
If my abode could be honored by your presence

إن كان يمكن أن تشرف منزلي

1. If my abode could be honored by your presence
Then that would be a favor that cannot be denied

١. إِن كانَ يُمكِنُ أَن تَشَرَّفَ مَنزِلي
فَلِتِلكَ عِندِ مِنَّةٌ لا تُجحَدُ

2. For today this servant is in seclusion
In a veiled, commendable retreat of three parts

٢. فَالعَبدُ في هَذا النَهارِ بِخَلوَةٍ
مَحجوبَةٍ وَبِها ثَلاثٌ تُحمَدُ

3. A relaxed, melodious wind; a cheerful, flowing stream
And limbs at pleasant ease - after assemblies that were

٣. راحٌ مُعَتَّقَةٌ وَشادٍ مُطرِبٌ
طَلقٌ مُحَيّاهُ وَساقٍ أَغيَدُ

4. As al-Walid said, so he could bear witness to them
The lightest of his intimate gatherings is an assembly

٤. مِن بَعدِ ما قَد كانَ مَجلِسُهُ كَما
قالَ الوَليدُ لِكَي بِهِ يَستَشهِدُ

5. And the most private of his veiled sessions, a spectacle

٥. فَأَقَلُّ خَلوَتَهُ الخَفيفَةِ مَحفِلٌ
وَأَخَفُّ مَجلِسَهُ المُحَجَّبِ مَشهَدُ