1. The messages of true brothers renew
The intimacy of loyal friends
١. رَسائِلُ صِدقِ إِخوانِ الصَفاءِ
تُجَدِّدُ أُنسَ خُلّانِ الوَفاءِ
2. And people of affection, their hearts
Are melted by the excess of estrangement
٢. وَأَربابُ الوَدادِ لَهُم قُلوبٌ
يُذيبُ صَميمَها فَرطُ الجَفاءِ
3. So honor us with your presence, for my heart
Hopes for hours of meeting with you
٣. فَشَرِّف بِالحُضورِ فَإِنَّ قَلبي
يُؤَمِّلُ مِنكَ ساعاتِ اللِقاءِ
4. And greet the wine, but do not follow it
With what is above the soil, you have enough wealth
٤. وَحَيِّ عَلى المُدامِ وَلا تَبِعها
بِما فَوقَ الثَرى لَكَ مِن ثَراءِ
5. For spring has adorned meadows for us
And spread them out like spreading a cloak
٥. فَقَد وَشّى الرَبيعُ لَنا رُبوعاً
فَوَشَّعَها كَتَوشيعِ الرِداءِ
6. And we are in a house that lacks nothing
With a spacious yard and high construction
٦. وَنَحنُ بِمَنزِلٍ لا نَقصَ فيهِ
رَحيبِ الرَبعِ مُرتَفِعِ البِناءِ
7. And in my house is a stove and mats
Prepared for summer and for winter
٧. وَفي داري بُخارِيٌّ وَخَيشٌ
أُعِدّا لِلمَصيفِ وَلِلشِتاءِ
8. One has burning embers
And one has flowing water
٨. فَهَذا فيهِ شاذُروانُ نارٍ
وَهَذا فيهِ شاذُروانُ ماءِ
9. And a balcony in which are windows
Of delicate body and pure air
٩. وَمَنظَرَةٍ بِها شُبّاكُ جامِ
رَقيقِ الجِرمِ مُعتَدِلِ الصَفاءِ
10. It repels the cold and drafts from us
And allows rays and light in
١٠. يَرُدُّ البَردَ وَالأَهواءَ عَنّا
وَيَأذَنُ لِلأَشِعَّةِ وَالضِياءِ
11. And our blessing in it is gushing water
That excels in seeking the sky
١١. وَبِركَتُنا بِها فَوّارُ ماءٍ
يُجيدُ القَصدَ في طَلَبِ السَماءِ
12. When morning travels to it, it lights up
With water like pouring light
١٢. إِذا سَفَرَ الصَباحُ لَها أَضاءَت
بِماءٍ مِثلِ مَسرودِ الأَضاءِ
13. And a regulator that returns the hungover drunk
With what he expresses of beautiful singing
١٣. وَشادٍ يُرجِعُ الصَهباءَ سَكرَى
بِما يُبديهِ مِن طيبِ الغِناءِ
14. And a lad from the nomad Arabs whose beauty
Is adorned by intelligence
١٤. وَساقٍ مِن بَني الأَعرابِ طَفلٍ
يَزينُ الحُسنَ مِنهُ بِالذَكاءِ
15. The intelligence of talent and intelligence of cheer
And lights that surpass intelligence
١٥. ذَكاءُ قَريحَةٍ وَذَكاءُ نَشرٍ
وَأَنوارٌ تَفوقُ عَلى ذُكاءِ
16. And a breeze whose surroundings are fragrant
As if its aroma is the scent of praise
١٦. وَراحٌ تَعبَقُ الأَرجاءُ مِنها
كَأَنَّ أَريجَها طيبُ الثَناءِ
17. When united with the body of the cup it dims
With its shining light the body of the vessel
١٧. إِذا اِتَّحَدَت بِجِرمِ الكَأسِ أَخفَت
بِساطِعِ نورِها جِرمَ الإِناءِ
18. It magnifies the worth of every sound-natured one
And lessens the worth of the arrogant
١٨. تُعَظَّمُ قَدرَ كُلَّ سَليمِ طَبعٍ
وَتُصغِرُ قَدرَ أَهلِ الكِبرِياءِ
19. The clouds have covered Dhukā and poured down
The robes of clouds upon the horizon
١٩. وَقَد سَتَرَ السَحابُ ذُكا وَفُضَّت
جَلابيبُ الغُيومِ عَلى الفَضاءِ
20. A sky with clouds is like land
And land with tents is like the sky
٢٠. سَماءٌ بِالغُيومِ شَبيهُ أَرضٍ
وَأَرضٌ بِالخَمائِلِ كَالسَماءِ
21. So come to the wine, for in it is
A cure at the change of air
٢١. فَهُبَّ إِلى المُدامِ فَإِنَّ فيها
شِفاءً عِندَ مُنقَلِبِ الهَواءِ
22. When diseases are warded off by it, it comes
With what makes you needless of medicine
٢٢. إِذا دُرِئَت بِها الأَدواءُ جاءَت
بِما يُغنيكَ عَن شُربِ الدَواءِ
23. And we visited you yesterday, so visit us
And we will be equal in visiting
٢٣. وَقَد زُرناكَ في أَمسٍ فَزُرنا
نَكُن عِندَ الزِيارَةِ بِالسَواءِ
24. For the condition of comfort is to invite and be invited
And to respond with inviting and supplicating
٢٤. فَشَرطُ الراحِ أَن تَدعو وَتُدعى
فَتُسعِفُ بِالإِجابَةِ وَالدُعاءِ