1. My hope of meeting you after despair
Has deluded my heart with the intention of despair
١. طَمَعي في لِقاكَ بَعدَ إِياسِ
هُوَ أَغرى قَلبي بِقَصدِ أَياسِ
2. And if I had known you were in Aleppo
I would have met it with my eyes and head
٢. وَلَوَ اَنّي عَلِمتُ أَنَّكَ بِالزَو
راءِ وافَيتُها بِعَيني وَراسي
3. And so in Damascus, had it not been for you
I would not have returned my horses to it from Baniyas
٣. وَكَذا في دِمَشقَ لَولاكَ ما أَو
رَدتُ خَيلي بِها عَلى بانِياسِ
4. Rather, I imagined you would return to Damascus
So I returned to it from Cyrrhus
٤. بَل تَوَهَّمتُ أَن تَعودَ إِلى الشا
مِ فَوافَيتُها عَلى سيواسِ
5. O my intimate unlike any other intimate
And my companion unlike my family and people
٥. يا خَليلي مِن دونِ كُلِّ خَليلٍ
وَأَنيسي مِن دونِ أَهلَي وَناسي
6. Do not forget my covenant, for I
As long as I live, do not forget covenants
٦. لا تَكُن ناسِياً لِعَهدي فَإِنّي
لَستُ ما عِشتُ لِلعُهودِ بِناسي
7. Compare my conscience to yours in affection
For affection is the standard of my measurement
٧. قِس ضَميري عَلى ضَميرِكِ في الوُد
دِ فَإِنَّ الوِدادَ عَلمُ قِياسي
8. And rely confidently on the sincerity of my affection
Not on what my paper contains
٨. وَاِعتَمِد موقِناً عَلىصِدقِ وُدّي
لا عَلى ما يَضُمُّهُ قُرطاسي
9. If you could see me as you knew me
To be among the priests and the deacons
٩. لَو تَراني كَما عَهِدتَ مِنَ اللَذ
ذَةِ بَينَ القِسّيسِ وَالشَمّاسِ
10. Buying minced meat with two silver coins and not
Distinguishing between a church and a synagogue
١٠. أَشتَري التِبرَ بِاللُجَينِ وَلا أَف
رُقُ ما بَينَ عَسجَدٍ وَنَحاسِ
11. You would see me one day at a tavern by the river
And another at a wine shop by the highway
١١. فَتَراني يَوماً بِخِمّارَةِ النَه
رِ وَطَوراً بِحانَةِ الدِرباسِ
12. So some blame the lack in my purse
And others blame the fullness of my cup
١٢. فَأُناسٌ تَلومُ في نَقصِ كيسي
وَأُناسٌ تَلومُ في مَلءِ كاسي
13. That is better than serving people
Who when tested are not people
١٣. ذاكَ خَيرٌ مِن خِدمَتي لِأُناسٍ
هُم إِذا ما اِختَبَرتُ غَيرُ أُناسِ
14. They belittle what I have given of advice
And see my clothing as too much
١٤. يَستَقِلّونَ ما بَذَلتُ مِنَ النُص
حِ وَيَستَكثِرونَ فَضلَ لِباسي
15. And if I were to utter to them a word
That almost tore down mountains at their foundations
١٥. وَلَوَ اَنّي أَفوهُ فيهِم بِلَفظٍ
كادَ أَن يَنسِفَ الجِبالَ الرَواسي
16. I would exhaust what I possess and not save
A penny for the time of bankruptcy
١٦. فَسَأُفني ما قَد حَوَيتُ وَلا أَذ
خَرُ فَلساً لِساعَةِ الإِفلاسِ
17. And when I drown in the mires of anxiety
In Mardin is the place I cast my anchor
١٧. وَإِذا ما غَرِقتُ في لُجَجِ الهَم
مِ فَفي مارِدينَ مَلقى المَراسي
18. A town I have never visited except I
Left it my town and place of my head's rest
١٨. بَلدَةٌ ما أَتَيتُها قَطُّ إِلّا
خِلتُها بَلدَتي وَمَسقَطِ راسي
19. They bestowed upon me, with generosity, affection
That from them increases my tranquility
١٩. بَذَلوا لي مَعَ السَماحَةِ وُدّاً
هُوَ مِنهُم يَزيدُ في إيناسي
20. So my day is spent with a cave lion
And my evening is sleeping with a wild deer
٢٠. فَنَهاري جَليسُ لَيثِ عَرينٍ
وَمَسائي ضَجيعُ ظَبيِ كِناسِ
21. Some call me Abu Firas
And others call me Abu Nuwas
٢١. فَأُناسٌ تَقولُ يا أَبا فِراسٍ
وَأُناسٌ تَقولُ يا أَبا نُواسِ
22. I do not complain of life except that
I do not see you in the gatherings
٢٢. لَستُ أَشكو بِها مِنَ العَيشِ إِل
لا أَنَّني لا أَراكَ في الجُلّاسِ
23. My master, my companion, my intimate, my friend
Necklace of my neck, crown of my head
٢٣. سَيِّدي صاحِبي أَنيسي جَليسي
طَوقُ جيدي مُعاشِري تاجَ راسي
24. What enemies say does not change you
For the building of affection is above foundation
٢٤. لا يُغَيُّركَ ما تَقولُ الأَعادي
فَبِناءُ الوِدادِ فَوقَ أَساسِ
25. Or my boast of you from the effort of poetry
According to my pampering and tranquility
٢٥. أَو نَفاري عَليكَ مِن نَصَبِ الدَر
بِ بِحَسبِ الإِدلالِ وَالإيناسِ
26. Or the quarreling of the gray-haired on the day
I sold my boy slave to the broker
٢٦. أَو خِصامُ الشَهباءِ في يَومِ إِخرا
جِ غُلامي بِها إِلى النَخّاسِ
27. That is the nonsense of the tongue from the intensity of rage
For nonsense is like sneezing
٢٧. ذاكَ هَفوُ اللِسانِ مِن حِدَّةِ الغَي
ظِ لِأَنَّ الفُضولَ مِثلُ العُطاسِ
28. O northern breeze, if you pass by Aleppo one day
A day of fragrant breaths
٢٨. يا نَسيمَ الشَمالِ إِن جُزتَ بِالزَو
راءِ يَوماً مُعَطَّرَ الأَنفاسِ
29. Visit a beloved of ours in the land of a beloved one
And convey my passion and what I have endured of torment
٢٩. زُر حَبيباً لَنا بِدَربِ حَبيبٍ
وَاِتلُ شَوقي وَما أَبيتُ أُقاسي
30. A companion who whenever worries attacked
Makes his soul equal and consoles
٣٠. صاحِباً لَم يَزَل إِذا دَهَمَ الهَم
مُ يُساوي بِنَفسِهِ وَيُواسي
31. And when you finish kissing his palms
Greet the young man of the highway
٣١. وَإِذا ما قَضَيتَ تَقبيلَ كَفَّي
هِ فَسَلَّم عَلى فَتى الدِرباسِ
32. Then describe to the magnificent descendant of Hariri
My yearning, and pride is the descendant of Yas
٣٢. ثُمَّ صِف لِلجَلالِ نَجلَ الحَريرِي
يُ اِشتِياقي وَالفَخرُ نَجلُ الياسِ