1. The nights' turns do not last, their covenant fails
And the hands of death cannot be resisted or repelled
١. صُروفُ اللَيالي لا يَدومُ لَها عَهدُ
وَأَيدي المَنايا لا يُطاقُ لَها رَدُّ
2. They greet us absentmindedly, and attack deliberately
Their help is transgression, their moderation, purpose
٢. تُسالِمُنا سَهواً وَتَسطو تَعَمُّداً
فَإِسعافُها عَسفٌ وَإِقصادُها قَصدُ
3. I wonder at one who is fooled by paradise in it
Of life without peace or coldness
٣. عَجِبتُ لِمَن يَغتَرُّ فيها لِجَنَّةٍ
مِنَ العَيشِ ما فيها سَلامٌ وَلا بَردُ
4. In every day the misfortunes attack
Ripping open the pocket or breaking the forehead
٤. أَفي كُلِّ يَومٍ لِلنَوائِبِ غارَةٌ
يُشَقُّ عَليها الجَيبُ أَو يُلطَمُ الحَدُّ
5. I see everything familiar is quickly missed
So why is missing intimacy not missed
٥. أَرى كُلَّ مَألوفٍ يُعَجَّلُ فَقدُهُ
فَما بالُ فَقدِ الإِلفِ لَيسَ لَهُ فَقدُ
6. I've lost men whose vigor in distress was protection
They were my back, my seller and hand and ally
٦. فَقَدتُ رِجالاً كانَ في البُؤسِ بَأسُهُم
هُوَ الظَهرُ لي وَالباعُ وَاليَدُ وَالزِندُ
7. The night of adversity makes them shine
And the beauty of contrast reveals its opposite
٧. يَزيدُهُمُ لَيلُ الخُطوبِ إِذا دَجا
ضِياءً وَحُسنُ الضِدِّ يُظهِرُهُ الضِدُّ
8. I see everyone who gains gratitude after them
From people is a sacrifice unworthy of covenant
٨. أَرى كُلَّ مَن يَستَخلِصُ الشُكرَ بَعدَهُم
مِنَ الناسِ نَحراً لا يَليقُ بِهِ عِقدُ
9. So I shunned intimacy, knowing that for me
The sword does not wear out if the sheath wears out
٩. لِذاكَ هَجَرتُ الإِلفَ أَعلَمُ أَنَّني
لَكَ السَيفُ لا يُبليهِ إِن بَلِيَ الغِمدُ
10. And I visited lands whose soil grows honor
And success thrives in the shoots of its valleys
١٠. وَزُرتُ بِلاداً يُنبِتُ العِزَّ أَرضُها
وَيَنجَحُ في أَبناءِ أَبياتِها العَقدُ
11. Fearing I would remain devoid of kin
Alone, and find myself with those who have nothing
١١. مَخافَةَ أَن أُضحي مِنَ الخَلِّ خالِياً
وَحيداً وَأُمسي عِندَ مَن ما لَهُ عِندُ
12. And when I turned my camel on the final journey
To a homeland where my beloved and I have history
١٢. وَلَمّا عَطَفتُ العَيسَ آخِرَ رِحلَةٍ
إِلى مَعهَدٍ لي وَالحَبيبُ بِهِ عَهدُ
13. And approached the landmarks of Al-Tawilah, recalling
The covenants of youth before old age persists
١٣. وَشارَفتُ أَعلامَ الطَويلَةِ ذاكِراً
عُهودَ الصِبا وَالشَيبُ لَمّا يَلُح بَعدُ
14. I asked the protected Faiha what ails its precinct
Now barren when its vitality used to show
١٤. سَأَلتُ حِمى الفَيحاءِ ما بالُ رَبعِها
جَديباً وَقَد كانَت نَضارَتُهُ تَبدو
15. Why is no echo heard from its water for a visitor
Nor any landmarks shown to its pursuer
١٥. وَما بالُها لَم يُروَ مِن مائِها الصَدى
لِظامٍ وَلا يوري لِقاصِدِها زَندُ
16. It said: He who was my good fortune has fulfilled
The vegetation of glory is demolished and grandeur destroyed
١٦. فَقالَت قَضى مَن كانَ بِالسَعدِ لي قَضى
وَصَوَّحَ نَبتُ العِزِّ وَاِنهَدَمَ المَجدُ
17. So the glory of religion lies ravaged in the soil
And the noble generosity and the muscular man are gone
١٧. فَأَصبَحَ مَجدُ الدينِ في التُربِ ثاوِياً
وَزالَ السَماحُ السِبطُ وَالرَجَلُ الجَعدُ
18. A youth taught by his soul the apex of asceticism
He became ascetic even in life
١٨. فَتىً عَلَّمَتهُ غايَةَ الزُهدِ نَفسُهُ
فَأَصبَحَ حَتّى في الحَياةِ لَهُ زُهدُ
19. I saw no full moon before him enveloped by the earth
Nor sea before it held by the cove
١٩. وَلَم أَرَ بَدراً قَبلَهُ حازَهُ الثَرى
وَلَم أَرَ بَحراً قَبلَهُ ضَمَّهُ اللَحدُ
20. Descendant of the Chosen's loyal kin and son of his grandson
His mother, father, and ancestors repent to him
٢٠. سَليلُ صَفِيِّ المُصطَفى وَاِبنُ سِبطِهِ
لَقَد تابَ مِنهُ الأُمُّ وَالأَبُّ وَالجَدُّ
21. When the most hostile litigator disputed, his evidence
Was for him the most potent proof
٢١. فَصيحٌ إِذا الخَصمُ الأَلَدُّ تَعالَمَت
دَلائِلُهُ كانَت لَهُ الحُجَجُ اللُدُّ
22. When he spoke a word, his action preceded his speech
He had no days or feasts or promises
٢٢. إِذا قالَ قَولاً يَسبُقُ القَولَ فِعلُهُ
فَليسَ لَهُ يَوماً وَعيدٌ وَلا وَعدُ
23. If the hands of evil struck him, by my father
This is indeed the intended misstep
٢٣. لَئِن أَخطَأَت أَيدي الرَدى بِمُصابِهِ
لَعَمرُ أَبي هَذا هُوَ الخَطَأُ العَمدُ
24. The pure of garb, body and conscience has passed
Gratitude his armor, chastity his coat of mail
٢٤. مَضى طاهِرَ الأَثوابِ وَالجِسمِ وَالحَشى
لَهُ الشُكرُ دِرعٌ وَالعَفافُ لَهُ بُردُ
25. And he left for us from his goodness, the goodness of his son
Who acts as his water left fragrance for us in roses
٢٥. وَأَبقى لَنا مِن طيبِهِ طيبَ وُلدِهِ
يَنوبُ كَما أَبقى لَنا ماءَهُ الوَردُ
26. They are people who have ascended in eloquence
And the regions of their glory have become youthful while they are catapults
٢٦. هُمُ القَومُ فاهوا بِالفَصاحَةِ رُفَّعاً
وَشابَت نَواحي مَجدِهِم وَهُمُ مُردُ
27. If one of them settles in a tribe, he is pointed to
As the unique scholar
٢٧. إِذا حَلَّ مِنهُم واحِدٌ في قَبيلَةٍ
يُشارُ إِلَيهِ إِنَّهُ العَلَمُ الفَردُ
28. It suffices them pride that he is their father
And it suffices him that one of them is his son
٢٨. كَفاهُم فَخاراً أَنَّهُ لَهُمُ أَبٌ
وَيَكفيهِ أَن أَمسى وَمِنهُم لَهُ وُلدُ
29. So one lamenting him, drawn near by recalling his beauty
In his remoteness is nearness, and his nearness, remoteness
٢٩. فَيا نازِحاً يُدنيهِ حُسنُ اِدِّكارِهِ
فَفي بُعدِهِ قُربٌ وَفي قُربِهِ بُعدُ
30. God reward you! How you reached the utmost extent of glory
The zealous lion fell short of attaining
٣٠. لَكَ اللَهُ كَم أَدرَكتَ في المَجدِ غايَةً
تَقاعَسَ عَن إِدراكِها الأَسَدُ الوَردُ
31. When people one day boast of their glory
Yours are a people whose glory boasts of them
٣١. إِذا اِفتَخَرَ الأَقوامُ يَوماً بِمَجدِهِم
فَإِنَّكَ مِن قَومٍ بِهِم يَفخَرُ المَجدُ
32. Their small ones are accustomed to the backs of thoroughbreds
Until saddle and cradle are equal to them
٣٢. تَعَوَّدَ مَتنَ الصافِناتِ صَغيرُهُم
إِلى أَن تَساوى عِندَهُ السُرجُ وَالمَهدُ
33. They protected the armies' soldiers around their homes
With glory that no army or soldiers can protect
٣٣. حَموا لِجُنودِ الجَأشِ حَولَ بُيوتِهِم
مِنَ المَجدِ مالَ يَحمِهِ الجَيشُ وَالجُندُ
34. Homes of pillars that battering rams are shattered against
And lion thickets that the lions bolt from
٣٤. بُيوتُ كُماةٍ دونَها تُحطَمُ القَنا
وَغاباتُ أُسدٍ دونَها تُفرَسُ الأُسدُ
35. They stood while the cold of life was fury to them
And were intimate while the heat of war was cold to them
٣٥. أَقاموا وَبَردُ العَيشِ عِندَهُمُ لَظىً
وَصالوا وَحَرُّ الكَرَّ عِندَهُمُ بَردُ
36. And they became dignified until their constellations saluted them
No constellation but is auspicious in their region
٣٦. وَعَزّوا إِلى أَن سالَمَتهُم نُجومُها
فَلا نَجمَ إِلّا وَهوَ في رَبعِهِم سَعدُ
37. You inherited their summit and followed their merit
So you are the peer of their nobles, a peer
٣٧. وَرَثتَ عُلاهُم وَاِقتَدَيتَ بِفَضلِهِم
فَأَنتَ إِذاً نِدَّ الكِرامِ لَهُم نِدُّ
38. If the breasts of beauties and gazelles weary you
The breasts of shields and steeds will make you yearn
٣٨. فَإِن شاقَ صَدرُ الخَودِ وَالنَهدُ مَعشَراً
يَشوقُكَ صَدرُ الدِستِ وَالفَرَسُ النَهدُ
39. In spite of me, may the earth not obscure you
And the delegation returns frustrated in its quest
٣٩. فَبِالرَغمِ مِنّي أَن يُغَيّبَكَ الثَرى
وَيَرجَعَ مَردوراً بِخَيبَتِهِ الوَفدُ
40. And decline to respond to a questioner's plea
When you never declined a questioner response
٤٠. وَيُعرِضَ عَن رَدِّ الجَوابِ لِسائِلٍ
وَقَد كُنتَ لَم يَعرَف لِسائِلِكَ الرَدُّ
41. I will cry for you with all an able man's discipline
Eulogizing you, which is the effort of one with no effort
٤١. سَأَبكيكَ جُهدَ المُستَطيعِ مُنَظَّماً
رِثاكَ وَهَذا جُهدُ مَن ما لَهُ جُهدُ
42. If my eyelids cloud with tears
How many clouded eyes you cleared of rheum
٤٢. فَإِن رَمِدَت أَجفانُ عَينِيَ بِالبُكا
فَكَم جُلِيَت مِنّا بِكَ الأَعيُنُ الرُمدُ
43. If you have become obscured from us
Mentions, thanks, and praise have turned from you
٤٣. لَئِن كُنتَ قَد أَصبَحتَ عَنّا مُغَيَّباً
فَقَد نابَ عَنكَ الذِكرُ وَالشُكرُ وَالحَمدُ
44. One who is visited does not disappear and his meaning is present
One who is hidden remains, his vestiges visible
٤٤. وَما غابَ مَن يَقصو وَمَعناهُ حاضِرٌ
وَلازالَ مَن يَخفى وَآثارُهُ تَبدو