
The dawn denied the blood of night

أنكر الصبح دم الليل

1. The dawn denied the blood of night
Though the excuse was well connected

١. أَنكَرَ الصُبحُ دَمَ اللَي
لِ وَفي العُذرِ تَوَصَّل

2. And the sun's rays threw down
An undivided robe

٢. وَتَرَدَّى مِن شُعاعِ ال
شَمسِ ثَوباً لَم يُفَصَّل

3. So the birds wept with beautiful lament
That stated the matter clearly

٣. فَبَكى الطَيرُ بِنَوحٍ
أَجمَلَ القَولَ وَفَصَّل

4. The dawn's excuse in denying
What cannot be obtained through denial

٤. قالَ عُذرُ الصُبحِ في إِن
كارِهِ لا يَتَحَصَّل

5. Its blood is on its mantle
Though it tries to avoid it

٥. دَمُهُ في بُردَتَيهِ
وَهوَ مِنهُ يَتَنَصَّل