
Do not hoard wealth with the aim of becoming rich

لا تخزنوا المال لقصد الغنى

1. Do not hoard wealth with the aim of becoming rich
And seek luxury through your poverty

١. لا تَخزُنوا المالَ لِقَصدِ الغِنى
وَتَطلُبوا اليُسرى بِعُسراكُم

2. For that is immediate poverty for you
May God protect us and you

٢. فَذاكَ فَقرٌ لَكُمُ عاجِلٌ
أَعاذَنا اللَهُ وَإِيّاكُمُ

3. The Owner of the Throne did not tell us: "Hoard"
But rather: "Spend from what We have provided you"

٣. ما قالَ ذو العَرشِ لَنا إِخزُنوا
بَل أَنفِقوا مِمّا رَزَقناكُمُ