
Love was generous and the eyes of my enemies were mean,

الحب سخا وطرف أعدائي خسا

1. Love was generous and the eyes of my enemies were mean,
When it set out from where it rises, and the star anchored in the west,

١. الحِبُّ سَخا وَطَرفُ أَعدائِيَ خَسا
مِن حَيثُ سَرى وَالنَجمُ في الغَربِ رَسا

2. It strove for union, and I often said: perhaps!
And tears irrigated after what had been harsh.

٢. لِلوَصلِ سَعى وَطالَما قُلتُ عَسى
وَالريقُ سَقى مِن بَعدِ ما كانَ قَسا