
May God have mercy on those who failed to honor the rights of my companionship,

رعى الله من لم يرع لي حق صحبة

1. May God have mercy on those who failed to honor the rights of my companionship,
And may safety be upon those who did not bid me farewell.

١. رَعى اللَهُ مَن لَم يَرعَ لي حَقُّ صُحبَةٍ
وَسَلَّمَ مَن لَم يَسخُ لي بِسَلامِهِ

2. Those who disparaged my companionship are under the protection of the Merciful,
And I have never violated their pledge.

٢. وَفي ذِمَّةِ الرَحمَنِ مَن ذَمَّ صُحبَتي
وَلَم أَكُ يَوماً ناقِضاً لِذِمامِهِ

3. I endure his excessive estrangement with patience,
His denied affections and distant aspirations.

٣. وَإِنّي عَلى صَبري عَلى فَرطِ هَجرِهِ
وَقُربِ مَغانيهِ وَبُعدِ مَرامِهِ

4. My eyes seek a glimpse of him in my imagination,
And my ears long to hear his voice again.

٤. يُحاوِلُ طَرفي لَحظَةً مِن خَيالِهِ
وَيَشتاقُ سَمعي لَفظَةً مِن كَلامِهِ

5. On the day we said farewell, his face shone like the full moon.
I complained of my sorrow, yet he smiled in response,

٥. وَيَومَ وَقَفنا لِلوَداعِ وَقَد بَدا
بِوَجهٍ يُحاكي البَدرَ عِندَ تَمامِهِ

6. With tears that mimicked his words in their scattering,
And reproach that mimicked his lips in their composure.

٦. شَكَوتُ الَّذي أَلقى فَظَلَّ مُقابِلاً
بُكايَ وَشَكوى حالَتي بِاِبتِسامِهِ

7. So my lamentations disturbed nothing but his cheeks,
And my whispers stirred nothing but his poise.

٧. بِدَمعٍ يُحاكي لَفظَهُ في اِنتِثارِهِ
وَعَتبٍ يُحاكي ثَغرَهُ في اِنتِظامِهِ

٨. فَما رَقَّ مِن شَكوايَ غَيرُ خُدودِهِ
وَلا لانَ مِن نَجوايَ غَيرُ قَوامِهِ