
My absence from visitation is not out of pride,

ما انقطاعي عن العيادة كبر

1. My absence from visitation is not out of pride,
But for a reason people pass among themselves.

١. ما اِنقَطاعي عَنِ العِيادَةِ كِبرٌ
بَل لِأَمرٍ تَداوَلَتهُ العِبادُ

2. A sickness of the eye is in reasoning as though past,
The saying of each mortal in the world is not repeated.

٢. مَرَضُ العَينِ في القِياسِ كَماضي ال
قَولِ كُلُّ بَينَ الوَرى لا يُعادُ