
If destroyed things could be restored by generosity,

لو يرد الردى ببذل الأيادي

1. If destroyed things could be restored by generosity,
The generous acts would have kept the pillars of generosity intact.

١. لَو يُرَدُّ الرَدى بِبَذلِ الأَيادي
أَبقَتِ المَكرُماتُ كَعبَ الإِيادي

2. And preserved the refined youthful hands
That collared the necks of slaves with dew.

٢. وَلَأَبقَت فَتى المُهَذَّبِ أَيدٍ
طَوَّقَت بِالنَدى رِقابَ العِبادِ

3. And if pigeons warded off with fluttering,
Pecking and cooing, the red snakes and enemies,

٣. وَلَوَ اَنَّ الحِمامَ يَدفَعُ بِالبا
سِ وَبيضِ الظُبى وَحُمرِ الصِعادِ

4. On the day of disturbance, brave pigeons,
Ruffling the white feathers before the enemies,

٤. لَحَمَتهُ يَومَ الهِياجِ حُماةٌ
تُرعِفُ البيضَ مِن نَجيعِ الأَعادي

5. And wild pigeons shaded by the foliage
Of bending branches walking slowly among the nests

٥. وَكُماةٌ يُظِلُّها مِن وَشيجِ ال
خَطِّ غابٌ يَسيرُ بِالآسادِ

6. With sailboards that make the waves of death appear
In their limpid decks as locusts' eyes.

٦. بِصِفاحٍ تُخالُ مَوجَ المَنايا
في صَفا مَتنِها عُيونُ الجَرادِ

7. Every sincere separation is loath to turn,
To bloodshed but days run their course among people

٧. كُلُّ صافي الفِرِندِ بِالماءِ رَيّا
نِ وَلَكِنَّهُ إِلى الدَمِ صادي

8. To meet the appointed terms as the racers run.
How can you hope for stay while people are travelling?

٨. غَيرَ أَنَّ الأَيّامَ بِالخَلقِ تَجري
لِبُلوغِ الآجالِ جَريَ الجِيادِ

9. We ride and fate is the leader.
Where is the Lord of the Throne and the White Palace

٩. كَيفَ تَرجو المَقامَ وَالخَلقُ سُفرٌ
نَحنُ رَكبٌ وَحادِثُ الدَهرِ حادي

10. Or where is the Lord of the Pillared Palace?
The causes of death's separation have destroyed

١٠. أَينَ رَبَّ السَريرِ وَالحيرَةِ البَي
ضاءِ أَم أَينَ رَبُّ ذاتِ العِمادِ

11. Pharaoh of lofty pillars.
I do not depend on time which has led

١١. إِنَّ أَسبابَ فاصِلاتِ المَنايا
قَد أَبادَت فِرعونَ ذا الأَوتادِ

12. My Master whom I depended on to his end.
Of long shadows, short waterskin, open favours, long generosity,

١٢. ما اِعتِمادي عَلى الزَمانِ وَقَد أَو
دى بِمَولىً عَلَيهِ كانَ اِعتِمادي

13. Extravagant in generosity, deluded by munificence
That moderation lies in extravagance.

١٣. بِمَديدِ الظِلالِ مُقتَضَبِ الرَأ
يِ بَسيطِ النَدى طَويلِ النِجادِ

14. No breeze of pride made his sides swing
Nor did the rein of obstinacy guide him.

١٤. مُسرِفٌ في السَماحِ يوهِمُهُ الجو
دُ بِأَنَّ الإِقصادَ في الإِقتِصادِ

15. A ruler who judged the expectant regarding wealth
And a judge who ruled for the execution of enemies.

١٥. لَم تُرَنَّح أَعطافَهُ نَسمَةُ الكِب
رِ وَلا اِقتِادَهُ عِنانُ العِنادِ

16. Among the people, the course of justice spread from him
Like the movement of souls in the bodies.

١٦. حاكِمٌ حَكَّمَ المُؤَمِّلَ في الما
لِ وَقاضٍ قَضى بِحَتفِ الأَعادي

17. The sun of the religion whose laws controlled
Rulings like the regulation of money by numbers.

١٧. وَسَرَت مِنهُ سيرَةُ العَدلِ في النا
سِ مَسيرَ الأَرواحِ في الأَجسادِ

18. Many a clemency in it dormant severity
Like the burning heat latent in tinder.

١٨. شَمسُ دينِ اللَهِ الَّذي ضَبَطَ الأَح
كامَ ضَبطَ الأَموالِ بِالأَعدادِ

19. Awe that quenches the thirst of the intimidated
And a speech that slakes the thirst of arid souls.

١٩. رُبَّ حِلمٍ لِلبَطشِ فِيهِ كُمونٌ
كَلَظى النارِ كامِناً في الزِنادِ

20. And a criticism which when the darkness of doubt disperses,
Its light makes it disappear like fuel in fire.

٢٠. سَطوَةٌ تُظمِئُ الرُواةَ مِنَ الرُع
بِ وَنُطقٌ يَروي النُفوسَ الصَوادي

21. And a mellifluous debate in which sarcasm hides
As if the enemy in it is in a suit of armour.

٢١. وَاِنتِقادٌ إِذا جَلَت ظُلمَةُ الشَك
كِ جَلاهُ بِنورِهِ الوَقّادِ

22. Of gentle disposition and harsh constitution,
Sincere conscience and empty heart.

٢٢. وَجِدالٌ مَعسولُ أَكمَنَهُ اللَف
ظُ كَأَنَّ العِدى فيهِ في جَلادِ

23. He was served by the whites and the mourners when he was
A child like the nestlings of a clever fowler.

٢٣. ذو يَراعٍ رَطبِ المَشافِرِ يَبسِ ال
مَتنِ جَمِّ الضَميرِ خُلوِ الفُؤادِ

24. So when he raced on the Tarsus track,
Fear ran in the hearts of enemies.

٢٤. خَدَمَتَهُ البيضُ الحِدادُ وَإِب كا
نَ صَبِياً كَمِبضَعِ الفَصّادِ

25. He uttered words in prose and brought
Meanings coupled in a polished style.

٢٥. فَإِذا ماجَرى بِحَلبَةِ طَرسٍ
رَكَضَ الرُعبُ في قُلوبِ الأَعادي

26. We have not seen before its course a line
Radiant with light in the darkness of ink.

٢٦. يُطلِقُ اللَفظَ في السِجِلِّ فَيَأتي
بِالمَعاني مَقرونَةً في صِفادِ

27. Every line - its blackness is in white
And its whiteness you see in black.

٢٧. ما رَأَينا مِن قَبلِ مَجراهُ خَطّاً
ساطِعَ النورِ في ظَلامِ المِدادِ

28. Where is the fertility of loins in the empty era
And abundance in the barren years?

٢٨. كُلُّ خَطٍّ سَوادُهُ في بَياضٍ
وَتَراهُ بَياضُهُ في السَوادِ

29. Where is the generous, easy to reach, when
Easy to reach was not the same as generous?

٢٩. أَينَ خَصبُ الأَكنافِ في الزَمَنِ الما
حِلِ وَالسُبطُ في السِنينَ الجِعادِ

30. Days robbed him stealthily though he was
Submissive to their harshness in grave affairs,

٣٠. وَالجَوادُ السَهلُ اللِقاءِ إِذا ما
كانَ سَهلُ اللِقاءِ غَيرَ جَوادِ

31. And because he was lost, his kin thereafter
Wore mourning clothes for this reason.

٣١. سَلَبَتهُ الأَيّامُ غَدراً وَكانَت
طَوعَ كَفَّيهِ في الأُمورِ الشِدادِ

32. He was a support to the hopeful so at his loss
His pillars shook among the pillars.

٣٢. وَأُصيبَت لِفَقدِهِ فَلِهَذا
أُلبِسَت بَعدَهُ ثِيابَ حِدادِ

33. He was the beauty of children and wealth, indeed if
Anything was more beautiful with wealth and children.

٣٣. كانَ عَضداً لِلآمِلينَ فَأَمسى
بِنَواهُ يَفُتُّ في الأَعضادِ

34. O sword, the earth's surface does not remain
Empty of glory for it after him.

٣٤. كانَ زَينَ الأَولادِ وَالمالِ إِن زي
نَ سِواهُ بِالمالِ وَالأَولادِ

35. You were quick to kindness on the day of dew
And to warding off harm the day of decline.

٣٥. يا حُساماً ما خِلتُ إِنَّ أَديمَ ال
أَرضِ يُمسي لَهُ مِنَ الأَمجادِ

36. Which caller to generosity were you not
Present at with favours and your mention lasting?

٣٦. كُنتَ يَومَ النَدى سَريعاً إِلى البِر
رِ وَيَومَ الرَدى أَبِيَّ القِيادِ

37. After you, bounty became poverty
And noble deeds unbroken steeds.

٣٧. أَيُّ نادٍ لِلجودِ لَم تَكُ فيهِ
حاضِراً بِالنَدى وَذِكرُكَ بادِ

38. And generosity passed away the day you passed away
Were you both then at a promised time?

٣٨. أَصبَحَت بَعدَكَ المَكارِمُ فُقراً
وَالمَعالي عَواطِلَ الأَجيادِ

39. It is hard for bounty to be obscure while among people
The fragrance of your mention remains.

٣٩. وَتُوُفّي السَماحُ يَومَ تُوُفِّي
تَ فَهَل كُنتُما عَلى ميعادِ

40. Or generosity is called but your favours do not
Precede the caller's call.

٤٠. فَعَزيزٌ عَلى المَكارِمِ أَن تَخ
فى وَفي الناسِ طيبُ ذِكرِكَ بادِ

41. A slumber you never tasted before it
The flavour of tranquil rest.

٤١. أَو يُنادى لِلمَكرُماتِ فَلا يَس
بِقُ مِنكَ النَدى نِداءَ المُنادي

42. We did not witness before it a state for you
Empty of envy.

٤٢. رَقدَةٌ ما نَراكَ مِن قَبلِها ذُق
تَ عَنِ المَكرُماتِ طَعمَ رُقادِ

43. May God reward you well for patience and fine eulogies
And consolation of prose and verse.

٤٣. ما شَهِدنا مِن قَبلِها لَكَ حالاً
كُنتَ فيها خِلواً مِنَ الحُسّادِ

44. And may God prolong the life of my elegies
For I swear to persevere in their creation.

٤٤. أَحسَنَ اللَهُ عَنكَ صَبرَ المَعالي
وَعَزاءَ الإِنشاءِ وَالإِنشادِ

45. Though my tears were perfumes and torrents
They watered your grave.

٤٥. وَأَطالَ الإِلَهُ عُمرَ مَراثي
كَ فَإِنّي فيها حَليفُ اِجتِهادِ

46. By my life, I have commanded my tears
To suffice me instead of the tears of grievers.

٤٦. وَسَقَت قَبرَكَ الغَوادي وَإِن كا
نَت دُموعي رَوائِحاً وَغَوادي

٤٧. فَلَعَمري لَقَد عَهِدتُ إِلى الدَم
عِ لِيُغنيهِ عَن دُموعِ العِهادِ