1. Rise with us, for fate has helped us,
And good living has come by fate's decree.
١. قُم بي فَقَد ساعَدَنا صَرفُ القَدَر
وَجاءَ طيبُ عَيشِنا عَلى قَدَر
2. How high man's fate rises, and what his fate is!
So let us milk the hanging fruits if we find fate.
٢. فَكَم عَلا قَدرُ اِمرِىءٍ وَما قَدَر
فَاِرضَع بِنا دَرَّ الهَنا إِن تَلقَ دَرّ
3. For he is valiant who gains joy if he finds fate.
Now time is clear, and safety,
٣. فَالشَهمُ مَن حازَ السُرورَ إِن قَدَر
وَقَد صَفا الزَمانُ وَالأَمانُ
4. The place and means are prosperous,
The brothers and aides are helpful,
٤. وَأَسعَدَ المَكانُ وَالإِمكانُ
وَأَنجَدَ الإِخوانُ وَالأَعوانُ
5. And eras have kept their pact.
Time has repented of its missteps and apologized.
٥. وَقَد وَفَت بِعَهدِها الأَزمانُ
وَالدَهرُ تابَ مِن خَطاهُ وَاِعتَذَر
6. O Saad, leave mention of Bani Lala'i
And a life that turned in the valley of Al-Ajraa'.
٦. يا سَعدُ فَاِترُك ذِكرَ بِانِ لَعلَعِ
وَعَيشَةً وَلَّت بِوادي الأَجرَعِ
7. If you can hear my words and comprehend,
Then till the echo of my heart and delight my hearing
٧. وَإِن تَكُن تَسمَعُ قَولي وَتَعي
فَاِجلُ صَدا قَلبي وَأَطرِب مَسمِعي
8. With the twang of strings - touch not the lute!
Leave the tall ones, known by their brand,
٨. بِرَشقَةِ الأَوتارِ لا جَسَّ الوَتَر
وَدَع طَوالاً عُرِفَت بِوَسمِها
9. And four whose shape alone remains,
Make the soul's joy their fairest portion,
٩. وَأَربُعاً لَم يَبقَ غَيرُ رَسمِها
وَاِجعَل سُرورَ النَفسِ أَسنى قَسمَها
10. And enter with us in searching them - yes, brand them!
And spare me mention of what was and news.
١٠. وَاِدخُل بِنا في بَحثِ إِنَّ وَاِسمِها
وَخَلَّني مِن ذِكرِ كانَ وَالخَبَر
11. Do you not see the birds in October
Yearning, their longing manifest,
١١. أَما تَرى الأَطيارَ في تِشرينِ
مُقبِلَةً بادِيَةَ الحَنينِ
12. Some of them moaning from their sighing
When they trill towards the limpid waters,
١٢. فَريقُها نابَ عَنِ الأَنينِ
إِذا رَنَت نَحوَ المِياهِ الجونِ
13. Urged by longing, held back by caution?
These partridges wandering at dawn,
١٣. يَأمُرُها الشَوقُ وَيَنهاها الحَذَر
هَذي الكَراكي حائِماتٌ في الضُحى
14. Arranged or circling like a mill,
If they see overflowing water in the meadow,
١٤. مَنظومَةٌ أَو دائِراتٌ كَالرَحى
إِذا رَأَت في القَيضِ ماءً طَفَحا
15. They scatter when they arrive to drink merrily,
Not knowing death lies in their breasts.
١٥. تَفرَقُ في حالِ الوُرودِ مَرَحا
وَما دَرَت أَنَّ المَنايا في الصَدَر
16. O their beauty, arriving on time,
Tempting the hunters with her lovely attributes!
١٦. يا حُسنَها قادِمَةً في وَقتِها
تُغري الرُماةَ بِجَميلِ نَعتِها
17. Poised in flight if she reaches her path,
He shoots her with a rifle from below.
١٧. إِذا اِستَوَت طائِرَةً في سَمتِها
تَرشُقُها بِبُندُقٍ مِن تَحتِها
18. If only it were said to rain from above!
If only you could see us among brethren of purity
١٨. لَو أَنَّهُ مِن فَوقِها قيلَ مَطَر
فَلَو تَرانا بَينَ إِخوانِ الصَفا
19. Around an old jug whose froth has cleared,
Renowned for honesty, who fulfilled his word,
١٩. حَولَ قَديمٍ مِن قَذاهُ قَد صَفا
مُشتَهِرٍ بِالصِدقِ مَخبورِ الوَفا
20. Never wronging a friend if he erred,
Nor saying, "Bestow on me," nor planting a tree.
٢٠. لَم يُغضِ في الحَقِّ لِخَلٍّ إِن هَفا
وَلَم يَقُل يَوماً هَبوا لي ما شَجَر
21. Each who rivaled in generosity,
With hands like the crescent moon adorned,
٢١. مِن كُلِّ رامٍ شَبِقِ اليَدينِ
بِمُدمَجٍ مِثلِ الهِلالِ زَينِ
22. Curly-haired, with prominent heels,
As if, when clasped, the disks would touch,
٢٢. جَعدِ البَلاغِ نافِرِ الكَعبَينِ
لَو كَفَّ حَتّى مُلتَقى القُرصَينِ
23. The goblet would not crack nor the lute break.
So take us to the meadows of Famiya,
٢٣. ما اِنتَقَضَ الشاخُ وَلا العودُ إِنكَسَر
فَاِبرُز بِنا نَحوَ مَرامي فامِيَه
24. Between prairies and swelling waters -
Those meadows whose heights we never abandoned,
٢٤. بَينَ مُروجٍ وَمِياهٍ طامِيَه
تِلكَ المَرامي لَم نَزَل مَرامِيَه
25. So call us to their Sublime Lord,
And spare me a town full of lies.
٢٥. فَاِسمُ بِنا نَحوَ رُباها السامِيَه
وَخَلَّني مِن بَلدَةٍ فيها زَوَر
26. Look at the birds in their flight
And consider the hawks as you consider them.
٢٦. وَاِنظُر إِلى الأَطيارِ في مَطارِها
وَاِعتَبِرِ الجَفَّةَ كَاِعتِبارِها
27. They fly not with any but their kind.
So put not yourself above your measure
٢٧. إِذ لا تَطيرُ مَعَ سِوى أَنظارِها
فَلا تَضَع نَفسَكَ عَن مِقدارِها
28. With other than your own and beware.
Or incline to the depths with piercing resolve,
٢٨. مَع غَيرِ ذي الجِنسِ وَكُن عَلى حَذَر
أَو مِل إِلى العُمقِ بِعَزمٍ ثاقِبِ
29. For it is of the finest traits.
Marvel at what curiosities it contains
٢٩. فَإِنَّها مِن أَحسَنِ المَناقِبِ
فَاِعجَب لِما فيهِ مِنَ الغَرائِبِ
30. Of meadows, thickets, and obligations -
Its kinds are numbered, they cannot be recalled.
٣٠. مِنَ المَراعي وَجَليلٍ واجِبِ
أَصنافُهُ مَعدودَةٌ لا تُحتَضَر
31. One said, "Describe them in clear symbols,"
For they are a major benefit
٣١. وَقائِلٍ صِفها بِرَمزٍ واضِحِ
فَإِنَّها مِن أَكبَرِ المَصالِحِ
32. And good deeds after you, wholesome ones.
I said, "Refuse, and disobey every insolent one.
٣٢. وَالباقِياتِ بَعدَكَ الصَوالِحِ
قُلتُ تَمَنَّع وَاِعصِ كُلَّ كاشِحِ
33. These are their tools when considered."
If you wish to explain them to one who asks
٣٣. فَهَذِهِ عِدَّتُها إِذ تُعتَبَر
وَإِن تُرِد إِيضاحَها لِلسائِلِ
34. Without symbols teasing the mind
And limiting their names with a full count,
٣٤. بِغَيرِ رَمزٍ لِلضَميرِ شاغِلِ
وَحَصرَ أَسماها بِعَدٍّ كامِلِ
35. They are like half the gear of dwellings
Or less the prohibited from the number of walls:
٣٥. فَهيَ كَشَطرِ عُدَّةِ المَنازِلِ
أَو ما عَدا المَحذورِ مِن عِدِّ السُوَر
36. Partridge, starling, sandgrouse and perfect,
Chukar, stone-curlew, and old red-legged,
٣٦. كَركي وَعَنّازٌ وَأَرنوقٌ وَتَمَّ
وَالوَزُّ وَاللَغلَغُ وَالكَيُّ الهَرَم
37. Black francolin, if they are safe,
And habituated, to the friendly one -
٣٧. وَمَرزَمٌ وَشَبطَرٌ إِذا سَلِم
وَحَبرَجٌ وَبِالأَنيسَةِ اِنتَظَم
38. Hawk, eagle, and falcon have broken.
Six carried by feet,
٣٨. صوغٌ وَنَسرٌ وَعُقابٌ قَد كَسَر
فَسِتَّةٌ مَحمَلُهُنَّ الأَرجُلُ
39. Then eight with wings they carry.
Only what accrues is counted,
٣٩. ثُمَّ ثَمانٍ بِالجَناحِ تُحمَلُ
وَلا اِعتَدادٌ بِسِوى ما يَحصَلُ
40. Wholeness of limbs being a condition that includes,
So no wing appears cut short in flight.
٤٠. وَصِحَّةُ الأَعضاءِ شَرطٌ يَشمُلُ
كيلا يُرى في الطَيَرانِ ذو قَصَر
41. A valid code for al-Nasir the Imam,
Measured by the noble, pure law.
٤١. شَرُعٌ صَحيحٌ لِلإِمامِ الناصِرِ
قيسَ عَلى الشَرعِ الشَريفِ الطاهِرِ
42. Every jurist free of confusion verified it,
So it came like the noble, inhabited house,
٤٢. حَرَّرَهُ كُلُّ فَقيهٍ ما هِرِ
فَجاءَ كَالبَيتِ الشَريفِ العامِرِ
43. Its foundation truth, its pillar consideration.
It forbids shooting arrows there
٤٣. أَساسُهُ الصِدقُ وَرِكناهُ النَظِر
يَحرِمُ فيهِ الرَميَ بِالسِهامِ
44. And drinking alcohol for pleasure,
Selling any of the shooter's equipment,
٤٤. وَالشَربِ في البَرزَةِ لِلمُدامِ
وَبَيعَ شَيءٍ مِن صُروعِ الرامي
45. Or racing companions to the station.
Conditions and permits are invalid there.
٤٥. وَالسَبقِ لِلصُحبِ إِلى المَقامِ
وَالشَرطُ وَالتَرخيصَ فَهوَ وَالهَدَر
46. One said, "Perhaps you may be safe,"
And the like in something that necessitates,
٤٦. وَقائِلٍ فيهِ لَعَلَّ تَسلَمُ
وَمِثلُها في غَيرِ شَيءٍ يَلزَمُ
47. Or what is understood in the proper manner -
Three of guesses grant immunity,
٤٧. أَو ذا عَلى الوَجهِ الصَحيحِ يُفهَمُ
ثَلاثَةٌ مِنَ الهِتارِ تَعصِمُ
48. Ships of salvation for one fearing harm.
If you wish their clarification for the questioner
٤٨. سُفُنُ النَجاةِ لِإِمرِئٍ خافَ الضَرَر
فَاِنظُر إِلى زَهرِ الرِياضِ المُقبِلِ
49. Without a symbol teasing the mind,
And limiting all their names with a full count,
٤٩. إِذ جادَهُ دَمعُ السَحابِ المُسبِلِ
يَضوعُ مِن شَذاهُ عَرفُ المَندِلِ
50. Or less the forbidden from the count of walls:
Partridge, starling, sandgrouse and perfect,
٥٠. كَأَنَّهُ ذِكرُ المَليكِ الأَفضَلِ
إِذا طَواهُ الوَفدُ في الأَرضِ اِنتَشَر
51. Chukar, stone-curlew, and old red-legged,
Black francolin, if they are safe,
٥١. وَاِرثُ عَلِمِ المَلِكِ المُؤَيَّدِ
إِرثاً صَحيحاً سَيِّداً عَنِ سَيِّدِ
52. And habituated, to the friendly one -
Hawk, eagle, and falcon have broken.
٥٢. أَطلَقَ جَريَ نُطقِيَ المُقَيَّدِ
فَإِن أَفُه فيهِ بِنَظمٍ جَيِّدِ
53. So look at the blooms of the garden coming
When the rain of pouring clouds poured on them,
٥٣. كُنتُ كَمُهدٍ تَمرَهُ إِلى هَجَر
نَجلُ بَني أَيّوبَ أَعلامَ الهُدى
54. Their fragrance wafting from the headcloth
As if mention of the best King,
٥٤. وَالأَنجُمِ الزُهرِ إِذا اللَيلُ هَدا
وَالسابِقينَ بِالنَدى قَبلَ النِدا
55. When the delegation covers them in earth and diffuses.
Heir to the knowledge of King al-Mu'ayyad,
٥٥. كُلُّ فَتىً ساسَ البِلادَ فَاِغتَدى
في الحُكمِ لُقمانَ وَفي العَدلِ عُمَر
56. A valid heir, noble from a noble one.
He unleashed my speech, which was constrained,
٥٦. المُغمِدو بيضِ الظُبى في الهامِ
وَالمُشبِعو وَحشِ الفَلا وَالهامِ
57. So if I compose good poetry in it,
I'll be like one smoothly transferring to Hajar.
٥٧. وَمُرسِلو غَيثِ السَماحِ الهامي
فَفَضلُهُم بِالإِرثِ وَالإِلهامِ
58. Sons of the Ayyubids, pillars of guidance
And brilliant stars when night darkens,
٥٨. لا كَاِمرِىءٍ ضَنَّ وَبِالأَصلِ اِفتَخر
يا اِبنَ الَّذي قَد كانَ في العِلمِ عَلَم
59. And early rain before the downpour -
Every gallant youth who rightly ruled the lands
٥٩. وَاِستِخدَمَ السَيفَ جَديراً وَالقَلَم
لِغَيرِ بَيتِ المالِ يَوماً ما ظَلَم
60. Was like Luqman in wisdom and Umar in justice.
Sheathing the gazelles in meadows and mountain-goats,
٦٠. مَناقِباً مِثلَ النُجومِ في الظُلَم
أَضحَت حُجولاً لِلزَمانِ وَغُرَر
61. Satisfying the wild beasts of plain and cliff,
Sending the pouring rain of sublime clouds -
٦١. أَكرَمَ مَثوايَ وَأَعلى ذِكري
حَتّى نَسيتُ عَطَني وَوِكري
62. Their excellence is in inheritance and inspiration,
Not like one who hoarded and boasted of origin.
٦٢. وَإِن أَجَلتُ في عُلاهُ فِكري
مالي جَزاءٌ غَيرَ طيبِ الشُكرِ
63. My lord, you honored my resting place and raised my mention
Until I forgot my den and burrow,
٦٣. وَقَد جُزي خَيرَ الجَزاءِ مِن شَكَر
يا حامِلَ الأَثقالِ وَالأَهوالِ
64. And if I apply my mind to your loftiness,
I have no reward but good gratitude -
٦٤. وَمُتلِفَ الأَعداءِ وَالأَموالِ
وَصادِقَ الوُعودِ وَالأَقوالِ
65. And the best reward has come from gratitude.
O bearer of burdens and fears,
٦٥. أَبدَيتَ في شَدائِدِ الأَحوالِ
صَبراً فَكانَ الصَبرُ عُقباهُ الظَفَر
66. Reconciler of enemies and wealth,
Speaker of true promises and words,
٦٦. أَنَلتَ باغي الجودِ فَوقَ ما بَغى
وَعَجَّلَت كَفّاكَ هَطفَ مَن بَغى
67. You showed in dire straits
Patience, so patience was its requital, victory.
٦٧. فَقَد سَمَوتَ في النَدى وَفي الوَغى
حَتّى إِذا مارَدُ مُلكٍ نَزَغا
You attained the capricious rain of generosity beyond what it desired
٦٨. أَخَذتَهُ أَخذَ عَزيزٍ مُقتَدِر
إِنّي وَإِن شِدتُ لَكُم بَينَ المَلا
69. And your palm hurried to slap whoever desired.
You have soared in bounty and fray
٦٩. طيبَ ثَناءٍ لِلفَضاءِ قَد مَلا
لَم أَبغِ بِالمَدحِ سِوى الوُدِّ وَلا
70. Until when the rebel of a kingdom stirred,
You seized him with the grip of a mighty, potent one.
٧٠. إِن مِتُّ يَوماً بِسِوى صِدقِ الوَلا
وَحُسنِ نَظمِ فيكَ إِن غِبتَ حَضَر
71. Though I was vehement praising you,
With the goodness of open commendation that filled,
٧١. فَاِسعَد بِعيدِ فِطرِكَ السَعيدِ
مُمَتَّعاً بِعَيشِكَ الرَغيدِ
72. I sought only love, not praise,
If I die one day with only loyalty
٧٢. في الصَومِ وَالإِفطارِ وَالتَعييدِ
لِلناسِ في العامِ اِنتِظارُ عيدِ
73. And well-crafted verse in you, if you are absent.
٧٣. وَأَنتَ عيدٌ دائِمٌ لا يُنتَظَر