
Keep blaming him if you wish

كرر اللوم عليه إن تشا

1. Keep blaming him if you wish
He is morning dew that shone when the sun's heat warmed

١. كَرِّرِ اللَومَ عَلَيهِ إِن تَشا
فَهوَ صَبٌّ بِحُمَيّاهُ اِنتَشى

2. It shook him, nay it weakened him, the fever's memory
So he wavered enraptured, nay he shuddered

٢. هَزَّهُ بَل أَزَّهُ ذِكرُ الحِمى
فَتَثَنّى طَرَباً بَل رَعَشا

3. He nearly died but I renewed for him
The memory of the fever's lodgers so he gained strength

٣. كادَ أَن يَقضي فَجَدَّدتُ لَهُ
ذِكرَ سُكّانِ الحِمى فَاِنتَعَشا

4. You are not, to me, blaming but just
Happy with memories when they were brought up

٤. لَستَ عِندي عاذِلاً بَل عادِلٌ
سُرَّ بِالذِكرى فَوَشّى إِذ وَشى

5. A lover tried to hide his passion
Yet the witnesses of tears do not accept bribery

٥. مُغرَمٌ حاوَلَ كِتمانَ الهَوى
وَشُهودُ الدَمعِ لا تَرضى الرُشى

6. The Levant's lightning flashed morning and evening
Appearing at sunset so it lodged

٦. شامَ بَرقَ الشامِ صُبحاً فَصَبا
وَتَراعاهُ عِشاءً فَعَشا

7. It shone and the night was pitch black
The dawn's embryo still in its envelope

٧. لاحَ وَاللَيلُ بِهِ مُكتَهِلٌ
وَجَنينُ الصُبحِ حَملٌ في الحَشا

8. The crescent's curve tells its bow's story
Appearing from behind the mirror's veil

٨. وَهِلالُ الأُفقِ يَحكي قَوسُهُ
جانِبَ المِرآةِ يَبدو مِن غِشا

9. The constellation depicted an eagle taking refuge
Under the vulture's wing when it alighted

٩. وَحَكى كَيوانُ صَقراً لائِذاً
بِجَناحِ النِسرِ لَمّا فَرَشا

10. As if the buyer, hopeful,
Gained a share from the full moon he aspired to

١٠. وَكَأَنَّ المُشتَري ذو آمَلٍ
نالَ حَظّاً وَمِنَ البَدرِ اِرتَشى

11. And Mars in its orbit
Scratched a beloved's cheek with a flirtatious glance

١١. وَحَكى المَريخُ في صَنعَتِهِ
خَدَّ مَحبوبٍ بِلَحظٍ خُدِشا

12. And Suhail like a pounding heart
Terror dwelt in it so it shuddered

١٢. وَسَهيلٌ مِثلُ قَلبٍ خافِقٍ
مُكِّنَ الرُعبُ بِهِ فَاِرتَعَشا

13. And the Eagle's daughters are a flock taking flight
Fleeing in panic from the vulture they dreaded

١٣. وَبَناتُ النَعشِ سِربٌ نافِرٌ
هامَ ذُعراً وَمِنَ النِسرِ اِختَشى

14. The Pleiades resemble the form of a beard
With a braided chin engraved

١٤. وَالثُرَيّا سَبعَةٌ قَد أَشبَهَت
شَكلَ لَحيانٍ بِتَختٍ نُقِشا

15. And a flash whose darkness departed
Turning the night into radiant morning

١٥. وَوَميضٌ غادَرَت غُرَّتُهُ
أَدهَمَ اللَيلِ صَباحاً أَبرَشا

16. Embroidering the horizon with shining light
Dazzling sights with it, nay blinding them

١٦. طَرَّزَ الأُفقَ بِنورٍ ساطِعٍ
أَدهَشَ الطَرفَ بِهِ بَل أَجهَشا

17. Followed by a torrent of my tears
That only increases the heart's thirst

١٧. فَتَلاهُ مِن دُموعي وابِلٌ
لا يَزيدُ القَلبَ إِلّا عَطَشا

18. It covered the horizons until I found it
Cleansed with the dew of Ali's hand it gushed

١٨. طَبَّقَ الأَفاقَ حَتّى خِلتُهُ
مِن نَدى أَيدي عَليٍّ قَد نَشا

19. The secret's writer in whose time
The monarch's secrets were one day revealed

١٩. كاتِبُ السِرِّ الَّذي في عَصرِهِ
سِرُّ دَستِ المُلكِ يَوماً ما فَشا

20. Awakening opinions, deprived of minds
Resolute in determination, exhausted in resolution

٢٠. يَقِظُ الآراءِ مَسلوبُ الكَرى
مُستَجيشُ العَزمِ مَتعوبُ الوَشا

21. So hopes are expected from his generosity
And calamities feared from his authority

٢١. فَالأَماني مِن عَطاهُ تُرتَجى
وَالمَنايا مِن سَطاهُ تُختَشى

22. A character, if time followed his example
Its mornings would be like a happy night

٢٢. خُلُقٌ لَو يَقتَدي الدَهرُ بِهِ
كَحَلَت أَصباحُهُ كُلَّ عِشا

23. With might that deterred the evildoers
And terrified enemies, so they fled

٢٣. ذو يَراعٍ راعَ آسادَ الشَرى
وَحَشا الأَعداءَ رُعباً قَد حَشا

24. Not bound by a pact with the lion
Whose foot marked the forest

٢٤. لا يُراعي ذِمَّةَ الأُسدِ الَّتي
بَينَها في الغابِ قِدماً قَد نَشا

25. He was a predator's shade for the lion
And a carpet layer for the sublime's cubs

٢٥. ظَلَّ لِلأُسدِ بِهِ مُفتَرِساً
وَلِأَطوادِ العُلى مُفتَرِشا

26. Fury trembled at him
And violence recoiled at him shaking

٢٦. أَصبَحَ العَضبُ بِهِ مُرتَعِداً
وَاِنثَنى اللُدنُ بِهِ مُرتَعِشا

27. So if he assigned him a task
He came obediently walking with head held high

٢٧. فَإِذا أَوحى إِلَيهِ أَمرَهُ
جاءَ طَوعاً وَعَلى الرَأسِ مَشى

28. Whenever his chest missed a wing beat
His palm steered him wherever he wished

٢٨. كُلَّما تاهَ جِماحاً صَدرُهُ
صَرَّفَتهُ كَفُّهُ حَيثُ يَشا

29. He guaranteed the days unless
He orphaned children when he assaulted

٢٩. كَفَلَ الأَيّامَ إِلّا أَنَّهُ
أَيتَمَ الأَطفالَ لَمّا بَطَشا

30. An Arab courting Rome
Sending Ethiopians and Abyssinians to her

٣٠. عَرَبِيٌّ واطِئٌ رومِيَّةً
يُنسِلُ الزُنجَ لَها وَالحَبَشا

31. The meadow turns into rubble whenever
He etched or scraped his horseshoes on it

٣١. يُصبِحُ الرَوضُ هَشيماً كُلَّما
رَقَمَ الطَرسَ بِهِ أَو رَقَشا

32. We never saw before him a vicious lion
Whose right hand held a sharp sword

٣٢. ما رَأَينا قَبلَهُ لَيثَ شَرىً
حَمَلَت يُمناهُ صِلّاً أَرقَشا

33. O You, the judge whom fate nearly
And the hands of destiny judge as they wish

٣٣. أَيُّها القاضي الَّذي كادَ القَضا
وَيَدُ الأَقدارِ تَقضي ما يَشا

34. You were affectionately disposed to me before familiarity
Bestowing intimacy, nay comfort

٣٤. جُدتَ لي بِالوُدِّ مِن قَبلِ النَدى
مُنعِماً بِالقُربِ لي بَل مُنعِشا

35. And you brought me company in a time
When I felt lonely in my own shadow

٣٥. وَبَسَطتَ الأُنسَ لي في زَمَنٍ
كُنتُ مِن ظِلّي بِهِ مُستَوحِشا

36. So I will proudly remember you in an abode
Where the listener praises nobility

٣٦. فَسَأَجلو ذِكرَكُم في مَوطِنٍ
يَحمَدُ السامِعُ فيهِ الطَرَشا

37. Remembrance is free when still
But walks when bound by poetry

٣٧. إِنَّما الذِكرُ طَليقاً مُقعَدٌ
فَإِذا قُيَّدَ بِالشِعرِ مَشى

38. So listen to an ode whose day came
Thoughts were gathered for it, nay braided

٣٨. فَاِستَمِع لِاِبنَةِ يَومَيها الَّتي
جُمِّلَ الفِكرُ لَها بَل جُمِّشا

39. And live honorably in lasting glory whose shade
Safety was spread so it bedded down

٣٩. وَاِبقَ في عِزٍّ مُقيمٍ ظِلُّهُ
بُسِطَ الأَمنُ لَهُ فَاِفتَرَشا

40. Shaded by glory's palm that
Took root and had a blessed throne

٤٠. مُستَظِلّاً دَوحَةَ المَجدِ الَّتي
ثَبَتَت أَصلاً وَطابَت عُرُشا