
Since the dawn of my beloved's face appeared and fled

مذ بدا صبح وجه حبي وولى

1. Since the dawn of my beloved's face appeared and fled
Escaping from its brilliance the hues of night,

١. مُذ بَدا صُبحُ وَجهِ حُبّي وَوَلّى
هارِباً مِن سَناهُ صِبغُ اللَيالي

2. There dropped from it a tear resembling pure musk,
Like a mole upon his cheek, so it was counted as a mark.

٢. قَطَرَت مِنهُ قَطرَةٌ تُشبِهُ المِس
كَ عَلى خَدِّهِ فَعُدَّت بِخال