
I remembered you when the antelopes denied

ولقد ذكرتك حين أنكرت الظبى

1. I remembered you when the antelopes denied
Their sheaths, and got to know each other in infatuation,

١. وَلَقَد ذَكَرتُكِ حينَ أَنكَرَتِ الظُبى
أَغمادَها وَتَعارَفَت في الهامِ

2. And the arrows from the crevices of the quivers were as though
They were showers succeeding from the pudenda of clouds,

٢. وَالنَبلُ مِن خَلَلِ العَجاجِ كَأَنَّهُ
وَبلٌ تَتابَعَ مِن فُروجِ غَمامِ

3. So my eyes belittled the hordes of enemies,
And the succession of feet in the advance,

٣. فَاِستَصغَرَت عَينايَ أَفواجَ العِدى
وَتَتابُعَ الأَقدامِ في الإِقدامِ

4. And I found the coolness of safety in the heat of battle,
With death behind me at times and at times before me.

٤. وَوَجَدتُ بَردَ الأَمنِ في حَرِّ الوَغى
وَالمَوتِ خَلفي تارَةً وَأَمامي