
The dawn has awakened the winged ones

قد أيقظ الصبح ذوات الجناح

1. The dawn has awakened the winged ones
And the flowers have perfumed the bosoms of the winds

١. قَد أَيقَظَ الصُبحُ ذَواتِ الجَناح
وَعَطَّرَ الزَهرُ جُيوبَ الرِياحِ

2. And the soul is refreshed by a draught of comfort
Arise, bring it here from the hand of the veiled one

٢. وَاِرتاحَتِ النَفسُ إِلى شُربِ راح
قُم هاتِها مِن كَفِّ ذاتِ الوِشاحِ

3. For the harbinger of dawn has announced the passing of night
Awaken, for the days of your life pass unnoticed

٣. فَقَد نَعى اللَيلَ بَشيرُ الصَباحِ
باكِر فَطَرفُ الدَهرِ في غَفلَةٍ

4. While you remain unnoticing from your youth
So hasten, for the shadow of life passes swiftly

٤. وَأَنتَ مِن يَومِكَ في غَفلَةٍ
فَاِعجَل فَظِلُّ العَيشِ في نُقلَةٍ

5. And undo the bonds of your sleep, cast off all ties
That diminish the glance and impair wellbeing

٥. وَاِحلُل عُرى نَومِكَ عَن مُقلَةٍ
تُقِلُّ أَلحاظاً مِراضاً صِحاحِ

6. Break the slumber and attain delight
That will come to you after youth has faded

٦. فَقاطِعِ الغُمضَ وَصِل نَشوَةً
توليكَ مِن بَعدِ الصِبا صَبوَةً

7. Do not then yearn for the intoxication to fade
Cast off your worries and take some coffee

٧. وَلا تَرُم مِن سُكرِها صَحوَةً
خَلِّ الكَرى عَنكَ وَخُذ قَهوَةً

8. That will send the breeze's spirit to your soul
Awaken in the morn amid the abodes

٨. تُهدي إِلى الرَوحِ نَسيمَ الرِياحِ
باكِر صَبوحَ الراحِ بَينَ الدُمى

9. With each full moon that surpassed the fullness of the sky
With sweetest words and most luscious gatherings

٩. مَع كُلِّ بَدرٍ فاقَ بَدرَ السَما
مِن كُلِّ حُلوِ اللَفظِ عَذبِ اللَمى

10. This is an awakening, a dawn, so what
Excuse have you to leave the dawn of morn?

١٠. هَذا صَبوحٌ وَصَباحٌ فَما
عُذرُكَ عَن تَركِ صَبوحِ الصَباح

11. If a pleasure has presented itself, then be among its people
Fearing you will not see its like again

١١. إِن لَذَّةٌ وافَت فَكُن أَهلَها
مَخافَةَ أَن لا تَرى مِثلَها

12. And if it passes by grimly, seize its bonds
Hasten to delights and ride its racers

١٢. وَإِن نَأَت صارِمَةً حَبلَها
بادِر إِلى اللَذّاتِ وَاِركَب لَها

13. The carefree steeds of amusement and joy
Do you not see the night has folded over us

١٣. سَوابِقَ اللَهوِ ذَواتِ المِراح
أَما تَرى اللَيلَ بِنا قَد طَحا

14. And the dawn with its light has erased it
Arise, drink the wine and leave those who sleep

١٤. وَالصُبحَ بِالنورِ لَهُ قَد مَحا
قُم فَاِرشُفِ الكَأسَ وَدَع مَن لَحا

15. Before the sun of daylight drinks
The saliva of the valleys from the mouths of the meadows

١٥. مِن قَبلِ أَن تَرشُفَ شَمسُ الضُحى
ريقَ الغَوادي مِن ثُغورِ الأَقاح