
I saw Abu Mirra in a dream

رأيت في النوم أبا مرة

1. I saw Abu Mirra in a dream
My mentor in eloquence and rhetoric

١. رَأَيتُ في النَومِ أَبا مِرَّةٍ
شَيخِيَ في تَهذيبِ عِلمِ البَيانِ

2. Surrounded by his companions
Pointing at me happily

٢. وَحَولَهُ مِن رَهطِهِ عُصبَةٌ
يُشيرُ نَحوي لَهُم بِالبَنانِ

3. He said, O bearer of good news about whom
We had not seen for so long

٣. وَقالَ يا بُشراكُمُ بِالَّذي
غَيَّبتُمُ عَن ذِكرِهِ بِالعَيانِ

4. This is the one I told you
His poetry is unique in this time

٤. هَذا الَّذي أَخبَرتُكُم أَنَّهُ
في نَظمِهِ أَوحَدُ هَذا الزَمانِ

5. And he said, had you graced our ears
With some of what you’ve composed recently

٥. وَقالَ لَو شَنَّفتَ أَسماعَنا
بِبَعضِ ما نَظَمتَ في ذا الأَوانِ

6. So I recited in your praise
Masterpieces like pearls

٦. فَعِندَها أَورَدتُ مِن مَدحِكُم
بَدائِعاً مَنظومَةً كَالجُمانِ

7. Each one said
Excellent! O lord of beautiful meanings!

٧. فَعادَ كُلٌّ مِنهُمُ قائِلاً
أَحسَنتَ يا رَبَّ المَعاني الحِسانِ

8. Then he said, with all this praise, do you own
A prosperous farm or land?

٨. فَقالَ مَعَ ذا المَدحِ هَل أَنعُمٌ
بِضَيعَةٍ عامِرَةٍ أَو فِدانِ

9. I said no. He said, nor a house
That satisfies you away from the inn?

٩. فَقُلتُ لا قالَ وَلا مَنزِلٌ
مُستَحسَنٌ يُغنيكَ عَن بَيتِ خانِ

10. I said no. He said, nor a swift steed
Pampered at the market, free-reined?

١٠. فَقُلتُ لا قالَ وَلا سابِقٌ
مُرَفَّهُ السَوقِ شَقِيِّ العِنانِ

11. I said no. He fell silent disappointed
You are but a blabbering tongue

١١. فَقُلتُ لا قالَ فَنَم صاغِراً
ما أَنتَ إِلّا بِغَوِيِّ اللِسانِ