1. I wrote upon the back to you, for you I saw
My back in all misfortunes and calamities
١. كَتَبتُ عَلى ظَهرٍ إِلَيكَ لِأَنَّني
رَأَيتُكَ ظَهري في جَميعِ النَوائِبِ
2. And I turned away from the eggs of the peacocks, for I
Was deprived of my share with the eggs of the maidens
٢. وَأَعرَضتُ عَن بيضِ الطَروسِ لِأَنَّني
حُرِمتُ نَصيبي عِندَ بيضِ الكَواعِبِ