
In your anger the intoxication of death came in truth,

لسخطك جاءت سكرة الموت بالحق

1. In your anger the intoxication of death came in truth,
So show compassion and kindness to your helpless slave.

١. لِسُخطِكَ جاءَت سَكرَةُ المَوتِ بِالحَقِّ
فَعَطفاً وَإِحساناً عَلى عَبدِكَ الرِقِّ

2. For enemies may falsely accuse and slander,
The Master should not take them all as truthful.

٢. فَقَد تَنقُلُ الأَعداءُ حَقّاً وَباطِلاً
فَلا يَحمِلُ المَولى الجَميعَ عَلى الصِدقِ

3. How can a slave hope to escape his Master's wrath,
With whispers, when he does not wish for freedom?

٣. وَكَيفَ يَرى إِسخاطَ مالِكِ رِقِّهِ
بِنَجواهُ عَبدٌ لَيسَ يَرغَبُ في العِتقِ

4. Gently, until the truth reveals its face,
For your slave is most deserving of gentleness.

٤. فَرِفقاً إِلى أَن يُبرِزَ الحَقُّ وَجهَهُ
بِعَبدِكُمُ فَالعَبدُ أَجدَرُ بِالرِفقِ