1. The rain clouds circled around the palm tree,
Sprinkling it with sweet drops,
١. دارَت عَلى الدَوحِ سُلافُ القَطرِ
فَرَنَّحَت أَعطافَهُ بِالسُكرِ
2. The morning breeze stirred the leaves
That chirped on the green branches.
٢. وَنَبَّهَ الوُرقَ نَسيمُ الفَجرِ
فَغَرَّدَت فَوقَ الغُصونِ الخُضرِ
3. Singing without a lute or drums,
Smiling like flower petals,
٣. تُغني عَنِ العودِ وَصَوتِ الزَمرِ
تَبَسَّمَت مَباسِمُ الأَزهارِ
4. The lanterns shone bright,
The dewdrops scattered like pearls,
٤. وَأَشرَقَ النَوّارُ بِالأَنوارِ
وَظَلَّ عِقدُ الطَلَّ في نِثارِ
5. Kissed early by the showers,
Crowning it with pearls.
٥. وَباكَرَتها دِيَمُ الأَمطارِ
فَكَلَّلَت تيجانِها بِالدُرِّ
6. The vanguards of clouds have arrived,
Winter has announced its coming,
٦. قَد أَقبَلَت طَلائِعُ الغُيومِ
إِذ أَذِنَ الشِتاءُ بِالقُدومِ
7. Since the gentle breeze confronted it,
It bid farewell to camphor and clouds.
٧. فَمُذ حَداها سائِقُ النَسيمِ
عَفَّت رُبى العَقيقِ وَالغَميمِ
8. And greeted the land of Diyar Bakr early.
Don't you see the new clouds have come
٨. وَباكَرَت أَرضَ دِيارِ بَكرِ
أَما تَرى الغَيمَ الجَديدَ قَد أَتى
9. Heralding the nearness of winter?
So relieve my worries with medicine, O youth!
٩. مُبَشِّراً بِالقُربِ مِن فَصلِ الشِتا
فَاِعقُر هُمومي بِالعُقارِ يا فَتى
10. How long will the days of bliss last?
They are numbered in my life.
١٠. فَتَركُ أَيّامِ الهَنا إِلى مَتى
فَإِنَّها مَحسوبَةٌ مِن عُمري
11. Rise to seize the opportunity of time,
You won't be safe from its unpredictable nature.
١١. فَاِنهَض لِنَهبِ فُرصَةِ الزَمانِ
فَلَستَ مِن فَجواهُ في أَمانِ
12. Drink to melodies and songs,
For autumn is another spring.
١٢. وَاِشرَب عَلى الناياتِ وَالمَثاني
إِنَّ الخَريفَ لَرَبيعٌ ثانِ
13. Quaff the wine cups to the full.
A season for us, luck has returned in its fold,
١٣. فَاِتمِم حُلاهُ بِكُؤوسِ الخَمرِ
فَصلٌ لَنا في طَيِّهِ سُعودُ
14. Our joys will recur with its return,
The distant bird will arrive in it.
١٤. بِعَودِهِ أَفراحُنا تَعودُ
يَقدِمُ فيهِ الطَائِرُ البَعيدُ
15. Everyday is feast for the hunters.
As if it were the Eid Al-Adha with prey.
١٥. في كُلِّ يَومٍ لِلرُماةِ عيدُ
كَأَنَّهُ بِالصَرعِ عيدُ النَحرِ
16. These partridges have come towards us,
Yearning for their old habitat.
١٦. هَذي الكَراكي نَحوَنا قَد قَدِمَت
فاقِدَةً لِإِلفِها قَد عَدِمَت
17. If only they knew what awaits, they would regret.
Look, their outlines are embellished,
١٧. لَو عَلِمَت بِما تُلاقي نَدِمَت
فَاِنظُر إِلى أَخياطِها قَد نُظِمَت
18. Like letters lined in a poem.
Remembering their meadows was hard on them
١٨. شِبهَ حُروفٍ نُظِمَت في سَطرِ
تَذَكَّرَت مَرتَعِها فَشاقَها
19. So they came carrying their longing,
Blinking their eyelids in their flight,
١٩. فَأَقبَلَت حامِلَةً أَشواقَها
تُجيلُ في مَطارِها أَحداقَها
20. Stretching their necks in their craving.
Not knowing that the tide would ebb.
٢٠. تَمُدُّ مِن حَنينِها أَعناقَها
لَم تَدرِ أَنَّ مَدَّها لِلجَزرِ
21. O Saad be supportive of his love,
For it has been one of my habits.
٢١. يا سَعدُ كُن في حُبِّها مُساعِدي
فَإِنَّهُ مُذ عِشتُ مِن عَوائِدي
22. Don't blame me for being envious of him
If you could see the birds of Khaalid's flirtation,
٢٢. وَلا تَلُم مَن باتَ فيها حاسِدي
فَلَو تَرى طَيرَ عِذارِ خالِدِ
23. You would accept my love for the coquettish birds.
A bird equal to the stars of the sky
٢٣. أَقَمتَ في حُبِّ العِذارِ عُذري
طَيرٌ بِقَدرِ أَنجُمِ السَماءِ
24. Diverse in forms and names.
When the dawn dispels the darkness,
٢٤. مُختَلِفُ الأَشكالِ وَالأَسماءِ
إِذا جَلا الصُبحُ دُجى الظُلماءِ
25. It appears above the water's surface.
Like figures imagined on a curtain.
٢٥. يَلوحُ مِن فَوقِ طَفيحِ الماءِ
شِبهَ نُقوشٍ خُيّلَت في سِترِ
26. In the commotion of birds like armies
Some incoming and some outgoing.
٢٦. في لُجَّةِ الأَطيارِ كَالعَساكِرِ
فَهُنَّ بَينَ وارِدٍ وَصادِرِ
27. The magnificent distinguished from the small
Limited since Al-Naasir's era.
٢٧. جَليلُها ناءٍ عَنِ الأَصغارِ
مَحدودَةٌ مِنذُ عُهودِ الناصِرِ
28. Counted at fourteen and ten.
Shubaytar, Mirdam and Korki
٢٨. مَعدودَةٌ في أَربَعٍ وَعَشرِ
شُبَيطَرٌ وَمِرزَمٌ وَكُركي
29. And a perfect Tamm with a Turkish goose.
Laglag resembling the color of musk
٢٩. وَصِنفُ تَمٍّ مَعَ إِوَزٍّ تُركي
وَلَغلَغٌ يُشبِهُ لَونَ المِسكِ
30. The Kai and the An'naaz O doubter!
Then the eagle associated with the vulture.
٣٠. وَالكَيُّ وَالعَنّازُ يا ذا الشَكِّ
ثُمَّ العُقابُ مُلحَقٌ بِالنِسرِ
31. Followed by the Irounk, an amazing type
Humane and feminine when floored.
٣١. وَيَتبَعُ الأَرنوقَ صِنفٌ مُبدِعُ
أَنيسَةٌ إِنسِيَّةٌ إِذ تُصرَعُ
32. And Al-Daww and Al-Hibrj, the most comprehensive,
Five and five have completed and four.
٣٢. وَالضَوُّ وَالحِبرَجُ فَهيَ أَجمَعُ
خَمسٌ وَخَمسٌ كَمُلَت وَأَربَعُ
33. As if they were the nights of the full moon.
Hasten to the Tigris and marshes,
٣٣. كَأَنَّها أَيّامُ عُمرِ البَدرِ
فَاِبكُر إِلى دِجلَةَ وَالأَقطاعِ
34. For it is the best effort.
And be astonished at the variety there
٣٤. فَإِنَّها مِن أَحمَدِ المَساعي
وَاِعجَب لِما فيها مِنَ الأَنواعِ
35. Of the highlands and pastures.
And the clamor of the fowler and urban voice.
٣٥. مِن سائِرِ الجَليلِ وَالمَراعي
وَضَجَّةِ الشيقِ وَصَوتِ الحُضِر
36. Between an ascending Tamm and a descending one,
And a flying eagle and a falling one.
٣٦. ما بَينَ تَمٍّ ناهِضٍ وَواضِعِ
وَبَينَ نَسرٍ طائِرٍ وَواقِعِ
37. And an exiting Kai and a returning one.
And the rising of birds from the meadows.
٣٧. وَبَينَ كَيٍّ خارِجٍ وَراجِعِ
وَنَهضَةِ الطَيرِ مِنَ المَراتِعِ
38. Like passing fragments of clouds.
Look, the hunters have armed themselves,
٣٨. كَأَنَّها أَقطاعُ غَيمٍ تَسري
أَما تَرى الرُماةَ قَد تَرَسَّموا
39. And divided for ambushing the birds.
Wearing armor and turbans,
٣٩. وَلِاِرتَقابِ الطَيرِ قَد تَقَسَّموا
بِالجِفتِ قَد تَدَرَّعوا وَعَمَّمواَ
40. Determined to spill their blood,
They came in red clothes.
٤٠. لَمّا عَلى سَفكِ دِماها صَمَّموا
جاؤوا إِلَيها في ثِيابٍ حُمرِ
41. Frightened of Arabs and non-Arabs alike,
Becoming stars and moons overnight.
٤١. قَد فَزِعوا عَن كُلِّ عُربٍ وَعَجَم
وَأَصبَحوا بَينَ الطِرافِ وَالأَجَم
42. Abandoning every bent-backed one,
Whose backs were broken by burden.
٤٢. مِن كُلِّ نَجمٍ بِالسُعودِ قَد نَجَم
وَكُلِّ بَدرٍ بِالشَهابِ قَد رَجَم
43. As if they were crescents expelled.
Their masters spent generously on them
٤٣. عَن كُلِّ مَحنيٍّ شَديدِ الظَهرِ
مَحنِيَّةٌ في رَفعِها قَد أُدمِجَت
44. And exhausted the makers assembling them.
The archers trained their nature.
٤٤. أَدرَكَها التَثقيفُ لَمّا عوِّجَت
قَد كُبِسَت بُيوتُها وَسُرِّجَت
45. If it touched a breast they pierced it,
As if they were carved from rock.
٤٥. كَأَنَّها أَهِلَّةٌ قَد أُخرِجَت
بَنادِقاً مِثلَ النُجومِ الزُهرِ
46. When I hear the cry of the raptors,
My senses lean towards their voices.
٤٦. قَد جَوَّدَت أَربابُها مَتاعَها
وَأَتعَبَت في حَزمِها صُنّاعَها
47. And if I see the commotion of the prey,
And I am not amongst them to hunt,
٤٧. وَهَذَّبَت رُماتُها طِباعَها
إِذا لَمَسَت خابِراً أَقطاعَها
48. My heart feels too small for worries.
If only I were still roaming,
٤٨. حَسِبتَها مَطبوعَةً مِن صَخرِ
إِذا سَمِعتُ صَرخَةَ الجَوارِحِ
49. Between the hunting grounds coming and going.
If only fate allowed me that,
٤٩. تَصبوا إِلى أَصواتِها جَوارِحي
وَإِن رَأَيتُ أَجَمَ البَطائِحِ
50. Being near for me is to remain distant.
I traverse the desert in every leap.
٥٠. وَلَم أَكُن ما بَينَها بِطائِحِ
يَضيقُ عَن حَملِ الهُمومِ صَدري
51. I vowed to myself at the end of bliss,
And the good days to realize wishes.
٥١. مَن لي بِأَنّي لا أَزالُ سائِحا
بَينَ المَرامي غادِياً وَرائِحا
52. To combine power with prosperity,
Until it sees departure has drawn near.
٥٢. لَو كانَ لي دَهري بِذاكَ سامِحا
فَالقُربُ عِندي أَن أَبيتَ نازِحا
53. And asked me to fulfill my vow.
It says to me when slumber forsakes me,
٥٣. أَقطَعُ في البَيداءِ كُلَّ قَفزِ
نَذَرتُ لِلنَفسِ إِذا تَمَّ الهَنا
54. And my staying in the land seems long.
The turning of fate bars me from ambition.
٥٤. وَزُمَّتِ العيسُ لِإِدراكِ المُنى
أَن أَقرِنَ العِزَّ لَدَيها بِالغِنى
55. Why do nights persist in lowering me?
As if they are some letters of pulling down.
٥٥. حَتّى رَأَت أَنَّ الرَحيلَ قَد دَنا
فَطالَبَتني بِوَفاءِ نَذري
56. Rise, in the desert set out the feet of resolve,
Tour with the good fortune away from barrenness.
٥٦. تَقولُ لي لَمّا جَفاني غُمضي
وَأَنكَرَت طولَ مَقامي أَرضي
57. Do not stay in oval Mosul,
For the flames of the brilliant citadel,
٥٧. وَعاقَني صَرفُ الرَدى عَن نَهضي
ما لِلَّيالي أولِعَت بِخَفضي
58. Burn the devil of the turns of fate.
A star people seek guidance from,
٥٨. كَأَنَّها بَعضُ حُروفِ الجَرِّ
فَاِنهَض رِكابَ العَزمِ في البَيداءِ
59. One protected by it will not be disgraced.
In winter it is a sun, in summer it is shade,
٥٩. وَاِزوَرَّ بِالعيسِ عَنِ الزَوراءِ
وَلا تُقِم بِالمَوصِلِ الحَدباءِ
60. And a full moon illuminating the lost.
It enriches people beyond the rain.
٦٠. إِنَّ شِهابَ القَلعَةِ الشَهباءِ
يَحرُقُ شَيطانَ صُروفِ الدَهرِ
61. If the blind man saw tomorrow, he would see.
If he saw a dead man, he would be resurrected.
٦١. نَجمٌ بِهِ الأَنامُ تَستَدِلُّ
مَن عَزَّ في حِماهُ لا يَذِلُّ
62. If he wanted darkness, it would become light.
If the night came seeking refuge with him,
٦٢. في القَرِّ شَمسٌ وَالمَصيفِ ظِلُّ
وَبلٌ عَلى العُفاةِ مُستَهِلُّ
63. He would give it sanctuary from the assaults of dawn.
Revel in the lands of the supported King,
٦٣. أَغنى الأَنامَ عَن هُتونِ القَطرِ
لَو قابَلَ الأَعمى غَدا بَصيرا
64. Who brought creation to life before the blow of horn.
Who built the heights before building palaces.
٦٤. وَلَو رَأى مَيتاً غَدا مَنشورا
وَلَو يَشا الظَلامَ كانَ نورا
65. Vanquisher of every roaring lion.
God gave him the reins of victory.
٦٥. وَلو أَتاهُ اللَيلُ مُستَجيرا
أَمَّنَهُ مِن سَطَواتِ الفَجرِ
66. A King who finds wealth casual,
Sees the life of reputation in its death.
٦٦. لُذ بِرُبوعِ المَلِكِ المَنصورِ
مُحيي الأَنامِ قَبلَ نَفخِ الصورِ
67. Glory has appeared in its time,
And light shone in its nights.
٦٧. باني العُلا قَبلَ بِنا القُصورِ
قاتِلَ كُلِّ أَسَدٍ هَصورِ
68. As if they were the nights of Al-Qadr.
A successor became for us on earth,
٦٨. مَلَّكَهُ اللَهُ زِمامَ النَصِرِ
مَلكٌ كَأَنَّ المالَ مِن عُداتِهِ
69. We live in dignity under his care.
His noble palms have been generous,
٦٩. يَرى حَياةَ الذِكرِ في مَماتِهِ
قَد ظَهَرَ العِزُّ عَلى أَوقاتِهِ
70. And his resolute conscience inspired.
To break the arrogant and mend the broken.
٧٠. وَأَشرَقَ النورُ عَلى لَيلاتِهِ
كَأَنَّها بَعضُ لَيالي القَدرِ
71. The wild beasts of fate bow over his door,
And kings prostrate at his threshold.
٧١. أَصبَحَ في الأَرضِ لَنا خَليفَهُ
نَعِزُّ في أَربُعِهِ المَألوفَه
72. Destinies serve under his feet,
Aspiring the favor of his side.
٧٢. قَد سَمَحَت أَكُفُّهُ الشَريفَه
وَأُلهِمَت عَزمَتُهُ المُنيفَه
73. And drawing ease after hardship from him.
Firm, aloof from motives,
٧٣. بِكَسرِ جَبّارٍ وَجَبرِ كَسرِ
يَخضَعُ هامُ الدَهرِ فَوقَ بابِهِ
74. And a essence devoid of contingencies.
He is feared like an angry one yet he is pleased,
٧٤. وَتَسجُدُ المُلوكَ في أَعتابِه
وَتَخدُمُ الأَقدارُ في رِكابِه
75. His judgments have smoothed the land,
And his palms destroyed the army of poverty.
٧٥. تَرومُ فَضلَ العِزِّ مِن جَنابِه
وَتَستَمِدُّ اليُسرَ بَعدَ العُسرِ
76. When he saw his days thronged,
And people prostrate in his court,
٧٦. مُحَكَّمٌ ناءٍ عَنِ الأَغراضِ
وَجَوهَرٌ خالٍ مِنَ الأَعراضِ
77. He wanted more abundance in his rule.
So his palms freed slaves,
٧٧. يُهابُ كَالساخِطِ وَهوَ راضِ
قَد مَهَّدَت آرائُهُ الأَراضي
78. And generosity enslaved the free.
O King envied by other kings,
٧٨. وَأَهلَكَت كَفّاهُ جَيشَ الفَقرِ
لَمّا رَأى أَيّامَهُ جُنودا
79. The planets follow his resolve.
Feared by Arabs and Turks alike,
٧٩. وَالناسَ في أَعتابِهِ سُجودا
أَرادَ في دَولَتِهِ مَزيدا
80. For he knows their innermost thoughts.
As if entrusted with the unseen.
٨٠. فَأَعتَقَت أَكَفُّهُ العَبيدا
وَاِستَعبَدَت بِالجودِ كُلِّ حُرِّ
81. My proximity, not gifts, entices me,
And your affection, nothing else is my hope.
٨١. يا مَلِكاً تَحسُدُهُ الأَملاكُ
وَتَقتَدي بِعَزمِهِ الأَفلاكُ
82. When I have struggled through seasons,
I seek no prize but acceptance.
٨٢. يَهابُهُ الأَعرابُ وَالأَتراكُ
لَهُ بِما تُضمِرُهُ إِدراكُ
83. For acceptance, not for a prize.
May your joys remain renewed,
٨٣. كَأَنَّهُ مُوَكَّلٌ بِالسِرِّ
قُربي إِلَيكُم لا العَطاءُ سولي
84. And the souls of foes threatened by you.
The pillars of glory erected by you,
٨٤. وَوُدُّكُم لا غَيرَهُ مَأمولي
إِذا جَلَيتُ كاعَبَ الفُصولِ
85. And the land smoothed by your policies.
With security, time smiles showing its teeth.
٨٥. لا أَبتَغي مَهراً سِوى القَبولِ
إِنَّ القَبولَ لا لِأَجلِ مَهرِ
٨٦. لا بَرِحَت أَفراحُكُم مُجَدَّدَه
وَأَنفُسُ الضَدَّ بِكُم مُهَدَّدَه
٨٧. وَأَربُعُ المَجدِ بِكُم مُشَيَّدَه
وَالأَرضُ مِن آرائِكُم مُمَهَّدَه
٨٨. وَالدَهرُ بِالأَمنِ ضَحوكُ الثَغرِ