
Is your heart made of stone or iron?

أمن حجر فؤادك أم حديد

1. Is your heart made of stone or iron?
For in it, against injustice, there is great might,

١. أَمِن حَجَرٍ فُؤادُكَ أَم حَديدُ
فَفيهِ عَلى الوَغى بَأسٌ شَديدُ

2. Yet your patience - is it docile camels?
The resolute tremble, but you do not tremble.

٢. وَأَطوادٌ حُلومُكَ أَم جِباكٌ
تَميدُ الراسِياتُ وَلا تَميدُ

3. For whenever you attempt something,
Your wise opinion makes your deed right.

٣. لِأَنَّكَ كُلَّما حاولَتَ أَمراً
يُصَوِّبُ فَعلَكَ الرَأيُ السَديدُ

4. You rose against the enemies like a sun,
So the ice melted in the heat of its position.

٤. طَلَعتَ عَلى العُداةِ وَأَنتَ شَمسٌ
فَذابَ بِحَرِّ مَوقِعِها الجَليدُ

5. You attacked their sanctuary, unlike others,
And they met from you what Thamud met.

٥. أَغَرتَ عَلى حِماهِم غَيرَ عادٍ
وَلاقوا مِنكَ ما لاقَت ثَمودُ

6. With an army in which flags tremble
And standards flutter before its vanguard.

٦. بِجَيشٍ تَرجُفُ الراياتُ فيهِ
وَتَخفِقُ دونَ مَقدَمِهِ البُنودُ

7. In which the banners shake in wonder,
As they shook from flags held by hands.

٧. وَتَهتَزُّ الذَوابِلُ فيهِ عُجباً
كَما اِهتَزَّت مِنَ المَرَحِ القُدودُ

8. You hurried to fight them with resolve,
By which distant hope comes near to you.

٨. عَجِلتَ إِلى قِراعِهِمُ بِعَزمٍ
بِهِ يَدنو لَكَ الأَمَلُ البَعيدُ

9. How often does one who counts cowardice as wisdom,
Regret it, though regret does not benefit.

٩. وَكَم وانٍ يَعُدُّ العَجزَ حِلماً
فَيَندَمُ وَالنَدامَةُ لا تُفيدُ

10. And whoever sees what he wants and curbs cowardice,
Will see after it what he does not want.

١٠. وَمَن يَرَ ما يُريدُ وَكَفِّ جُبناً
رَأى مِن بَعدِهِ ما لا يُريدُ