1. The glow of his cheek showed the Magi
Clear proof of prostration and sanctification,
١. أَوضَحَت نارُ خَدِّهِ لِلمَجوسِ
حُجَّةً في السُجودِ وَالتَقديسِ
2. And established for lovers a lucid sign
Of the permissibility of ravishing souls.
٢. وَأَقامَت لِلعاشِقينَ دَليلاً
واضِحاً في جَوازِ نَهبِ النُفوسِ
3. A twig from Turkish roots, but he gained
The inheritance of beauty from Bilqis.
٣. رَشَأٌ مِن جَآذِرِ التُركِ لَكِن
حازَ إِرثَ الجَمالِ عَن بِلقيسِ
4. He wore no ordinary clothes, but a robe like the full moon,
And a peacock's costume of brocade.
٤. لا بِساً مِن بَهائِهِ ثَوبَ بَدرٍ
وَمِنَ الوَشي حُلَّةَ الطاوُوسِ
5. He carried the wine-cup, so his cheeks blushed
Shyly from its inverted radiance.
٥. حَمَلَ الكَأسَ فَاِكتَسَت وَجنَتاهُ
شَفَقاً مِن شُعاعِها المَعكوسِ
6. Thus we saw how his cheek and it clothed
The full moons in the light of suns.
٦. فَشَهِدنا مِن خَدِّهِ وَسَناها
كَيفَ تُكسى البُدورُ نورَ الشُموسِ
7. It outshone them, while dawn had defeated night,
And the companions fancied a wedding.
٧. وَجَلاها وَالصُبحُ قَد هَزَمَ اللَي
لَ وَهَمَّ الرِفاقُ بِالتَعريسِ
8. The Pleiades inclined and leaned westwards,
Becoming like a swooning drunkard.
٨. وَالثُرَيّا وَلَّت وَمالَت إِلى الغَر
بِ فَكانَت كَالطائِحِ المَنكوسِ
9. The Orient gave birth to her form, while it was
A new moon, so in the West she was like a crescent.
٩. وَلَّدَ الشَرقُ شَكلَها وَهوَ لَحيا
نُ فَصارَت في الغَربِ كَالإِنكيسِ
10. We rose early for joy and amusement when
The bells awakened the companions.
١٠. فَاِبتَدَرنا الصَبوحَ وَاللَهوَ لَمّا
نَبَّهَ الصَحبَ دَقَّةُ الناقوسِ
11. We sat under the crescent moon with the rising
Sun between the deacon and the priest.
١١. وَجَلَونا عَلى الأَهِلَّةِ شَمسَ ال
راحِ بَينَ الشَمّاسِ وَالقِسّيسِ
12. A coffee that makes turbans envy it, it does not
Settle except when skulls are rotated.
١٢. قَهوَةً تَحسُدُ العَمائِمَ لا تَس
كُنُ لَمّا تُدارُ غَيرَ الرُؤوسِ
13. It made between its drinkers, by God, and sorrows
The war of destruction and reversal.
١٣. جَعَلَت بَينَ شارِبيها عَلى اللَه
وِ وَبَينَ الهُمومِ حَربَ البَسوسِ
14. From the hand of a pourer who can almost return
Tipsiness with his intimate nature.
١٤. مِن يَدَي شادِنٍ يَكادُ يُعيدُ ال
راحَ سَكرى بِخُلقِهِ المَأنوسِ
15. It made his eyelids among the impassioned
Do the work of merriment and joyfulness.
١٥. فَعَلَت مُقلَتاهُ في أَنفُسِ العُش
شاقِ فِعلَ السُلافَةِ الخَندَريسِ
16. A goblet circulated in the hands of one flushed
With wine, so we were drunk with pushes and shoves.
١٦. قَدَحٌ دارَ في يَدي ذي احوِرارٍ
فَسَكِرنا بِالطَردِ وَالمَعكوسِ
17. Is he the bent-statured, slender-waisted one, the smooth-
Faced, intimate friend, soul of the companion?
١٧. أَهيَفُ القَدِّ مُخطَفُ الخَصرِ ساجي الط
طَرفِ أُنسُ النَديمِ روحُ الجَليسِ
18. Lovers are not blamed for wasting lives
In love of him and sacrificing souls.
١٨. لا تُلامُ العُشّاقُ في تَلَفِ الأَر
واحِ في عِشقِهِ وَبَذلِ النُفوسِ
19. They saw that beauty shining as if
Precious, so they risked the precious.
١٩. نَظَروا ذَلِكَ الجَمالَ وَقَد لا
حَ نَفيساً فَخاطَروا بِالنَفيسِ