1. My love's cheek is protected, stern of glance
His severity softened by the subtlety of his words
١. بِيَ ظَبيُ حِمى وَرَدُ خَدَّهُ صارِمُ اللَحظِ
قاسٍ غَرَّني مِنهُ رِقَّةُ الحَدِّ وَاللَفظِ
2. With a branch simply embracing his hips he is blessed
Why have I not gained his fortune as told my fortune?
٢. ذو فَرعٍ بِمَحضِ اِعتِناقِ أَردافِهِ مُحظي
ما لي لَم أَنَل حَظَّهُ كَما حَكى حَظّي
3. Wondrous in meaning, the moons'
٣. بَديعُ المَعاني مِنَ الأَقمارِ
4. His glance has been gentle to us, and his words
٤. إِلَينا أَسا لَحظُهُ وَاللَفظُ
5. He has attained meanings by uniting opposites
Of water and fire held in the page of his cheek
٥. قَد حازَ المَعاني لِجَمعِهِ وَالضِدَّ بِالضِدّ
مِن ماءٍ وَنارٍ تَضُمُّها صَفحَةُ الخَدِّ
6. And the separation that split the night of his curled locks
Has become, for all, joining misguidance with guidance
٦. وَالفَرقُ الَّذي شَقَّ لَيلَ فاحِمِهِ الجَعدِ
أَضحى لِلوَرى يَقرِنُ الضَلالَةَ بِالرُشدِ
7. By the branch of his night-dark hair
It is manifested
٧. بِفَرعِ دُجىً اللَيلُ فيهِ
قَد تَعَيَّن
8. And by the parting of his dawn-bright forelock
It is evident
٨. وَفَرقِ سَنىً الصُبحُ فيهِ
قَد تَبَيَّن
9. Does he who spent the night doubting our love know
What the Arabs suffered from the gazes of the Turks?
٩. هَل يَدري الَّذي باتَ عَن عَنا الحُبُّ في شَكٍّ
ماذا لاقتِ العُربُ مِن ظُبى أَعيُنِ التُركِ
10. My patience has waned, I have no strength to leave
The sick eyes threw me into arduous strife
١٠. قَد قَلَّ اِحتِمالي وَليسَ لي طاقَةٌ التَركِ
أَلقَتني العُيونُ المِراضُ في مَعرَكٍ ضَنكِ
11. I was captivated by a dear one from
the Turks, his eyes
١١. سَباني عَزيزٌ مِنَ
الأَتراكِ أَعيَن
12. With a slender, delicate build from
sorrows, gentlest
١٢. بِقَدٍّ رَشيقٍ مِنَ
الأَغمانِ أَليَن
13. Say to him who spent the night with coy lids
Why do I see his glance as a heart-piercing sword?
١٣. قَولا للَّذي ظَلَّ بِالحَيا كاسِرَ الجَفنِ
ما بالي أَرى سَيفَ لَحظِهِ كاسِرَ الجَفنِ
14. Faithfulness is not conditional on your beauty increasing my sorrow
Since my spirit's creation was perfected by the Giver of Beauty
١٤. ما شَرطُ الوَفا أَن يَزيدُ حُسنُكَ في حَزني
إِذ مُهجَتي زادَ خلقَهُ واهِبُ الحُسنِ
15. So from a seed of the heart
the beauty spot formed
١٥. فَمِن حَبَّةِ القَلبِ
نَقطَ الخالِ كَوّن
16. As from the blood of the two
cheeks, color formed
١٦. كَما مَن دَمى صَفحَةَ
الخَدَّينِ لَوَّن
17. O you whose glance has melted me, if you guide to truth
I would not have moved to one who became possessor of my comfort
١٧. يا مَن قَد لَحاني لَو كُنتَ تَهدي إِلى الحَقِّ
ما رُمتُ اِنتِقالي عَمَّن غَدا مالِكاً رقّي
18. A moon not content without my heart on the horizon
Who appeases me with it, though I did not consent to passion
١٨. بَدرٌ لَيسَ يَرضى بِغَيرِ قَلبي مِن أُفقِ
يُرضيني عَذابي بِهِ وَلَم أَرضَ بِالعِشقِ
19. And the authority of your beauty
Has taken root in my heart
١٩. وَسُلطانُ حُسنِ
بِقَلبي قَد تَمَكَّن
20. And made its home in the depths
of my heart
٢٠. وَأمسى لَهُ في صَمي
مِ القَلبِ مَسكَن
21. When my love came to visit without appointment
I made the night gentle with what gentled from my threshold
٢١. لَمّا أَن أَتى زائِراً بَلا مَوعِدٍ حِبّي
أَعدَيتُ الدُجى رَقَّةً بِما رَقَّ مِن عَتَبي
22. I show from the gentle chiding what gentled to my heart
Until the east spread what the hand of west had folded
٢٢. أُبدي مِن رَقيقِ العِتابِ ما رَقَّ لِلقَلبِ
حَتّى نَشَرَ الشَرقُ ما طَوَتهُ يَدُ الغَربِ
23. And I complain with words that
entrance intellects
٢٣. وَأَشكو بِلَفظٍ بِهِ
الأَلبابُ تُفتَن
24. And weep with tears that
draw the skies to heed
٢٤. وَأَبكي بِدَمعٍ مِن ال
أَنواءِ أَهتَن
25. How many beauties became, in their passion for him, like me
My reproach melting him and mocking my reason
٢٥. كَم خودٍ غَدَت وَهيَ في غَرامي بِهِ مِثلي
تَلَحاني لَعَتبي لَهُ وَتُزري عَلى عَقلي
26. She said, "Do not question the Lord of Beauty about His act"
If only the nights would gift me union with Him
٢٦. قالَت لا تُسائِل رَبُّ الجَمالِ عَنِ الفِعلِ
لَو أَنَّ اللَيالي تَجودُ لي مِنهُ بِالوَصلِ
27. As if we leave His reproach
and act otherwise than this art
٢٧. كَأَن نَترُكُ عِتابُه
وَنَعمَلُ غَيرَ ذا الفَنّ
28. And that which is between us
be buried
٢٨. وَذاكَ الَّذي بَينَنا
في الوَسَطِ يُدفَن