1. How can one go astray with your radiant face as the morning dawn,
And your fragrance permeating the universe like sweet musk?
١. كَيفَ الضَلالُ وَصُبحُ وَجهِكَ مُشرِقُ
وَشَذاكَ في الأَكوانِ مِسكٌ يَعبِقُ
2. O you whose beauty, when unveiled, keeps all eyes fixed in awe,
You made clear my love for you in unambiguous passion, like water flowing clearly in its stream.
٢. يا مَن إِذا سَفَرَت مَحاسِنُ وَجهِهِ
ظَلَّت بِهِ حَدَقُ الخَلائِقِ تُحدِقُ
3. So even the censurers, when seeing your beauty, say to me,
“How astounding that your heart does not burst asunder!”
٣. أَوضَحتَ عُذري في هَواكَ بِواضِحٍ
ماءُ الحَيا بِأَديمِهِ يَتَرَقرَقُ
4. You have enriched me with thoughts of you, making me needless of others -
O my captivator! I am the wealthy flatterer.
٤. فَإِذا العَذولُ رَأى جَمالَك قالَ لي
عَجَباً لِقَلبِكَ كَيفَ لا يَتمَزَّقُ
5. O you who captures the lover's heart - his tears flow
And sleep is totally parted from him.
٥. أَغَنَيتَني بِالفِكرِ فيكَ عَنِ الكَرى
يا آسِري فَأَنا الغَنِيُّ المُملِقُ
6. If not for you, I would not have pretended affection with my friends,
And wasted my life's duration on you.
٦. يا آسِراً قَلبَ المُحِبِّ فَدَمعُهُ
وَالنَومُ مِنهُ مُطلَقٌ وَمُطَلَّقُ
7. I socialized with people who are not my peers,
So I was like an anomalous line randomly appended to a document.
٧. لَولاكَ ما نافَقتُ أَهْلَ مَوَدَّتي
وَظَلَلتُ فيكَ نَفيسَ عُمري أُنفِقُ
8. Say to him who bears arms while his waist is thinner and more delicate than his hanging sword:
Do not burden your body with weapons and their heaviness - I fear for you from exhaustion.
٨. وَصَحِبتُ قَوماً لَستُ مِن نَظَرائِهِم
فَكَأَنَّني في الطَرسِ سَطرٌ مُلحَقُ
9. He is a gazelle with flames blazing on his cheeks,
For which the palm trunks sway and are ravaged.
٩. قَولا لِمَن حَمَلَ السِلاحَ وَخَصرُهُ
مِن قَدَّ ذابِلِهِ أَدَقُّ وَأَرشَقُ
10. You meet him adorned with necklaces and armored,
And you see him gilded and embellished.
١٠. لا توهِ جِسمَكَ بِالسِلاحِ وَثِقلِهِ
إِنّي عَلَيكَ مِنَ الغِلالَةِ أَشفَقُ
11. The Turkish maidens left no beauty to others after their own,
Everything else created pales to their brilliance.
١١. ظَبيٌ مِنَ الأَتراكِ فَوقَ خُدودِهِ
نارٌ يَخُرُّ لَها الكَليمُ وَيُصعَقُ
12. Whether they come down or go up, they are shining full moons.
A people who, when they ride steeds, you imagine them
١٢. تَلقاهُ وَهوَ مُزَرَّدٌ وَمُدَرَّعٌ
وَتَراهُ وَهوَ مُقَرَّطٌ وَمُقَرطَقُ
13. Lions with terrifying glances.
Their cheeks are created from the blood of hearts,
١٣. لَم تَترُكِ الأَتراكُ بَعدَ جَمالِها
حُسناً لِمَخلوقٍ سِواها يُخلَقُ
14. And their armors are forged from the blood of warriors.
They pulled the bowstring to the ear with stern eyebrows,
١٤. إِن نوزِلوا كانوا أَسودَ عَريكَةٍ
أَو غوزِلوا كانوا بُدوراً تُشرِقُ
15. From under which the arrows of glances are unleashed.
They spread their hair, so that each braid of them
١٥. قَومٌ إِذا رَكِبوا الجِيادَ ظَنَنتَهَم
أُسداً بِأَلحاظِ الجَآذِرِ تَرمُقُ
16. Is a twist on which the plaits cascade.
I have among them a young man, who when I flirt with him,
١٦. قَد خُلِّقَت بِدَمِ القُلوبِ خُدودُهُم
وَدَروعُهُم بِدَمِ الكُماةِ تُخَلَّقُ
17. His glances nearly speak with magic.
If he wishes, he greets me with expansive manners,
١٧. جَذَبوا القِسِيَّ إِلى قِسِيِّ حَواجِبٍ
مِن تَحتِها نَبلُ اللَواحِظِ تَرشُقُ
18. Though his eyes belie his unhappiness.
I cannot forget the night he visited me while his companion
١٨. نَشَروا الشُعورَ فَكُلُّ قَدٍّ مِنهُمُ
لَدنٌ عَليهِ مِنَ الذَوائِبِ سَنجَقُ
19. Showed pleasure but was inwardly enraged and upset.
He arrived displaying coyness on his face,
١٩. لي مِنهُمُ رَشَأٌ إِذا غازَلتُهُ
كادَت لَواحِظُهُ بِسِحرٍ تَنطِقُ
20. While inwardly his heart held burning fire.
In the evening he would share wine with me, and between us
٢٠. إِن شاءَ يَلقاني بِخُلقٍ واسِعٍ
عِندَ السَلامِ نَهاهُ طَرفٌ ضَيِّقُ
21. Was a subtle reproach more delicious and refined than the wine.
Until fatigue overtook his eyelids, and my arm was his pillow,
٢١. لَم أَنسَ لَيلَةَ زارَني وَرَقيبُهُ
يُبدي الرِضا وَهوَ المَغيظُ المُحنَقُ
22. While his robe's end was clinging to my elbow.
I embraced him and held him close, as if he was
٢٢. وَافى وَقَد أَبدى الحَياءُ بِوَجهِهِ
ماءً لَهُ في القَلبِ نارٌ تُحرِقُ
23. Wrapped and knotted around my arm.
Until the dawn broke through, alarming him -
٢٣. أَمسى يُعاطيني المُدامَ وَبَينَنا
عَتَبٌ أَلَذُّ مِنَ المُدامِ وَأَروَقُ
24. For dawn is the hated blue enemy of lovers.
Thereupon he gestured farewell, kissing my hands
٢٤. حَتّى إِذا عَبَثَ الكَرى بِجُفونِهِ
كانَ الوِسادَةَ ساعِدي وَالمِرفَقُ
25. While they clung to his robe's end.
O you who kisses my fingers farewell,
٢٥. عانَقتُهُ وَضَمَمتُهُ فَكَأَنَّهُ
مِن ساعِدَيَّ مُطَوَّقٌ وَمُمَنطَقُ
26. I yearn to kiss your mouth instead.
Though I accepted the dawn, even as it became
٢٦. حَتّى بَدا فَلَقُ الصَباحِ فَراعَهُ
إِنَّ الصَباحَ هُوَ العَدوُّ الأَزرَقُ
27. For lovers a croaking raven separating them.
And I forgave the sin of time when your magnificent rising sun appeared,
٢٧. فَهُناكَ أَومى لِلوَداعِ مُقَبِّلاً
كَفَّيَّ وَهيَ بِذَيلِهِ تَتَعَلَّقُ
28. O King triumphant and protected!
A star whose orbit is the sphere of fortune, a moon whose sky is the horizon of glory,
٢٨. يا مَن يُقَبِّلُ لِلوَداعِ أَنامِلي
إِنّي إِلى تَقبيلِ ثَغرِكَ أَشوَقُ
29. Of a people who won pride with their efforts,
And the orbit of glory was built for them.
٢٩. وَلَقَد رَضيتُ عَنِ الصَباحِ وَإِن غَدا
لِلعاشِقينَ غُرابَ بَينٍ يَنعَقُ
30. A people who, when they wrought havoc, were the frowning universe,
And when they were generous, they were pouring clouds.
٣٠. وَغَفَرتُ ذَنبَ الدَهرِ حينَ بَدَت بِهِ
مِن طَلعَةِ السُلطانِ شَمسٌ تُشرِقُ
31. When the desperate sought help, they rushed forth,
And when the terrified sought refuge, they showed kindness.
٣١. المالِكُ المَنصورُ وَالمَلِكُ الَّذي
مِن خَوفِهِ طَرفُ النَوائِبِ مُطرِقُ
32. A King encircled by Kings as if he is
A full moon encircled by the blossoms of stars.
٣٢. نَجمٌ لَهُ فَلَكُ السَعادَةِ مَطلَعٌ
بَدرٌ لَهُ أُفُقُ المَعالي مَشرِقُ
33. A prophet of an era, sent with generosity -
All people believe the message he brought.
٣٣. مِن مَعشَرٍ حازوا الفَخارَ بِسَعيِهِم
وَبَنى لَهُم فَلَكَ المَعالي أُرتُقُ
34. Good fortune's cloud has shaded him, moving on,
While his clear sign is unconditional generosity.
٣٤. قَومٌ هُمُ الدَهرُ العَبوسُ إِذا سَطوا
وَإِذا سَخوا فَهُمُ السَحابُ المُغدِقُ
35. The lofty dome, and the bird around which
The banners of victory flutter.
٣٥. وَإِذا اِستَغاثَ المُستَغيثُ تَسَرَّعوا
وَإِذا اِستَجارَ المُستَجيرُ تَرَفَّقوا
36. The army spread on all sides around it
To fill every valley and barren plain.
٣٦. مَلِكٌ تَحُفُّ بِهِ المُلوكُ كَأَنَّهُ
بَدرٌ بِهِ زُهرُ الكَواكِبِ تُحدِقُ
37. So for its wilderness are its armies and steeds,
And for its birds are its falcons and hawks.
٣٧. وَنَبِيُّ عَصرٍ بِالسَماحَةِ مُرسَلٌ
كُلُّ الأَنامِ بِما أَتاهُ تُصَدِّقُ
38. A King too majestic for vision - so we perceive him
With our hearts, not with sight.
٣٨. قَد ظَلَّلَتهُ سَحابَةٌ مِن خَيرِهِ
تَسري وَآيَتُهُ السَماحُ المُطلَقُ
39. When resolved, you say "a watching lion,"
When contemplative, you say "a silent brooding one."
٣٩. وَالقُبَّةُ العَلياءُ وَالطَيرُ الَّذي
مِن حَولِهِ راياتُ نَصرٍ تَخفُقُ
40. Like the sun, but does not disappear,
Like the moon, but is not erased,
٤٠. وَالجَيشُ مُمتَدُّ الجَوانِبِ حَولَهُ
يُفلى بِهِ فَودُ الفَلا وَالمَفرِقُ
41. Like rain, but does not end,
Like a lion, but does not flee,
٤١. فَلِوَحشِها أَجنادُهُ وَجِيادُهُ
وَلِطَيرِها بازِيُّهُ وَالزُرَّقُ
42. Like a sword, but does not bend,
Like a flood, but does not drown,
٤٢. مَلِكٌ يَجِلُّ عَنِ العِيانِ فَنَغتَدي
بِقُلوبِنا لا بِالنَواظِرِ نَرمُقُ
43. Like fate, but does not transgress,
Like the sea, but does not perish.
٤٣. فَإِذا تَطَلَّعَ قُلتَ لَيثٌ ناظِرٌ
وَإِذا تَفَكَّرَ قُلتُ صِلٌّ مُطرِقُ
44. Hoping for his benefits while fearing his might,
Like fire that gives you light while burning you.
٤٤. كَالشَمسِ إِلّا أَنَّهُ لا يَختَفي
وَالبَدرِ إِلّا إِنَّهُ لا يُمحَقُ
45. Gentle of fingers when at ease, but they
Are firmer than white swords on the day of woe,
٤٥. وَالغَيثِ إِلا أَنَّهُ لا يَنتَهي
وَاللَيثِ إِلّا أَنَّهُ لا يَفرَقُ
46. A hand that safeguards what fingers have protected,
While the palms gather what they have dispersed.
٤٦. وَالسَيفِ إِلّا أَنَّهُ لا يَنثَني
وَالسَيلِ إِلّا أَنَّهُ لا يُغرِقُ
47. It contains no wealth but what the fingers contain,
As mercury is held in the fingertips.
٤٧. وَالدَهرِ إِلّا أَنَّهُ لا يَعتَدي
وَالبَحرِ إِلّا أَنَّهُ لا يَزهَقُ
48. Kings vie for the highest of goals,
One strides ahead while the other takes off in his run,
٤٨. تُرجى فَوائِدُهُ وَيُخشى بَأسُهُ
كَالنارِ تَمنَحُكَ الضِياءُ وَتُحرِقُ
49. Until when the competing opponent slows, he comes to it
Steadily walking, taking his time.
٤٩. لَبِقُ الأَنامِلِ بِاليَراعِ وَإِنَّها
بِالبيضِ في يَومِ الكَريهَةِ أَلبَقُ
50. O you who brings honor to the seats of his crown,
And through them brings pride to the Furthest Mosque,
٥٠. كَفٌّ لِما حَفِظَ اليَراعُ مُضيعَةٌ
وَلِما تُجَمَّعُهُ الصِفاحُ تُفَرِّقُ
51. Iraq and its people were gratified at your arrival,
While Harrat Raqim and Jawsaq were lonesome without you.
٥١. لا يَحتَوي الأَموالَ إِلّا مِثلَما
يَحوي بِأَطرافِ البَنانِ الزَيبَقُ
52. The eyes of Sour became radiant images,
And Hima thirsts in anticipation of your approach.
٥٢. جَرَتِ المُلوكُ لِسَبقِ غاياتِ العُلى
فَمُشَمَّرٌ في جَريِهِ وَمُحَلَّقُ
53. A land adorned by its meadows - our clothes are of silk,
And our beds are of unwoven silk fabric.
٥٣. حَتّى إِذا نَكَصَ المُكافِحُ جاءَها
مُتَهادِياً في خَطوِهِ يَتَرَفَّقُ
54. So people beseech the clouds while one in this land
Calls upon God that it will not drown.
٥٤. يامَن بِهِ شَرُفَت مَعاقِدُ تاجِهِ
وَبِها يُشَرَّفُ مِن سِواهُ المَفرِقُ
55. O you who compares the giants to peas,
Far is the comparison - and where is the pea to the giants?
٥٥. أَنِسَت بِمَقدَمِكَ العِراقُ وَأَهلُها
وَاِستَوحَشَت لَكَ حَرزَمٌ وَالجَوسَقُ
56. The star Suhail is not mentioned in competing for the heights,
Except it hangs its head in embarrassment to the full moon.
٥٦. وَغَدَت عُيونُ الصورِ صوراً وَالحِمى
أَمسى إِلى إِقبالِكُم يَتَشَوَّقُ
57. How often giants leapt to other giants,
Seeking the impossible - for none can attain what is beyond reach!
٥٧. أَرضٌ تَحِلُّ بِرَبعِها فَلِباسُنا
مِن سُندُسٍ وَفِراشُنا الإِستَبرَقُ
58. They did not regain their senses until the snakes of Qanat
Became walls for them, and the blood of horsemen became trenches.
٥٨. فَالناسُ تَستَسقي الغَمامَ وَمَن بِها
يَدعو الإِلَهَ بِأَنَّهُ لا يَغرَقُ
59. They gathered until you extended a hand to them -
They recalled with it the hands of Saba, so they dispersed.
٥٩. يا مَن يُقايِسُ مارِدينَ بِجُلَّقٍ
بَعُدَ القِياسُ وَأَينَ مِنهُ جِلَّقُ
60. The frenzy addled their minds, so they imagined
An unfurling banner in every stirring leaf.
٦٠. لَم تُذكَرِ الشَهباءُ في سَبقِ العُلى
إِلّا كَبَت شَقراؤُها وَالأَبلَقُ
61. You are but one on the day of peace,
Singular and unique - but on the day of woe, a brave warrior.
٦١. كَم مارِدينَ لِمارِدينَ تَواثَبوا
وَمِنَ المَحالِ طِلابُ ما لا يُلحَقُ
62. You have shut the door of excuse, along with its distortion,
While your generosity, its door is never closed.
٦٢. لَم يَعقِلوا إِلّا وَآجامُ القَنا
سورٌ لَها وَدَمُ الفَوارِسِ خَندَقُ
63. My Master, hear from your loyalist a praise
Speaking truly of my devotion for your eminence,
٦٣. وَتَجَمَّعوا حَتّى مَدَدتَ لَهُم يَداً
ذَكَروا بِها أَيدي سَبا فَتَفَرَّقوا
64. I am a lifelong loving servant of your favors,
And none speaks like me falsely in flattery.
٦٤. ذَهَلَ الهِياجُ عُقولَهُم فَتَوَهَّموا
في كُلِّ خافِقَةٍ لِواءٌ يَخفُقُ
65. A servant residing in Iraq whose praises
Sometimes exotify, sometimes orientalize you.
٦٥. ما أَنتَ يَومَ السَلمِ إِلّا واحِدٌ
فَرَدٌ وَفي يَومِ الكَريهَةِ فَيلَقُ
66. So the elders of Bakr envied my speech -
Its complexities exhausted their juniors.
٦٦. أَغلَقتَ بابَ العُذرِ مَع تَصحيفِهِ
وَالجودُ عِندَكَ بابُهُ لا يُغلَقُ
67. Sometimes even the eloquent orator is overwhelmed,
And the unskilled fumbles in confusion.
٦٧. مَولايَ سَمعاً مِن وَلِيَّكَ مَدحَةً
عَن صِدقِ وُدّي في عُلاكُم تَنطِقُ
68. They came accusing me of esoteric language,
For I delved into the obscure, while they orientalized.
٦٨. أَنا عَبدُ أَنعُمِكَ القَديمُ وِدادُهُ
وَسِوايَ في أَقوالِهِ يَتَمَلَّقُ
69. Theirs is an essential eastern nature,
While ours is Iraq, and eloquence its habit.
٦٩. عَبدٌ مُقيمٌ بِالعِراقِ وَمَدحُهُ
فيكُم يُغَرِّبُ تارَةً وَيُشَرِّقُ
70. I did not consider poetry itself a merit,
But I saw virtue in how you spend it.
٧٠. فَلَقَد وَقَفتُ عَلى عُلاكَ بَدائِعاً
يَعيا بِأَيسَرِها النَصيحُ المُفلِقُ
71. They said you were endowed to praise him,
And I replied, surely the blessed is endowed.
٧١. مِن كُلِّ هَيفاءِ الكَلامِ رَشيقَةٍ
في طَيِّها مَعنىً أَدَقُّ وَأَرشَقُ
72. Acceptance satisfies me as approval,
For donating affection is generosity.
٧٢. حَسَدَت أُهَيلُ دِيارِ بَكرٍ مَنطِقي
فيها كَما حَسَدَ الهَزارَ اللَقلَقُ
73. Ever shall your affairs hold fast to fortune -
In the land you forbid some and provide to others.
٧٣. أَعيَت أَكابِرَهُم أَصاغِرُ لَفظِها
وَلَرُبَّما أَعيا الرِخاخَ البَيدَقُ
٧٤. جاؤوكَ بِاللَفظِ المُعادِ لِأَنَّني
غَرَّبتُ في طَلَبِ الغَريبِ وَشَرَّقوا
٧٥. لَهُمُ بِذاكَ جِبِلَّةٌ جَبَلِيَّةٌ
وَلَنا عِراقٌ وَالفَصاحَةُ مُعرِقُ
٧٦. ما كُنتُ أَرضى بِالقَريضِ فَضيلَةً
لَكِن رَأَيتُ الفَضلَ عِندَكَ يَنفُقُ
٧٧. قالوا خُلِقتَ مُوَفَّقاً لِمَديحِهِ
فَأَجَبتُهُم إِنَّ السَعيدَ مُوَفَّقُ
٧٨. إِنّي لَيُقنِعُني القَبولُ إِجازَةً
إِنَّ التَصَدُّقَ بِالوِدادِ تَصَدُّقُ
٧٩. لازالَ أَمرُكَ بِالسَعادَةِ نافِذاً
في الأَرضِ تَمنَعُ مَن تَشاءُ وَتَرزُقُ