
Intoxicated with hashish over wine

تغان بالحشيش عن الرحيق

1. Intoxicated with hashish over wine
And with new leaves over the aged vine

١. تَغانَ بِالحَشيشِ عَنِ الرَحيقِ
وَبِالوَرَقِ الجَديدِ عَنِ العَتيقِ

2. And with the green over red wine forsaken
Such difference lies between emerald and ruby gems

٢. وَبِالخَضراءِ عَن حَمراءَ صَرفٍ
وَكَم بَينَ الزُمُرُّدِ وَالعَقيقِ

3. Wines concealed in pockets guarded with honor
And drunk atop the clamoring road

٣. مُدامٌ في الجُيوبِ تُصانُ عِزّاً
وَتُشرَبُ فَوقَ قارِعَةِ الطَريقِ

4. Its exaltation continues to tremble in the palm
With the sweet fragrances of thick musk

٤. يَظَلُّ سَحيقُها في الكَفِّ يَهزا
بِطيبِ رَوائِحِ المِسكِ السَحيقِ

5. Renounce all else and divorce what isn't it
And you will live among people with a cheerful face

٥. فَعاقِرُها وَطَلَّقَ ما سِواها
تَعِش في الناسِ ذا وَجِهِ طَليقِ