1. With You we seek refuge from the vicissitudes of time,
And in Your noble gates we find sanctuary.
١. بِكَ مِن حادِثِ الزَمانِ نَعوذُ
وَبِأَبوابِكَ الشِرافِ نَلوذُ
2. Yours are the blessings which all thoughts confess
Save thanklessness for them is cast out amongst us.
٢. وَلَكَ الأَنعُمُ الَّتي كُلَّ حَدسٍ
بَينَنا غَيرَ شُكرِها مَنبوذُ
3. O King of wealth which fails and thoughts
Whose nobility penetrates all,
٣. يا مَليكاً لِلمالِ مِنهُ نَفادٌ
وَلِآرائِهِ الشِرافِ نُفوذُ
4. We are met in a gathering wherein, apart from distance
From You, all is delightful.
٤. قَد خَلَونا بِمَجلِسٍ كُلُّ ما في
هِ سِوى البُعدُ عَن عُلاكَ لَذيذُ
5. With us are roast meat, desserts and wine -
A bird on the spit, bread well-kneaded, too;
٥. وَلَدَينا شادٍ وَنَقلٌ وَمَشمو
مُ وَطَيرٌ يُشوى وَخُبزٌ سَميذُ
6. And a Christian lad - before baptism -
Lovely as water is he.
٦. وَغُلامٌ مِنَ النَصارى بِماءِ ال
حُسنِ قَبلَ اِعتِمادِهِ مَعموذُ
7. The Chief of Sinai's clan, if he saw his speech
Would be glad he was his pupil.
٧. لَو رَأى لَفظَهُ الرَئيسُ اِبنُ سي
نا سَرَّهُ أَنَّهُ لَهُ تِلميذُ
8. We took him from his people, but every heart
In its passion is captive.
٨. قَد أَخَذناهُ مِن ذَويهِ وَلَكِن
كُلُّ قَلبٍ في أَسرِهِ مَأخوذُ
9. Our pleasures are perfect, so nothing is lacking
Among comrades save more wine.
٩. وَمَسَرّاتُنا تَمامٌ فَما أَع
وَزَ بَينَ الرِفاقِ إِلّا النَبيذُ
10. That lacked suddenly, so my state is suspended
And my heart severed by its absence.
١٠. أَعوَزَت بَغتَةً فَحالي مَوقو
فٌ وَقَلبي لِفَقدِها مَفقوذُ
11. If you supply it, how many kind acts
Will my mind sharpen to thank you!
١١. إِن تُساعِد بِها فَكَم مِن أَيادٍ
لَكَ فِكري لِشُكرِها مَشحوذُ
12. It fettered my wandering wits to you, and thanks -
So how can praise turn from it?
١٢. قَيَّدَت شارِدَ الثَنا لَكَ وَالشُك
رَ فَما لِلثَناءِ عَنها شُذوذُ