
When a man's origin is absent, yet his deed remains,

إذا غاب أصل المرء فاستقر فعله

1. When a man's origin is absent, yet his deed remains,
For the branch's mark reveals the root it claims.

١. إِذا غابَ أَصلُ المَرءِ فَاِستَقَرَّ فِعلَهُ
فَإِنَّ دَليلَ الفَرعِ يُنبي عَنِ الأَصلِ

2. So a good deed may bear witness for its Lord,
As the blade's sharpness proves the excellence of the sword.

٢. فَقَد يَشهَدُ الفِعلُ الجَميلُ لِرَبِّهِ
كَذاكَ مَضاءُ الحَدِّ مِن شاهِدِ النَصلِ