
Where are the Arabs in the abodes of love?

أين في الحمى عرب

1. Where are the Arabs in the abodes of love?
Would that I had a quarter of their passion!

١. أَينَ في الحِمى عَرَبُ
لي بِرَبعِهِم أَرَبُ

2. Whenever I remember them,
I am saddened by their fervor.

٢. كُلَّما ذَكَرتُهُمُ
حَزَّني لَهُم طَرَبُ

3. They are neighbors in their quarters
Whose nobility cannot be preserved.

٣. جيرَةٌ بِحَيِّهِمُ
لَيسَ يُحفَظُ الحَسَبُ

4. Promises and pacts with them
Are seized and breached.

٤. العُهودُ وَالحُقو
قُ عِندَهُمُ تُغتَصَبُ

5. In their tents, a moon
Veiled in the drinking-cups.

٥. في خِيامِهِم قَمَرٌ
بِالصِفاحِ مُحتَجِبُ

6. Her saliva is wine;
Her mouth is desire itself.

٦. ريقُهُ مُعَتَّقَةٌ
ثَغرُهُ لَها حَبَبُ

7. I pine in their lands
While my heart is downcast.

٧. بِتُّ في دِيارِهِمُ
وَالفُؤادُ مُكتَئِبُ

8. Tears flow
And ribs grow hot.

٨. الدُموعُ هاطِلَةٌ
وَالضُلوعُ تَلتَهِبُ

9. Love's hand has surely
Struck me with passion.

٩. إِنَّ لِلغَرامِ يَداً
مَسَّني بِها العَطَبُ

10. If I suffer sorrow there,
It's part of love's duty.

١٠. إِن قَضَيتُ فيهِ أَسىً
فَهوَ بَعضُ ما يَجِبُ

11. The slanderers feigned pleasure
But anger showed through.

١١. أَبدَتِ الوُشاةُ رِضىً
مِنهُ يُلحَظُ الغَضَبُ

12. Faces laughed
While hearts cried within.

١٢. الوُجوهُ ضاحِكَةٌ
وَالقُلوبُ تَنتَحِبُ

13. Had they brought a gift,
They'd protest it wasn't enough.

١٣. لَو أَتوا بِمَكرُمَةٍ
أَعتَبوا وَما عَتَبوا

14. For love is a blazing fire
And their rebuke its fuel.

١٤. فَالغَرامُ نارُ لَظىً
عَذلُهُم لَها حَطَبُ