالي
17. As you sacrificed it seeking pleasures.
You raced to battle ere the war-cry,
١٧. بَذَلتَ النَفسَ في طَلَبِ المَعالي
كَبَذلِكَ لِلُّهى يَومَ النَوالِ
18. As you raced with bounty before requests.
You hardened your heart for death's fords,
١٨. تُسابِقُ لِلوَغى قَبلَ التَنادي
كَسَبقِكَ بِالعَطا قَبلَ السُؤالِ
19. The testing of heroes unarmored.
You wore over the garments of humiliation
١٩. شَدَدتَ القَلبَ في خَوضِ المَنايا
وَوَبلِ النُبلِ مُنحَلَّ العَزالي
20. A heart that enriches you without mail.
Your flank sways to meet the foe,
٢٠. لَبِستَ عَلى ثِيابِ الوَشيِ قَلباً
غَنيتَ بِهِ عَنِ الدِرعِ المُذالِ
21. Swaying its redolence like the waving twig.
So you lived praised for your rare qualities,
٢١. تَهُزُّ لِمُلتَقى الأَعداءِ عِطفاً
يَهِزُّ رَطيبَهُ مَرَحُ الدَلالِ
22. And died praised for your fine traits.
O pillar of religion, how many pillars
٢٢. فَعِشتَ وَأَنتَ مَمدوحُ السَجايا
وَمُتَّ وَأَنتَ مَحمودُ الخِلالِ
23. Were threatened by your beauty's loss!
Your meadows after their joy are lonely;
٢٣. أَرُكنَ الدينِ كَم رُكنٍ مَشيدٍ
هَدَدتَ بِفَقدِ ذُيّاكَ الجَمالِ
24. Their current lights are now shadows.
The brave purebred steeds lament your loss,
٢٤. رُبوعُكَ بَعدَ بَهجَتِها طُلولٌ
وَحاليها مِنَ الأَنوارِ خالِ
25. The swords weep for you, and the blades.
Every angry warrior yearns for your right hand,
٢٥. تَنوحُ لِفَقدِكَ الجُردُ المَذاكي
وَتَبكيكَ الصَوارِمُ وَالعَوالي
26. The sharp swords long for your left.
Does death make off with you while a tower?
٢٦. يَحِنَّ إِلى يَمينِكَ كُلُّ عَضبٍ
وَتَشتاقُ الأَعِنَّةُ لِلشَمالِ
27. Do the vile esteem you cheap when so dear?
And the courage of the white swords weakens,
٢٧. أَتَسلُبُكَ المَنونُ وَأَنتَ طَودٌ
وَتَرخِصُكَ الكُماةُ وَأَنتَ غالِ
28. And the resolve of long spears grows short.
No lance-butt was smashed in the charge,
٢٨. وَتَضعَفُ عَزمَةُ البيضِ المَواضي
وَتَقصُرُ هِمَّةُ الأَسَلِ الطِوالِ
29. No sword-edge blunted in the fight.
No steeds were roused in pursuit,
٢٩. وَلَم تُحطَم قَناةٌ في طِعانٍ
وَلَم تُفلَل صِفاحٌ في قِتالِ
30. No men grappled in the fray.
The horses raised no din with their hooves,
٣٠. وَلا اِضطَرَمَت جِيادٌ في طِرادٍ
وَلا اِعتَرَكَت رِجالٌ في مَجالِ
31. No dust spun round the mountain-tops.
The non-fighters sleep in repose,
٣١. وَلا رَفَعوا بِوَقعِ الخَيلِ نَقعاً
وَلا نُسِجَ الغُبارُ عَلى الجِلالِ
32. Imagining their actions dreams.
For their fortress no nests were plucked,
٣٢. وَتُمسي اللاذِخِيَّةُ في رُقادٍ
تَوَهَّمُ فِعلَها طَيفَ الخَيالِ
33. Though the low and high were leveled.
The valley of Hell, when they descended it,
٣٣. وَلَم تُقلَع لِقَلعَتِهِم عُروشٌ
إِذا اِستَوَتِ الأَسافِلُ وَالأَعالي
34. Did not at evening prove their worst mischance.
I will weep, while I live, nor forget
٣٤. وَلا وادي جَهَنَّمَ حينَ حَلَّوا
بِهِ أَمسى عَليهِم شَرَّ فالِ
35. Your early and recent deeds.
Had I been given my wish regarding you,
٣٥. سَأَبكي ما حَييتُ وَلَستُ أَنسى
صَنائِعَكَ الأَواخِرَ وَالأَوالي
36. I would weep for you with blades and swords,
With every Indian scimitar
٣٦. وَلَو أَنّي أُبَلَّغُ فيكَ سُؤلي
بَكَيتُكَ بِالصَوارِمِ وَالعَوالي
37. Dragging death like a file.
It would show you waves of death's flood,
٣٧. بِكُلِّ مُهَنَّدِ الحَدَّينِ ماضٍ
تَدُبُّ بِهِ المَنِيَّةِ كَالنَمالِ
38. While blood keeps it from rusting away.
A twenty year old reddish-brown steed,
٣٨. يُريكَ بِهِ رُكامُ المَوتِ مَوجاً
وَتَمنَعُهُ الدِماءُ مِنَ الصِقالِ
39. Balanced in build, of excellent stock,
His upper parts shining with spearheads
٣٩. وَأَسمَرَ ناهَزَ العِشرينَ لَدنٍ
رُدَينيِّ المَناسِبِ ذي اِعتِدالِ
40. Like fire at the edge of the helmets.
I abhor the soul that equals your bloodshed
٤٠. يُضيءُ عَلى أَعاليهِ سِنانٌ
ضِياءَ النارِ في طَرَفِ الذُبالِ
41. Matching word with deed.
May the virtuous sultan wipe out
٤١. وَأَشقي مِن دِماءِ عِداكَ نَفساً
تَنوطُ القَولَ مِنها بِالفِعالِ
42. Misguidance's darkness with his face's light,
And make them flow, of the two clans,
٤٢. لَعَلَّ الصالِحَ السُلطانَ يَجلو
بِغُرَّةِ وَجهِهِ ظُلمَ الضَلالِ
43. To al-Hayjah, running like the herd.
The cavalry rouses them against the foe,
٤٣. وَيُجريها مِنَ الشِعبَينِ قُبّاً
إِلى الهَيجاءِ تَسعى كَالسَعالي
44. As if the ball were reminding them of the maidens.
In them is all the resolve of the angry heroes,
٤٤. يُحَرِّضُها الطَرادُ عَلى الأَعادي
كَأَنَّ الكَرَّ يُذكِرُها المَخالي
45. Pushing and fighting.
And when taking vengeance on them he heals
٤٥. عَلَيها كُلُّ ماضي العَزمِ ذِمرٍ
كَمِيٍّ في الجِلادِ وَفي الجِدالِ
46. Souls not content with recompense.
And I know his resolve is a sharp sword,
٤٦. وَيَشفي عِندَ أَخذِ الثَأرِ مِنهُم
نُفوساً لَيسَ تَقنَعُ بِالمَطالِ
47. Though requital is like the whetstone.
٤٧. وَأَعلَمُ أَنَّ عَزمَتَهُ حُسامٌ
وَلَكِنَّ التَقاضي كَالصِقالِ