1. You were determined, my companion, to travel
And my greatest fear is for you, so beware
١. عَزَمتَ يا مُتلِفي عَلى السَفَرِ
واطولَ خَوفي عَلَيكَ واحَذَري
2. What they say makes me despair of seeing you again
That the moon never returns
٢. يُؤيِسُني مِن لِقاكَ قَولُهُمُ
بِأَنَّهُ لا رُجوعَ لِلقَمَرِ
3. Be gentle with me, though you've abandoned me
Endure, I'm consumed with passion for you
٣. تَمَهَّل مُضنى جَفاك
تَحَمَّل ذُبتُ في هَواك
4. O you who told of the gazelle in her turning
And surpassed her in charm and grace
٤. يا مَن حَكى الظَبيَ في تَلَفُّتِهِ
وَفاقَهُ بِالدَلالِ وَالخَفَرِ
5. You've wearied me with your distance, transgressing
So my glory is humbled but my patience exalted
٥. أَتَلفتَني بِالصُدودِ مُعتَدِياً
فَذَلَّ عِزّي وَعَزَّ مُصطَبَري
6. My love begs for you
Some of that palm of yours would appease me
٦. تَدَلَّل مُهجَتي فِداك
تَسَهَّل بَعضُ ذا كَفاك
7. And you left while tears flowed
If they'd been shown to the rider, he wouldn't have departed
٧. وَدَّعتَني وَالدُموعُ سائِحَةٌ
لَو عَرَضَت لِلمَطِيَّ لَم تَسِرِ
8. And my heart is broken by the separation
While the agony of passion leaves it not shattered
٨. وَخاطِري بِالفُراقِ مُنكَسِرٌ
وَلاعِجُ الوَجدِ غَيرُ مُنكَسِرِ
9. I'm confused, I hope to see you
I'm crippled, believing I'll look upon you
٩. مُبَلبَل أَرتَجي لِقاك
أُعَلَّل أَنَّني أَراك
10. You've a body soft as water
Containing a heart made of stone
١٠. عَلَيكَ جِسمٌ كَالماءِ رِقَّتُهُ
يَضُمُّ قَلباً قُدَّ مِن حَجَرِ
11. And a face like the crescent moon shining
Adorning that delicate branch of your neck
١١. وَطَلعَةٌ كَالهِلالِ مُشرِقَةٌ
تُزهى عَلى غُصنِ قَدِّكَ النَضِرِ
12. When he comes near, he is bashful
And withers when he sees you
١٢. إِذا أَقبَل يَخجَلُ الأَراك
وَيَذبُل عِندَما يَراك
13. If they say you've been infatuated with another
Look, for reports are not like eyewitnessing
١٣. إِن قيلَ قَد رُمتَ في الهَوى بَدَلاً
فَاِنظُر فَليسَ العِيانُ كَالخَبَرِ
14. Search my heart, for you dwell there
Within it none but you of mortals exist
١٤. فَتِّش فُؤادي فَأَنتَ ساكِنُهُ
فَليسَ فيهِ سِواكَ مِن بَشَرِ
15. See if it contains any but you
To fulfill the requirement of your satisfaction
١٥. تَأَمَّل هَل بِهِ سِواك
لِيُقفَل مُقتَضى رِضاك
16. As if the fires of hell deserted me because of you
Leaving none of my love behind or sparing it
١٦. كَأَنَّ نارَ الجَحيمِ هَجرُكَ لي
لَم تُبقِ مِن مُهجَتي وَلَم تَذرِ
17. If your utmost against me is to shed my blood
To me there is in that no trace
١٧. إِن كانَ أَقصى مُناكَ سَفكَ دَمي
فَليسَ عِندي لِذاكَ مِن أَثَرِ
18. Can one who hoped in you bear destruction
And be killed while under your protection?
١٨. أَيَحمِل حَتفاً مَن رَجاك
وَيُقتَل وَهوَ في حِماك
19. O heart, what you've suffered was fate and destiny
So be patient with the judgment of divine decree
١٩. يا قَلبِ قَد كانَ ما بُليتَ بِهِ
فَاِصبِر لِحُكمِ القَضاءِ وَالقَدَرِ
20. For patience in the bitterness of adversity
Holds within it the fruits of victory
٢٠. فَالصَبرُ كَالصَبرِ في مَرارَتِهِ
لَكِنَّ فيهِ عَواقِبَ الظَفَرِ
21. Endure the passion for him
We'll be indulged that we may look upon him
٢١. تَحَمَّل في الهَوى أَذاك
نُدَلَّل كَي نَرى مُناك