
May God multiply the like of your glory on earth

كثر الله مثل مجدك في الأرض

1. May God multiply the like of your glory on earth
So that the industries of benevolence may spread

١. كَثَّرَ اللَهُ مِثلَ مَجدِكَ في الأَر
ضِ لِتَفشو صَنائِعُ الإِحسانِ

2. And gifts from you encompass all people
Which necessitate forgiveness for the sins of time

٢. وَتَعُمُّ الأَنامَ مِنكَ هِباتٌ
توجِبُ الصَفحَ عَن ذُنوبِ الزَمانِ

3. For we have been saturated by your bounty
Beyond the reach of my hands and tongue

٣. فَلَقَد عَمَّنا نَداكَ بِنُعمى
قَصُرَت دونَها يَدي وَلِساني

4. And favors, if the valleys claimed them
The evidence of trials would belie them

٤. وَأَيادٍ لَوِ اِدَّعَتها الغَوادي
كَذَّبَتها شَواهِدُ الإِمتِحانِ

5. People witnessed from your generosity a meaning
While I witnessed from you meanings

٥. شاهِدَ الناسُ مِن سَماحِكَ مَعنىً
غَيرَ أَنّي شاهَدتُ مِنكَ مَعاني

6. O generous one who meets delegations of his bounty
With the munificence of a benefactor and pardons of a sinner

٦. يا جَواداً يَلقى وُفودَ نَداهُ
بِجَدى مُنعِمٍ وَأَعذارِ جاني

7. The contraries were joined in the unique description of you
O gatherer of the finest qualities

٧. جُمِعَت في بَديعِ أَوصافِكَ الأَض
دادُ يا جامِعَ الصِفاتِ الحِسانِ

8. You spend money then become miserly with status
And rise above except over one with a sharp tongue

٨. تَبذُلُ المالَ ثُمَّ تَبخُلُ بِالعِر
ضِ وَتَسطو إِلّا عَلى ذي لِسانِ

9. So to you belong praise from a generous miser
A giver, withholder, brave, coward

٩. فَلَكَ اللَهُ مِن كَريمٍ بَخيلٍ
مانِحٍ مانِعٍ شُجاعٍ جَبانِ