
The fairest life's rewards are the finest spoils,

مغانم صفو العيش أسنى المغانم

1. The fairest life's rewards are the finest spoils,
Though they are but shadows that do not last.

١. مَغانِمُ صَفوِ العَيشِ أَسنى المَغانِمِ
هِيَ الظِلَّ إِلّا أَنَّهُ غَيرُ دائِمِ

2. I held the reins of life therein, and ofttimes
Raised its prime till the ballistas fell.

٢. مَلَكتُ زِمامَ العَيشِ فيها وَطالَما
رَفَعتُ بِها أولى وُقوعِ الجَوازِمِ

3. My battle steeds were roused by the tears I wept
For you when the clouds' eyes were dry.

٣. مَغاني الحِمى جادَت سَحائِبُ أَدمُعي
عَليكَ إِذا جَفَّت جُفونُ الغَمائِمِ

4. The sport I had in its gardens, how much of it
Passed in the morn of youth now gone!

٤. مَلاعِبُ لَهوٍ كَم قَضَيتُ بِرَبعِها
لُباناتِ أَيّامِ الصِبا المُتَقادِمِ

5. On Babylon's west side were the trysts
Where smiles would greet me at each visit.

٥. مِنَ الجانِبِ الغَربِيِّ مِن أَرضِ بابِلٍ
مَعاهِدُ أُنسٍ مُشرِقاتُ المَباسِمِ

6. Between the two fortresses were the landmarks,
Though the nobility was in their people.

٦. مَعالِمُ بَينَ القَلعَتَينِ وَإِنَّما
مَحَلُّ المَعالي بَينَ تِلكَ المَعالِمِ

7. Long I stayed there, my eye joyous,
While the halls of glory stood tall-pillared.

٧. مَكَثتُ بِها دَهراً وَعَيني قَريرَةٌ
بِها وَرَواقُ العِزِّ عالي الدَعائِمِ

8. My siesta — leaves' shade, my friends —
Gardens, sans thorns or harshness.

٨. مَقيلي ظُهورُ الصافِناتِ وَمُؤنِسي
رِياضُ الكَلا دونَ الحَشايا النَواعِمِ

9. My firm friendship spurns each hot-headed fool,
Vain, tall in pride, rash in his aims.

٩. مَنيعُ يَقيني ضَيمُ كُلِّ غَضَنفَرٍ
طَويلِ نِجادِ السَيفِ ماضي العَزائِمِ

10. When he was generous, his wealth proclaimed ‘O Tariq!’
When he walked, his honor proclaimed ‘O Salim!’

١٠. مَتى جادَ نادى مالُهُ يا لِطارِقٍ
وَإِن سارَ نادى عِرضُهُ يا لِسالِمِ

11. No use remembering past joys
Unless I seek deeds of great renown.

١١. مَواضي سُرورٍ لا اِنتِفاعَ بِذِكرِها
إِذا لَم أُعِدها بِاِرتِكابِ العَظائِمِ

12. It rouses my resolve — no dormancy here!
It wakes my wisdom — no sleep to fear!

١٢. مُنَبِّهُ عَزمٍ إِنَّهُ غَيرُ راقِدٍ
وَمُوقِظُ حَزمٍ إِنَّهُ غَيرُ نائِمِ

13. My fortuned stars I watched till I was bored
As though staying lowly was fated for me.

١٣. مَطَلتُ السُرى حَتّى مَلَلتُ كَأَنَّما
عَليَّ مَقامُ الذُلِّ ضَربَةُ لازِمِ

14. Jesus I hindered from roving, and my act
Hindered the great king Mansur's travel.

١٤. مَنَعتُ عَنِ التَرحالِ عيسي وَمَنعُها
عَنِ المَلِكِ المَنصورِ إِحدى العَظائِمِ

15. A king whose mildness rent earth's mountains apart
And whose bounty sets the seas a-surge.

١٥. مَليكٌ جِبالُ الأَرضِ مِن حِلمِهِ اِنتَشَت
وَأَبحُرُها مِن جودِهِ المُتَلاطِمِ

16. Who splits wealth after its accumulation
And in his comfort brings honors' union.

١٦. مُفَرِّقُ شَملِ المالِ بَعدَ اِجتِماعِهِ
وَفي راحَتَيهِ جَمعُ شَملِ المَكارِمِ

17. His gifts are for each seeker's taking
And his swords certain for each sinner.

١٧. مَواهِبُهُ وَقفٌ عَلى كُلِّ طالِبٍ
وَأَسيافُهُ حَتمٌ عَلى كُلِّ آثِمِ

18. He keeps each settled man in comfort
As his swords unseat each stirring rebel.

١٨. مُقيمٌ بِآياتِ النَدى كُلَّ قاعِدٍ
كَما أَقعَدَت أَسيافُهُ كُلَّ قائِمِ

19. In his blade and its edge lie havoc,
In his palm and fingertips, waves of generosity.

١٩. مَحَلُّ الرَدى في سَيفِهِ وَسِنانِهِ
وَبَحرُ النَدىفي كَفِّهِ وَالبَراجِمِ

20. He erased all mention of Amr and Antarah
And revived the repute of Ma'n and Hatim.

٢٠. مَحا بِسَطاهُ ذِكرَ عَمروٍ وَعَنتَرٍ
وَأَحيا نَداهُ ذِكرَ مَعنٍ وَحاتِمِ

21. The palms' glories, which ever bind the world
About its neck like a ringdove.

٢١. مَكارِمُ كَفٍّ لا تَزالُ بِها الوَرى
مُطَوَّقَةً أَعناقُها كَالحَمائِمِ

22. Unwont to hoarding, unless appearing
With a lion's blow or erect, blade-wielding.

٢٢. مُعَوَّدَةٍ بِالبَسطِ إِلّا إِذا غَدَت
بِمَتنِ يَراعٍ أَو بِقائِمِ صارِمِ

23. The exalted one leaves no lack of moisture
And hears no blamer's rebuke in his munificence.

٢٣. مُشيدُ العُلى لا تارِكٌ خِلَّةَ النَدى
وَلا سامِعٌ في الجودِ لَومَةَ لائِمِ

24. Bent on sacrificing wealth, made happy
When his riches greet the morning shrouded.

٢٤. مُصِرٌّ عَلى بَذلِ الهِباتِ يَسُرَّهُ
إِذا أَصبَحَت أَموالُهُ بِالمَآتِمِ

25. Increased giving cannot match his bounty
Or trail regret like a repentant man.

٢٥. مَزيدُ العَطا لا يُلحِقُ الجودَ مِنَّةً
وَلا يُتبِعُ الأَموالَ حَسرَةَ نادِمِ

26. A host for all, like springtime in its prime,
Its days in his shade like seasons fair.

٢٦. مَضيفُ الوَرى مِثلُ الرَبيعِ بِرَبعِهِ
وَأَيّامُهُم في ظِلِّهِ كَالمَواسِمِ

27. Barefoot we trod his land's holy ground
As though treading lofty riches.

٢٧. مَرَرنا حُفاةً في مَقادِسِ رَبعِهِ
كَأَنّا مُشاةٌ فَوقَ هامِ النَعائِمِ

28. Though we fulfilled his due, we'd have walked
Upon live coals instead of cushions.

٢٨. مَشَينا وَلَو أَنّا وَفَينا بِحَقِّهِ
مَشَينا عَلى الأَحداقِ دونَ المَناسِمِ

29. Time without end, men of pride journey to him
And gain wealth and spoils.

٢٩. مَدى الدَهرِ لا زالَت تَحُجُّ بَنو الرَجا
إِلَيهِ وَتَحظى بِالغِنى وَالغَنائِمِ