
Your slave today is Abu Hubbih

مملوكك اليوم أبو حبه

1. Your slave today is Abu Hubbih
Striving in the meanness of the soul

١. مَملوكُكَ اليَومَ أَبو حُبِّهِ
مُجتَهِدٌ في خِسَّةِ النَفسِ

2. He competes with beauty in its strength
And hoards coins upon coins

٢. يُزاحِمُ الجَمالَ في قوتِهِ
وَيَخزِنُ الفَلسَ عَلا الفَلسِ

3. He eats while the boys are in their day
The leftovers from what was yesterday

٣. يَأكُلُ وَالغِلمانَ في يَومِهِ
فَضلَةَ ما قَد كانَ بِالأَمسِ

4. He wishes his honor remains unlocked
And his abundant money under guard

٤. يَوَدُّ يُمسي عِرضُهُ مُطلَقاً
وَمالُهُ المَوفورُ في حَبسِ

5. He knows not the bathhouse, but
At home he heats the water in the sun

٥. لا يَعرِفُ الحَمّامَ لَكِنَّهُ
في البَيتِ يَحمي الماءَ في الشَمسِ

6. If he sees a morsel in his pot
He recites over it the Verse of the Throne

٦. إِذا رَأى في قَدرِهِ لَحمَةً
تَلا عَليها آيَةَ الكُرسي

7. And if he sees a mouse in his house
He confronts it with sword and shield

٧. وَإِن رَأى في بَيتِهِ فارَةً
بادَرَها بِالسَيفِ وَالتُرسِ

8. He is wary lest the one who comes to him
For the fifth discerns his luxuries

٨. يُجِلَّ أَن تُدرِكَ رُغفانَهُ
حَواسُ مَن يَأتيهِ بِالخَمسِ

9. With hearing, sight, and smell he
Can be detected without taste and touch

٩. بِالسَمعِ وَالأَبصارِ وَالشَمِّ قَد
تُدرَكُ دونَ الذَوقِ وَاللَمسِ

10. He locks his doors when eating
Fearing for the food from being grabbed

١٠. يُقفِلُ عِندَ الأَكلِ أَبوابَهُ
خَوفاً عَلى الزادِ مِنَ الكَبسِ

11. If a guest comes unexpectedly
He meets him with misery and dejection

١١. فَإِن أَتى ضَيفٌ عَلى غِرَّةٍ
قابَلَهُ بِالتَعسِ وَالنُكسِ

12. He greets him with discouragement from staying
And afterwards with bread and date molasses

١٢. يَلقاهُ بِالتَرغيبِ في الاِحتِما
وَبَعدَهُ بِالخُبزِ وَالدُبسِ

13. If his eating exceeds a morsel
You would see stomping in his ribs

١٣. فَإِنَّ تَعَدَّ أَكلُهُ لُقمَةً
رَأَيتَ في أَضلاعِهِ رَفسي

14. These traits were acquired
During my time in the West, my perception

١٤. فَهَذِهِ الأَوصافُ مَكسوبَةٌ
أَدرَكَها في غُربَتي حِسّي

15. The Sultan had known them before
That I am the opposite of that

١٥. قَد عَلِمَ السُلطانُ مِن قَبلِها
أَنِّيَ مِن ذَلِكَ بِالعَكسِ

16. I have not ceased in the breadth of his care
To speak of pleasures and fineries

١٦. وَلَم أَزَل في رَحبِ أَكنافِهِ
أَقولُ بِاللَذّاتِ وَاللُبسِ

17. And if a coin appeared in my hand
I would spend it in a gathering of intimacy

١٧. وَإِن تَراءَت في يَدي بَدرَةٌ
أَتلَفتُها في مَجلِسِ الأُنسِ

Since time has turned me from its quarter

١٨. فَمُذ ثَناني الدَهرُ عَن رَبعِهِ
وَلَم يَكُن ذَلِكَ في حَدسي

19. And that was not in my assumptions
And I have roamed in trade among a people

١٩. وَجُزتُ في المَتجَرِ مَع مَعشَرٍ
هَمُّهُمُ في الضَبطِ وَالبَخسِ

20. Whose concern is thriftiness and stinginess
Sometimes in Rome I see among them

٢٠. طَوراً عَلى الرومِ أَرى بَينَهُم
وَتارَةً في بَلَدِ الفُرسِ

21. And sometimes in the land of Persia
So I became of the sons of a people who have

٢١. فَصِرتُ مِن أَبناءِ جِنسٍ لَهُم
وَاِستَرَقَت أَخلاقَهُم نَفسي

22. And their morals seeped into my soul
I love one who has meanness in himself

٢٢. أُحِبُّ مِن في نَفسِهِ خِسَّةٌ
وَالجِنسُ مَيّالٌ إِلى الجِنسِ

23. And kinship leans towards kinship
I was not one who initiated blessing

٢٣. وَلَم أَكُن مُستَحدِثاً نِعمَةً
أَفضى بِيَ السَعدُ إِلى نَحسِ

24. Prosperity led me to misfortune
But the sun of religion since it shone on me

٢٤. لَكِنَّ شَمسَ الدينِ مُذ مَلَّني
صَوَّحَ نَبتي وَذَوى غَرسي

25. Corrected my growth and my planting
Just so is the way of all growth

٢٥. كَذاكَ كُلُّ النَبتِ مِن شَأنِهِ
يُفسِدُهُ البُعدُ عَنِ الشَمسِ